Now is the best time to get done what you want to get done. The actual point of no return isn't until before the last encounter, and it tells you that it is the point of no return. However, after you go into that place the fighting ramps up a ton so it's best to get your upgrades now so you get more than one fight of use out of them.Is there a point of no return? I have some tombs left to do and just got to the secret underground entrance after the jacob/jonah scene
I'm at about 25% complete and really enjoying it, but good God that little "squeak" sound that Lara's gear makes every few seconds when you run is driving me insane. At first I thought it was something in my basement making that chirp, but when I realized it was actually in-game it now stabs my eardrums every time it plays.
Amazon has the game for $40 now. I was waiting for a price drop to order it and it's now official.
Finished the game, loved it, one of the best games of the year, and I've played almost all of them (on console, anyway).
How many of you went back and got the achievements and extra stuff, and did you enjoy it? Trying to decide whether to strike while the amber is hot and trade this in now, or try to %100 it. I loved it, just so many damn games to play.
So I'm finally getting around to playing this. Just how hard is Survival difficulty? I'd rather knock it out of the way in one playthrough.
So I'm finally getting around to playing this. Just how hard is Survival difficulty? I'd rather knock it out of the way in one playthrough.
I've done most of the stuff before finishing the story, but I'm torn about whether to keep the game or not. It seems like one of those games where you can go back and play it over when you've kind of forgotten some stuff and it's still really nice, like a Zelda game or something. And I mean it's super pretty, so just revisiting the locations could be worth it, and I could do so with the challenge mode, which I haven't touched. Then again, the industry is moving so fucking fast! Maybe I should just go ahead and leave games I've finished in the past and keep rolling with it.How many of you went back and got the achievements and extra stuff, and did you enjoy it? Trying to decide whether to strike while the amber is hot and trade this in now, or try to %100 it. I loved it, just so many damn games to play.
I'm pretty excited for all the content we're getting in the coming months.
I don't really care about the multiplayer stuff but bring on the single player.
Go to inventory crafting and make a new bag.
Have finished two optional tombs now, the first one was Ancient Cistern and while it was a bit short, it certainly was fun. The second one though, the one that the exotic animal guards, was much shorter and easier to solve. Do these optional tombs get more challenging later on? If not, do the story tombs at least provide more challenge? Cause if not, that'll be my first con.
I'm happy to see all the positive feedback about the game in this thread. I don't have an XB1 but I just picked it up today for the 360 and I'm excited to work through it over the holidays. Here's hoping the 360 version isn't too gimped.
Does the game's plot tie in with TR2013 at all? I'm considering replaying TR2013 on PS3 as a refresher before jumping into this game, but I don't know if it's worth it.
Not really. Basically the first game happened, then the comics happened (which you only need to know that Lara went to therapy and such, hence the reveal trailer) and it leaves Lara with only Jonah saddled around, Sam is in jail or some shit.