hydrophilic attack
Wow. Chapter 13 is some scary shit.
Sweet, I will revel in the glory. It probably helped that my guns are stacked with the best stuff I can get from the tinkering and my peeps were level 24/25. :lolslaughterking said:@Plywood
Now you've overcome one of the worst difficulty spikes in the game. It'll be smooth sailing for the next 15 to 20 hours, I'd guess.
:lolhydrophilic attack said:Wow. Chapter 13 is some scary shit.
jonnybryce said::lol
As in difficult or actually scary?
sazabirules said:I hope I'm not the only one that doesn't have a clue to what is going on in the story. I haven't really been paying attention.Is there anything I can read that will clear things up?That guy tried killing Zephyr and then Leanne just saved him after the boss battle.
sazabirules said:I hope I'm not the only one that doesn't have a clue to what is going on in the story. I haven't really been paying attention.Is there anything I can read that will clear things up?That guy tried killing Zephyr and then Leanne just saved him after the boss battle.
Ookami-kun said:I find it funny that the Tales fanboys are hating it solely for the story... making their game/s automatically better.
Man, I love this game and its guns akimbo - this is essentially an RPG game of raw gameplay. And I love how grenades are tossed around.
Huh? Where?Ookami-kun said:I find it funny that the Tales fanboys are hating it solely for the story...
Urban Scholar said:Much like my sentai I likes my narratives/plots rooted in some realism.
For folks that platinumed this or 1000ed? How difficult was it? It doesn't appear to be difficult just a matter of time consumption.
djtiesto said:It's not difficult at all, although fighting through the Arena is a total grind. Took me about 70 hours or so to platinum.
MjFrancis said:It's only difficult until you understand the battle system; so after a good 10-20 hours, you're set and it's all a matter of time invested to get 1000G on this. The initial curve is discouraging to many, but it becomes extremely manageable.
You get extra pistols and machineguns if you explore dungeons and work on the arena. Only one of the other stuff... but you don't really need more. I barely used the magazine case and I beat the game.Ookami-kun said:When will I get additional pistols, machineguns, grenade boxes, magazine cases, and item boxes? Also, what is the best weapon/item combo for each?
Taken from one of the guides on GameFAQs (spoiler just in case).Laughing Banana said:Is there a new game plus in this game? If yes, then what are the things retained between each playthrough?
I played it in English first. Didn't really get it either. 2nd playthrough in Japanese with English subtitles. It made slightly more sense and I understand the plot. Maybe it was the 2nd playthrough.Ravidrath said:Just beat the game...!
90 hours, which includes Stars on all 50 Arena Ranks, Neverland and a completely restored Basel - only thing left between me and Platinum is a quick New Game +!
Such a weird and interesting game. I didn't play it continuously, which didn't help with following the story, but I'm going to do my second playthrough in English to see if it clears things up a bit.
zerokoolpsx said:I played it in English first. Didn't really get it either. 2nd playthrough in Japanese with English subtitles. It made slightly more sense and I understand the plot. Maybe it was the 2nd playthrough.
Gamer @ Heart said:Sigh, i love the puzzle like customization, but its so frustrating to have so many awesome parts locked away by a rare piece that requires grinding or the scrapping of a valuable item.
Fuck poison in this game. Those evil poison welders are nightmares.
Its weird how i can go from kicking even bosses asses with my constant jumping john woo kickassary then suddenly find myself in crit condition. Even 28 hours in, i find myself freaking out at times. Bazels are so precious now.
I feel like i was discouraged early on to never use the walking around and aiming because of getting hit by enemies i wasnt looking at, slower charge, rotating enimes that fuck up the body part i was aiming at etc, so when i'm stuck using it at one bezel charge or crit condition, i feel completely helpless for myself.
Gamer @ Heart said:Fuck poison in this game. Those evil poison welders are nightmares.
Laughing Banana said:What chapter are you on right now? So far I'm at the beginning of chapter 7 and everything is quite smooth sailing... wonder on what chapter I'm going to meet a difficulty spike... Hm.
Its only the best JRPG this generation.hsukardi said:So after the dust has cleared, is this game worth buying and playing through?
My favorite RPGs are FFT, Persona, FFIX, FFX, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter..
I'm dead hungry for a JRPG and I want to know whether I should burn through this or FFXIII.
hsukardi said:So after the dust has cleared, is this game worth buying and playing through?
My favorite RPGs are FFT, Persona, FFIX, FFX, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter..
I'm dead hungry for a JRPG and I want to know whether I should burn through this or FFXIII.
Ookami-kun said:Much better than those two, at least because of the system trying to be creative in essence...
hsukardi said:So after the dust has cleared, is this game worth buying and playing through?
My favorite RPGs are FFT, Persona, FFIX, FFX, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter..
I'm dead hungry for a JRPG and I want to know whether I should burn through this or FFXIII.
Yes.hsukardi said:Does Reasonance of Fate deliver on the character/plot side?
hsukardi said:What really sells me on an RPG is the character/plot though.
All RPGs can have great addictive system mechanics.. but if they're only that, it's nothing then just a time-sink simulator.
Does Reasonance of Fate deliver on the character/plot side?
Well, it's kinda difficult to recommend any videogame if you're just looking for a good plot.hsukardi said:D: I'm so torn on this.
Absolutely. I don't mind a FF13 or Oblivion experience from time to time, but I still vastly prefer getting to choose my own challenges.Yaweee said:I'm also really enjoying the ability to go to tougher areas early on, or to fight the hard "Red" encounters scattered across the map.
I recommend Planescape: Tormentslaughterking said:Well, it's kinda difficult to recommend any videogame if you're just looking for a good plot.![]()
The characters are good. The plot is largely background noise that the main cast won't get tangled into until later in the game. It's one of those Cowboy Bebop dealies where all the heavy shit of the main cast is already behind them as the story begins. Whether the game does a good job of explaining why they left it all behind, though, seems to be debatable. I thought it was sufficient, but I love minimalism.hsukardi said:D: I'm so torn on this.
And I concur!Durante said:I recommend Planescape: Torment![]()