see? this makes my whole overly complicated point.zerokoolpsx said:It should have briefly explained it in Chapter 1. Ok, here's a crash course for activating terminals. Terminals only work with colored hexes and only if you met the minimum requirement for that terminal. Terminals do not work with colorless hexes! For instance, the first terminal you find is 0/3 for it to work. So all you need is 3. The colored hexes can be linked via by the elevator by connecting them, but not by the core lifts. So you can have one colored terminal on one floor, all the way to the elevator, going down, and still continue to another terminal. Terminal effects even work in dungeons! So started linking if you want the effects. Now, if you're going to activate two terminals, it's the sum of both required hexes to activate. If you do not meet it, it'll deactivate your terminal, so you won't have the bonus effect. So first terminal requires 3, second terminal requires 50. So you need 53 hexes of that color. If you're short by even one, it'll deactivate all terminals linked to that color. Terminal effects do stack and it works for both sides. If you have a terminal effect that increase fire damage and link it to a dungeon. If the enemy has a fire attack, it'll do more damage to you. So think of it as a double edge sword. It can help, but also can hurt you.
Start linking the first terminal to the arena, and then attend it to the elevator 6 first. You can gain experience and items in the arena. With all the increased exp, rare item drops, 1.5 items drops and 2x terminal effects on my arena. I was level 230+ at 75 hours redoing rank 45-3. I'm just grinding for the star at every rank, then I can finally do a NG+.
Are these the gold, silver and bronze crates? How do you open them?thcsquad said:Destroy them? Aren't you supposed to just open them? I never intentionally destroyed a treasure box with a grenade or gunfire, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was something you didn't want to do if you wanted what was inside.
Run up to them and press x.Don said:Are these the gold, silver and bronze crates? How do you open them?
I think everytime I see them I usually either ignore them or shoot them :lol
Seems like that may be my problem then, but it kind of sucks if I can't complete this mission because of that.
I understand now, but I had no idea what the fuck was going on for the first few encounters. It's almost impossible to figure out the battle system without reading/doing the tutorials.zerokoolpsx said:Scratch damage = temporary damage that will heal over time if you do any action. Direct Damage is pretty self explanatory. Scratch damage can never kill, so you need direct. Scratch them first, then hit them with direct. The scratch damage will then be converted to direct damage.
Which version is better?Princess Skittles said:This is $27 on Amazon today.
That's a pretty sweet deal especially for 360 players (like me) who haven't had the opportunity to check it out. I'll probably check it out, as I haven't bought another JRPG on the 360 since Eternal Sonata (and it's pretty meh) and I'm a sucker for JRPGs and this is as good of a price as it'll get. When does this deal expire?Princess Skittles said:This is $27 on Amazon today.
Princess Skittles said:Is there a demo for this? Browsing through some pages here I'm not sure what to make yet.
Yeah, just checked and didn't see anything but screenshots.iconoclast said:There's a demo on the Japanese marketplace at least, I'm not sure if one ever came out in the US.
Princess Skittles said:Is there a demo for this? Browsing through some pages here I'm not sure what to make yet.
We have extremely similar gaming tastes, so now I'm being turned around.djtiesto said:It's a fantastic game and worth playing big-time. It's definitely got a steep learning curve, but IMO it's the best RPG to come out this gen.
Princess Skittles said:We have extremely similar gaming tastes, so now I'm being turned around.
Anything to compare it to? Maybe especially compared to other 360 JRPGs?
Well its a pretty amazing jrpg. Compared to the others though its a biff different.Princess Skittles said:We have extremely similar gaming tastes, so now I'm being turned around.
Anything to compare it to? Maybe especially compared to other 360 JRPGs?
It looks like it's "Fulfilled by Amazon" so you'll get Amazon shipping but I'd imagine that's why your credit won't apply.SoulFist said:Has anyone tried using amazon gaming credit they got for purchasing a different game to get this game? I was planning on picking this up for 7 dollars, using my 20 dollar Halo Reach credit, but it won't let me. I looked at the sellers, and the one sold by Amazon is 37 dollars. What gives?
You can still get it from I imagine that many stores stop carrying niche RPGs after a few months.Zertez said:Is this game out of print already? I cant find it in stores anywhere new.
Zertez said:Is this game out of print already? I cant find it in stores anywhere new.
Yeah I just got there and now I need some help.Augemitbutter said:thepart is the worst in the game, i hated it.mannequin
vashyron rocks. wait until you get to those special cutscenes involving him and.....![]()
I just threw molotov cocktails at the boss and he surprisingly died very, very fast.ronito said:Yeah I just got there and now I need some help.
I can get to the boss no problem. But that boss is just awful.
Here's what I need help with.
I keep going into Critical status. I can clear his two little Mr. Torchys no problem. But when I focus on the boss eventually I go into critical status and I don't really know how to get out. Gimme some help. I'm at wit's end.
so stupid question time. How do I build up more hero actions? And how do I get out of critical status? I know it's by gaining a bezel but what's the quickest way to accomplish this?Aaron said:I don't know which boss this is, but normally for the big enemies you can do hero actions on the ground (don't jump), which if you do a powered shot will send them into the air, and cancel their attack build up. You can use the peons to build up more hero actions if you're not breaking enough of the boss to earn them. Besides that, play keep away with your wounded characters, and heal up anyone in danger. You could also hunt for more shards to have a better supply of hero actions.
Make sure you've been changing your weapons around between the three to build up their levels, work on your gun setups to max stun/damage output, and when all else fails: spam grenades like crazy.
ronito said:so stupid question time. How do I build up more hero actions? And how do I get out of critical status? I know it's by gaining a bezel but what's the quickest way to accomplish this?
To get more bezels, clear the level hexes and defeat the red spots. Building up in battle is a matter of killing enemies and breaking armor. When you're in critical status, it's very hard to do since you're weapons are weakened. Grenades still do the same level of damage, but there's an added delay in them going off. They're your best bet, though of course the right solution is never to go critical in the first place. That takes a long while to pull off, though for the final third of the game I almost never went critical. Though I had a ton of bezels by then.ronito said:so stupid question time. How do I build up more hero actions? And how do I get out of critical status? I know it's by gaining a bezel but what's the quickest way to accomplish this?
Monroeski said:Game is $20 on Newegg today. Any opinions on which version to get re: performance? I've seen a lot of screenshot comparisons but haven't heard much otherwise. All things equal (or close enough)I'd prefer the PS3 version.
Jipan said:I still don't know how activating terminals work, so I'm extremely confused about that; I do have the 1.5x the item drop connected to the Arena and about 40-something blue straight hexes and I know I need a ton more than that to place them down and connect the terminals. I would like to connect the double XP one to it.
Gaming Truth said:This is from memory:
You have hex shapes and single-hex pieces. Hex shapes drop from mobs, come from chests and rewards, etc. Hex pieces are obtained by trading in hex shapes at the guild.
The terminal you're after needs to be tagged by a hex piece of the color you want to use. Then, you can connect your hex shapes to it.
Jipan said:Oh no! Damn! I messed up then because I tagged most of the terminals... in white Hexes. Oh man, I shot myself in the foot and pretty much screwed myself over until the next playthrough.
Jipan said:Oh no! Damn! I messed up then because I tagged most of the terminals... in white Hexes. Oh man, I shot myself in the foot and pretty much screwed myself over until the next playthrough.
ronito said:so I just suck at this game.
I'm on chapter 4, the store hasn't started selling grenades yet and I've got either the statue escort mission or the liberate lucia missions left (I've done the rest).
I typically try to get the non-mission stories done first.
I just beat the monster with the doll (that took forever, I accidently went into the fight with just two Bezels and didn't save before).
Now I'm trying to clear out the red areas around Lucia. I'm stuck on the very next fight where there's like 6 thugs. Grenades would help but I'm mostly out and can't buy more. Seems just when I feel I'm doing rather well at the game this game reaches out and kicks my ass. Give me some tips GAF (more than "use hero actions" I do that plenty)