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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title


Question for my motion sickness bros.

I really wanted to enjoy Tomb Raider 2013, unfortunately the camera bobbing made it impossible for me to play. I would literally get a flash of heat on the back of my neck and break into a sweat. Really haven't that kind of experience with any game since Half Life 2's vehicle sequences.

Is it better in this game? Would I be able to play it? Still kind of annoyed CD didn't patch in an option to disable it after all the complaints.

To me there seems to be less camera movement however I don't suffer from motion sickness, so maybe watch a few gameplay videos and decide.


Am I crazy or does this game have some Halo 5 style aiming issues? Aiming seems sluggish in spots.

Funny you should say that, I switched my elite controller's profile from the usual one i keep around for Destiny to the more aggressive right thumbstick setting im using for Halo 5 and it feels alot better


To me there seems to be less camera movement however I don't suffer from motion sickness, so maybe watch a few gameplay videos and decide.
Thank you, the weird thing is it didn't bother me when I watched the videos of Tomb Raider 2013, but rather when I sat down to play it. I think it's some sort of cognitive dissonance or something with my brain expecting one thing and then when I press forward something else happens entirely.

Really a shame, but I did watch some videos of this and it seems less bouncy from what I can tell. I'd just hate to spend 60 dollars and be unable to play it.


For the explore all tombs in one play through achievement, do you just not have to finish the final mission for it to count?

I did the last tomb after finishing the story and still got the achievement, so it seems you can clean them up in post-story play if you want.


Gold Member
Well crap. I have 2 zones where I need to find a single survival cache to 100% them. I don't think I have the patience to do that sort of thing.


I do not notice any input lag at all nor do I feel as if the aiming is off. I am also using the Elite controller, but do not think that should make a huge difference either way. I do also wonder if I no longer am sensitive to any issues as I am just content with the fact I am getting some time to play. I will probably beat this game around February or March due to limited gaming time.


The wolves are cheap as hell. They swarm me, so I climb above where they can't reach me and they run and hide so I can't shoot them from safety. I think IRL they'd still be at the bottom trying to get to me.


Junior Member
How in the hell does this woman not have a knife? Seriously? This is an element of the game that is irritating me more than I thought it would. She's been on one of these harrowing adventures before, this time she knowingly steps out to face a group determined to kill her, and she doesn't even have the proper tools. There is no logical reason for her being so underpowered, having her essentially start from ground zero is just a way to pad the game. Go fetch all these items she should already have.

Why am I building a goddamn bow up again like this is the 1st game? Didn't she realize how useful it was to have a goddamn Compound Bow last game? How does she go into battle against these guys without a pistol? Ugh. Rocksteady got it right with their Batman games. Give the players more stuff to use with new entries, don't make them run around building or fetching shit they've already acquired before.


It's extreme. Much worse than the Uncharted games. And its exacerbated by the poor frame rate.

It has to be said that both the input and AI are terrible. The shotgun is the best weapon by far due to two reasons. First, it eliminates the need for precise aiming which sucks in this game due to the input lag. Second, the AI is beyond stupid in this game and will literally just walk up to your while you're behind a wall just so you can blast them in the face one by one.

Give me a fucking break, it's nowhere near as bad as you two keep making it out to be, the game would be impossible to beat if it were. Know how many times I used the shotgun? once, when they made me. The framerate rarely dips except a few parts near the end, and generally that's not even during combat. It also dips to all of like, 26-28 fps in those instances for mere moments at a time.


There, highly scientific. UN FUCKING PLAYABLE. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn like that.

Visibly there? Obviously, but holy shit the hyperbole is insane.

How in the hell does this woman not have a knife? Seriously? This is an element of the game that is irritating me more than I thought it would. She's been on one of these harrowing adventures before, this time she knowingly steps out to face a group determined to kill her, and she doesn't even have the proper tools. There is no logical reason for her being so underpowered, having her essentially start from ground zero is just a way to pad the game. Go fetch all these items she should already have.

Why am I building a goddamn bow up again like this is the 1st game? Didn't she realize how useful it was to have a goddamn Compound Bow last game? How does she go into battle against these guys without a pistol? Ugh. Rocksteady got it right with their Batman games. Give the players more stuff to use with new entries, don't make them run around building or fetching shit they've already acquired before.

Did you actually play the game? She's not starting out going into fucking battle, she's climbing a god damn mountain with her friend in peace.


The wolves are cheap as hell. They swarm me, so I climb above where they can't reach me and they run and hide so I can't shoot them from safety. I think IRL they'd still be at the bottom trying to get to me.

They react as they would in reality. The camp below you and if you kill attack one of them they escape to their hiding spot.
Give me a fucking break, it's nowhere near as bad as you two keep making it out to be, the game would be impossible to beat if it were. Know how many times I used the shotgun? once, when they made me. The framerate rarely dips except a few parts near the end, and generally that's not even during combat. It also dips to all of like, 26-28 fps in those instances for mere moments at a time.


There, highly scientific. UN FUCKING PLAYABLE. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn like that.

Visibly there? Obviously, but holy shit the hyperbole is insane.

Did you actually play the game? She's not starting out going into fucking battle, she's climbing a god damn mountain with her friend in peace.
Your input lag is totally different to mine! Wtf... Maybe a wired controller makes the difference?

Not bullshitting, mine was way more like DF's.

leng jai

Settle down. Did I say the game was impossible to beat? No. Did I say it was unplayable? No. The game itself is easily as hell even on survivor and designed to be stealthable so it becomes a non-issue for large portions. If it was a harder game with forced firefights you'd be hearing far more complaints about the aiming because people would be struggling.

It just feels crap bad to play and makes the shoot outs far less enjoyable than what they should be, at least for me. I don't think it hurts the game that much because there's less shooting overall, but it's still terrible.


Your input lag is totally different to mine! Wtf... Maybe a wired controller makes the difference?

Not bullshitting, mine was way more like DF's.

DFs was running at 25% speed, theirs is like the same as mine. I do have my controller plugged in but it's not like it's a wired controller, would be interesting to test (I just haven't replaced the batteries in months since I game on my monitor right next to the console).


Junior Member
Did you actually play the game? She's not starting out going into fucking battle, she's climbing a god damn mountain with her friend in peace.

I'm playing it right now...

If I'm following this ridiculous narrative correctly, she is aware of Trinity's presence in the region. She knows they will be there and goes in with NOTHING. Didn't they try to kill her ass in Syria before this? Either way, you're an explorer raiding tombs and often running into resistance, you should have a goddamn knife. It's ridiculous.


I'm playing it right now...

If I'm following this ridiculous narrative correctly, she is aware of Trinity's presence in the region. She knows they will be there and goes in with NOTHING. Didn't they try to kill her ass in Syria before this? Either way, you're an explorer raiding tombs and often running into resistance, you should have a goddamn knife. It's ridiculous.
What if I told you that
it's a game mechanic and you get one later

I do agree though. Plus she has obviously been back to get home since going to these places.


Did you actually play the game? She's not starting out going into fucking battle, she's climbing a god damn mountain with her friend in peace.

Well, peace is stretching it, but that's not really her fault because the landscape really hates her for some bizarre reason.

Still, given the way the last trip ended up being and the fact that she knows for a fact that trinity is a hostile force going to where she's going, she'd have been wise to take some precaution. Not a knife, but a gun would have been useful. Then again, I think she did, and just lost it in the avalanche. She took it with her to the canyon dungeon you first get.


Gold Member
Question for my motion sickness bros.

I really wanted to enjoy Tomb Raider 2013, unfortunately the camera bobbing made it impossible for me to play. I would literally get a flash of heat on the back of my neck and break into a sweat. Really haven't that kind of experience with any game since Half Life 2's vehicle sequences.

Is it better in this game? Would I be able to play it? Still kind of annoyed CD didn't patch in an option to disable it after all the complaints.

I finished TR before I started playing this one. CD definitely toned down the camera movement and "cinematic angles" here. I can't speak to your condition but there's definitely less movement and bobbing.


Junior Member
What if I told you that
it's a game mechanic and you get one later

I KNOW THAT, GENIUS. I'm saying it's ridiculous. I think the Metroidvania approach sometimes rubs against this series's (this title and the last) narrative. Even Brad (GB) thought it was dumb she didn't have a knife to start, wtf? It's a KNIFE!


I KNOW THAT, GENIUS. I'm saying it's ridiculous. I think the Metroidvania approach sometimes rubs against this series's (this title and the last) narrative. Even Brad (GB) thought it was dumb she didn't have a knife to start, wtf? It's a KNIFE!

As was pointed out a post or two above, she did just survive an avalanche. It's safe to assume that not all her gear survived.

Remember, Syria was a flashback.


Junior Member
As was pointed out a post or two above, she did just survive an avalanche. It's safe to assume that not all her gear survived.

Remember, Syria was a flashback.

She didn't have any gear on her before then! Look, if it doesn't bother you that's fine, but come onnnnnnn.
DFs was running at 25% speed, theirs is like the same as mine. I do have my controller plugged in but it's not like it's a wired controller, would be interesting to test (I just haven't replaced the batteries in months since I game on my monitor right next to the console).
I'll try it now! :)


She didn't have any gear on her before then! Look, if it doesn't bother you that's fine, but come onnnnnnn.

It might be simply that the game didn't see it fit to allow you use of it. What were you going to do, point it at Jonah? It also didn't allow Lara to run until it was needed to outrun the mountain.


Heads up for anyone who got Rise of Tomb Raider from Best Buy with that dumb ass pop up book sleeve. Checked my CC statement today and they charged me $29.99 + Tax for it.

Anyone who preordered it online check your order and CC statement.



I love this game. Takes the uncharted formula and slaps it into an open world with much improved combat, story and exploration from TR 2013. This might be my personal GOTY.


Junior Member
You're putting too much thought into the background of a story that is pretty forgettable to begin with outside of a couple moments.

You're right. It's such shit (narratively). I find the core gameplay stuff fun. I like traversing the landscape in this game more than I do in comparable titles. I'm doing some of the side quests stuff, which doesn't seem particularly deep (yet), but we'll see. I enjoyed the 1st one, flaws and all, so I'm sure I'll get past these early hurdles.


Slightly off topic but while playing this game, I discovered that you need Gold in order to save and upload screenshots on Xbox One. That's is by far the stupidest thing to put behind a pay wall.
Give me a fucking break, it's nowhere near as bad as you two keep making it out to be, the game would be impossible to beat if it were. Know how many times I used the shotgun? once, when they made me. The framerate rarely dips except a few parts near the end, and generally that's not even during combat. It also dips to all of like, 26-28 fps in those instances for mere moments at a time.


There, highly scientific. UN FUCKING PLAYABLE. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn like that.

Visibly there? Obviously, but holy shit the hyperbole is insane.

Did you actually play the game? She's not starting out going into fucking battle, she's climbing a god damn mountain with her friend in peace.

*shrug* Worst combat I've suffered through this gen. By a wide margin.


Just finished this, great ride. Although the ending sorta dragged on IMO.

They perfected the non combat gameplay, and the story was much improved over the first. Hopefully there is a third!


For me the combat wasn't super horrible, but it was clearly the most lacking part of the game. It felt a little worse than the original too, though that may be the input lag talking.

I do think they never really intended for you to use most of your guns though. Practically every encounter there are tons of bottles or cans to craft things or explosive jars positioned where enemies are. The combat honestly seemed like more of an afterthought.


Acting and facial animation in really good, the chemistry between the bad guys is so well done. But like i said, this is due to the facial animation, small nuances in glances and stares, enjoying it more than i feel im meant to. Story is ok so far.


Anyone else with 100% using the twitch overlay? I have 100%, got the achieve and weapon and stuff, but on the twitch overlay it says my collectibles in the world are 354/394... Every zone is 100% though.

Can see in the lower left what I'm talking about.


Heads up for anyone who got Rise of Tomb Raider from Best Buy with that dumb ass pop up book sleeve. Checked my CC statement today and they charged me $29.99 + Tax for it.

Anyone who preordered it online check your order and CC statement.
They straight-up cancelled mine. :( Oh well.
Playing this right after MGSV is a bad idea. This game feels so floaty in comparison. I like the game so far but I'm having a bit of trouble with the movement, which wasn't the case in the DE.


There is so much to do in this game. I don't get why anyone would rush through on a first playthrough.
Yeah, I'm only at 25%... I spent forever in just the second sandbox area. The look of the game just continually impresses me too. And then it'll go to a cutscene, and I'll be in awe of the way they animated Lara. Really stunning work all around.


I've put about 13 hours into the game so far and I'm enjoying it a lot. It will end up being one of my favorite games of the year if it doesn't fall apart near the end. Can't wait to play more.


I'm easily going to be getting 25hrs+ out of this game. Forget using the "item location" maps and "survival instincts." Just walk around and explore. IMO going stealth is much more enjoyable and rewarding than guns blazing.


I'm easily going to be getting 25hrs+ out of this game. Forget using the "item location" maps and "survival instincts." Just walk around and explore. IMO going stealth is much more enjoyable and rewarding than guns blazing.

Arrow through the head is so damn satisfying. Bow/arrow all the way!


I think I'm near the end but the game would have to revert to old Tomb Raider controls and graphics for me to think this isn't anything but amazing.

Some scattered thoughts:

Combat - It's still really good and somehow more satisfying with the crafting options. I like how this game puts Lara in more predator style scenarios. I don't remember if this was the case in the last game since it's been awhile. I remember a lot of ambushes in TR13 while in Rise it's Lara in the advantageous positions. I think it serves to built up her character a little more. She's now seasoned and ready to kick ass instead of scared and clueless. The gunplay is excellent. I like the kickback of the shotgun and how it sends dudes flying. I also like how enemies actually react to being shot or burned. It's something that was present in the last game and it's still just as great here. Putting bullets in these fools feels more authentic than in some other games (hey Uncharted!). The best part, the combat isn't overdone this time around. I feel it's more balanced around the exploration and the discovery. Nothing like Shantytown area in TR13.

Tombs - I don't remember tombs of the last game so I don't know if they were used to build up the story like they are in this game. I like how the expanded size of the tombs allows them to weave a tiny story revolving around the civilization Lara is investigating. It's a nice little touch and only builds the world of this game some more. The art direction in some of these is also stunning. It's one of the few games this generation where I've sat back and just admired a view.

Lara - I genuinely like this take on the character. I don't know why CD and Camila get so much shit for the portrayal. She's pretty damn cool all things considered. Everything she goes through in the journey and doing it with such a headstrong attitude, I think it's admirable and she doesn't do that weird Nathan Drake thing where he's cracking jokes as he's cracking skulls. I like how she plays it straight the whole time and the moments of levity come through Lara monologuing about her past at campfires.

I'm high on the game but it can definitely be more interesting. I like idea of the supernatural playing a bigger in the combat. I like fighting animals and goons, but what would it be like to fight some really weird creatures? Underworld had me fight a Kraken in the first level so I would be down to take out a mythological with Lara's new arsenal. I would also like an area that's like a Zelda dungeon that is all platforming and puzzles.
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