I feel ya. Took me a long time to find out there was a 2nd cutscene too...Leviathin25 said:I played the game for 47 hours and just yesterday noticed there was a second FMV on the title screen. Ughh. They should have played that one first.
eshwaaz said:Picked this up last weekend on a whim for $15. I've never been a JRPG fan, but I'd always been intrigued by this one. There's a lot about it that I find really appealing and potentially enjoyable, but I am just getting my ass kicked.
I played through all of the training in the arena, and am doing every side quest. I'm currently at the power station in Chapter 2, and the Machinegun Gears are causing me huge problems. I'm at an area with 3 Gears and multiple Stray Curs, and I've tried every approach I can think of, but I don't seem to get any closer to success after many, many attempts.
I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere in the thread, but I've no idea where to start looking. Can anyone give me some advice? I really want to enjoy this game!
Thanks much for the detailed reply. I'm away from my 360 right now, so I can't tell you my exact character levels or equipment. I've tried more or less the strategy you suggested, but your specifics (like the metal coated rounds) should help. Maybe I just plain suck at this game...shiroryu said:Need more info on your characters and their setups. What levels are they? Have you customized your guns with whatever you've got? What strategy are you using to take the gears out?
For this particular battle, yes, it's tougher than normal because you can't use tri-attacks in the cramped spaces with bunkers. However, that's why you have drum cans and the Curs...target the cans with a handgun user when the Gears are close to one. The Curs die in one jumping MG scratch and one HG hit, so they can be used to refill your bezels when you run low. You can use the bunkers to protect some of your characters from fire, though the Gears will quickly flank whoever they're targeting.
So basically, MG jumping hero run, scratch a Gear, and a Cur in the same run. Then have an HG hero run, kill the Cur, and destroy a Gear part. When a Gear(s) approaches the first bunker, destroy the Drum Cans for free AoE damage. Don't make the mistake of taking out all the Curs first; use them as bezel replenishment.
Edit: and yeah, use Metal Coated rounds, available from the Tinkerer at the shop, and equip to MG. They'll serve you well against the Gears and the subsequent boss.
eshwaaz said:Okay, here are my stats:
Lv 8
1191 .45 auto
Compact scope
HG high barrel
HG magazine +2
Lv 8
Compact scope
MG rookie barrel
Rookie grip
MG rookie magazine
Lv 8
Compact scope
HG rookie barrel
Rookie grip
HG rookie magazine
About to try that battle again, this time stocked with metal coated rounds.
I've been visiting the tinkerer regularly and have been buying pretty much anything that isn't grayed out. Is so much unavailable because I don't have the right materials? I'll check out GameFAQs as you suggested.shiroryu said:You've not customized your guns fully. By that point I had two compact scopes each aboard two guns, except for one handgun that only has one scope slot. Make top sights from the tinkerer- they allow you to attach a compact scope beta/alpha on top of them.
You've also been using rookie components-look into the tinkerer and upgrade the barrels to high barrels or use a combination of Sub-Barrel and Extender Barrel for both your MG and HGs.
This helps a lot as it increases your charge speed and acceleration, getting more damage out by being able to shoot faster. Gun customization is vital in this game-helps you shoot faster. Check out GameFAQs, there's detailed guides there. Experiment.
Level-wise, again, I was level 11-12 when I did this; but RoF isn't as sensitive to levels. Have you completed all the Arena battles for the chapter?
eshwaaz said:I've been visiting the tinkerer regularly and have been buying pretty much anything that isn't grayed out. Is so much unavailable because I don't have the right materials? I'll check out GameFAQs as you suggested.
I've not completed all of the Arena battles - I'm in the 4th tier now, and it's getting challenging. I'm started to feel really underpowered overall in this game.
How many bezels did you have at this point? How do I earn more?
Thanks again for the help; much appreciated.
You were absolutely dead-on about weapon customization - my set-up was woefully inadequate. I followed your advice, and it worked beatifully - I finally beat the next-to-last area in the power station, and the boss went down in one try with heavy use of tri-attacks. Very, very satisfying.shiroryu said:Yeah, the problem is that grayed out items need some raw materials like scrap iron to work. There's a scrapper in the same shop; you can dismantle items you don't need, like the Scrapped Machinegun MQ the Gears drop in the first dungeon room. Then go to the tinkerer and make them.
Completing the Arena, all 5 levels, obviously helps, and if you're being challenged by the Gremlins in Level 4 of the arena, which can be killed by simple stand-and-shoot tactics, you're underpowered, yeah...but it's because of the customization rather than levels IMO. I always try to finish all arena battles for a chapter in the same chapter, because it can get tedious later on, and because it tends to make the boss fights challenging rather than frustratingly difficult.
Don't worry about bezels - the game's very slow to give them out at the start, you'll get more midgame. I just finished Ch. 2 myself and have 3 bezels and a 3/4th one. Each boss drops a bezel shard, and you also get one by uncovering a tile on Level 4 - the level where Lucia is. Again, GameFAQs is your friend
Don't give up too easily on this game, and complete the Arena battles - it'll help.
Great to hear it. Took me two tries lol.eshwaaz said:You were absolutely dead-on about weapon customization - my set-up was woefully inadequate. I followed your advice, and it worked beatifully - I finally beat the next-to-last area in the power station, and the boss went down in one try with heavy use of tri-attacks. Very, very satisfying.
Thanks again, shiroryu. I may be pinging you again next time I'm stuck!
Dunan said:I too fell victim to losing the first random battle because they sprung one on me before I had any chance to go to the arena or see any tutorials. The Arena should have been directly connected to your base's city!
Now that I know how to play, this is becoming fun. I love the atmosphere!
vidal said:So today I learned someone made a video of all the cutscenes (English voices) and it totals to over 2 hours and 30 minutes.
vidal said:So today I learned someone made a video of all the cutscenes (English voices) and it totals to over 2 hours and 30 minutes.
cj_iwakura said:I would wear some of Vashyron's dress shirts. Classy stuff, Tri-Ace.
That's it? Xenosaga was like eight hours.vidal said:So today I learned someone made a video of all the cutscenes (English voices) and it totals to over 2 hours and 30 minutes.
The difference here is that Resonance of Fate story sucks ass and should be less than 2 hours while Xenosaga story is fucking amazing and deserves all eight hours.Gvaz said:That's it? Xenosaga was like eight hours.
Yoshichan said:The difference here is that Resonance of Fate story sucks ass and should be less than 2 hours while Xenosaga story is fucking amazing and deserves all eight hours.
Yoshichan said:The difference here is that Resonance of Fate story sucks ass and should be less than 2 hours while Xenosaga story is fucking amazing and deserves all eight hours.
Bosses are difficult by default, so it's a difficulty spike. (don't understand Way to Lucia, though.) I assume you're fighting the Tar Man? Take out drum carriers, use bunkers to hide people taking too much damage, use Tri-Attacks.demosthenes said:Ok, I'm getting my ass handed to me buy the first boss (on the way to Lucia), what the eff. Difficulty spike or am I just play stupid?
Am not upto that point in the game, but GameFAQs thread says you should be killing Wrecking Baller, and that if you have enough blue hexes you can connect the Drop x2 and rare item terminals to the dungeon. Hope this helps.cj_iwakura said:May as well ask: I'm trying to get the Luxury Meat for a Chapter 10(?) quest and at my wits end. How do you get the monsters to drop it? I'm pretty sure I'm going after the right ones(in Lucia).
I remember having trouble with this sidequest and it turned out I was looking for the item in the wrong place.cj_iwakura said:May as well ask: I'm trying to get the Luxury Meat for a Chapter 10(?) quest and at my wits end. How do you get the monsters to drop it? I'm pretty sure I'm going after the right ones(in Lucia).
demosthenes said:Alright, I figured out the battle stuff for the most part. Still learning the smackdown and bonus shots though.
BUT, I've looked online a lot and I see customizations where the people have moved their guns in the blue print screen. How do you do this @.@
Ex: http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8819/sgb226ca.jpg
Not my image, so sorry for image shack![]()
Relaxed Muscle said:Holy shit, I have to try that...althought getting all the components may require some time.
Anyway, If I'm not wrong you can move the gun with the right stick,when selecting the gun you want to customize, not after seeing the custom parts list...I think you cannot have anything attached on it, though.
You don't have to have it naked, I think. You move the gun around the grid( with any components attached to it) with the right analog stick. I think you need to not have any components selected in the menu on the left when doing so, though.demosthenes said:Not working unless I'm doing something wrong D: Trying before picking hte gun and it's naked.