Space Runaway
It was funny reading Amazon reviews for the first NTSC DVD printings of SF2 the movie. So many flipped when the Chun Li scene was cut. It's like 10-seconds long and made me wonder...if they wanted T & A anime that bad...there is a genre for that.
Japan definitely thought it was an important scene. They put a gratuitous shot of it on the back of the JP VHS release.

Speaking of soundtracks, that's another mystery I never read much into. During the 70's-80's, many Americans were cutting the stereo mix down to run English lyrics into opens/closings or in the case with either Harmony Gold or Streamline; they would remove the entire soundtrack and replace it with something American made. Was that even necessary? The GoShogūn TV series opening in English makes me cringe (they called it something like Macron 5). Yet, the American synthesizer soundtrack added into Lensman was awesome.
Changing the soundtrack for US television versions was a pretty common practice in localization. Actually I'm not sure any brought over to US TV retained their original JP scores. Maybe Speed Racer? =P
VHS releases usually remained in tact provided they weren't being repackaged to sell under a different title or something. Though AnimEigo had a terrible practice of replacing Japanese vocal songs with re-recorded English versions for the dubbed tapes. Having some non-band do a low rent English rendition of stuff like Konya wa Hurricane in Bubblegum Crisis was pretty awful.