Danny Dudekisser
I paid good money for this Dynex!
I bought another translucent blue DualShock 2 just a couple of weeks ago. No regrets -- it's my favorite translucent gaming thing ever. Even more so than my skeleton Saturn.
Man, no Sega Gamegear posts makes me sad. I started by testing out testing some new rechargeable batteries to going on a Shining Force and Defenders of Oasis play-a-thon. I might even LED mod one of my least perfect systems.
wtf shadow of the beast was on the lynx? bought
Loved the Lynx. Best handheld ever made.
I can still hear that Gates of Zendocon music in my head.
I hate losing my cartridge bits. I do it every now and then, and can't find any of them after a move.
Windjammers (Flying Power Disc) isn't that rare on Neo CD is it?
(not my photo)
I don't know how you guys stomach the flea-market/garage-sale/goodwill routine.
Seems more pleasant to just buy fewer games (even at inflated prices).
Guess the hunt is the appeal!
I don't know how you guys stomach the flea-market/garage-sale/goodwill routine.
Seems more pleasant to just buy fewer games (even at inflated prices).
Guess the hunt is the appeal!
Hey Retro Gaf! If anyone is interested, here is my RGB modded Famicom. I made the case and modded it to also play NES carts. Sorry for the shit quality of the shots. I took them with my phone.
And a quick little video i made of it in action.
Heh, I remember picking one of those up back in the day. I think I got it for Colony Wars.Also ordered one of these yesterday:
(not my photo)
Fits in my hands better than the dualshock.
Ooh, Crossed Swords 2! I wouldn't mind adding that to my collection. How is it?set me back $60 but can finally play some crossed swords 2 never played the sequel before
also got rampart sealed for lynx
it's fun hunting. You can go months without finding anything, but can find great stuff cheap.
Just when I'm about to give up, I find expensive games for a few bucks or something awesome like a 29 inch Sony pvm crt for $20.
exactly; usually i find household stuff at garage sales too (some books, a poker table thing, and the game Twister for $1 last time, haha) but the thrill of little things like a boxed Darkwing Duck for $5 & another capcom Disney one i never played for the same, that's cool. GBA with Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga for $10? i wasn't even in the market, but yeah okay! stuff like that makes it worth it, especially knowing it's stuff ill either play or give as gifts.
played all 4 of my games for it so far all of them except viking child (missing that awesome amiga music it has non at all) are awesome ports xybots and paperboy are flawless and californa games is missing the frisbee and rollerblade mini games but all you really need for that game is the surfing anyway so if anyone was slightly interested in a lynx id give it a thumbs up
RIP Greg Martin, artist for countless box arts.