Just fired the game up after a few weeks away and it is very clear they fixed the input lag. Game plays very smoothly now, much more responsive. Makes fighting and twitch aiming a hell of a lot easier.
So are there pointless perks I should watch out for?
Just got the eye for detail perk and I'm kind of regretting it.
Any chance that the PC version will include Endurance Mode?
Can anyone confirm this?
Also, how does the lock on mechanic work? I unlocked that ages ago for the bow but cannot target two enemies let alone one. The description says to hold the reticle over an enemy for a moment while the drawstring is fully drawn.
I haven't read through this thread only because I haven't finished the story yet. God damn this game is good as hell. I feel sorry for those who are waiting if they already have an Xbox One. I'm enjoying the hell out of this one way more than the last one.
I haven't played it in a while and I was wondering if anyone knows whether the Misguided Intelligence bug had been patched? That's the only thing preventing 100% completion.
Just started the game and got to the first camp fire, what should be he first skills I upgrade? I was thinking the XP bonus skills
After I finished this game I decided to go back and see if my opinion had changed on the first game.
TR2013 is still a decent game, but on my second playthrough I found myself still annoyed many of the things about it.
For instance, it got old real fast how the developers felt the need to turn almost every single damn moment in the game into a set piece. You seriously couldn't climb a ladder without there being something that goes wrong. I know Uncharted games are (in?)famous for this, but good god enough already.
Also, I HATED and I mean HATED how the game basically became a third person shooter towards the end and how it was non-stop wave after wave of enemies.
The best part about Rise of the Tomb Raider is that they more or less did away with those complaints, except for the final act of the game when it was constant shooting.
Well listening to it reveals another issue, which is that they are all "Dear Diary..." stuff that doesn't make any sense. There are so many where you're wondering why in their situation they stopped to write that shit down, or you get the voice recordings which are even stranger. Who just sits around making an audio log to leave sitting around? It almost made sense with the people stuck on an island, but now with just random soldiers and even main antagonists? MGS5 does the audio stuff waaay better.My biggest complaint with the first game was that the audio files tied to all the documents that you pick up take you away from the action by being locked behind stagnant text screens. I figured that this would be extremely easy to fix with a game developed from the ground up for next-gen hardware. But apparently not. It's annoying and means I don't slow down to listen to any of it.
Also, I HATED and I mean HATED how the game basically became a third person shooter towards the end and how it was non-stop wave after wave of enemies.
The best part about Rise of the Tomb Raider is that they more or less did away with those complaints, except for the final act of the game when it was constant shooting.
I'm finally out of the snow area, I LOVE the exploration and feel of this game. The forced combat sequences are the worst though. I don't mind combat when I'm given options to take out enemies in stealth but the instances where I'm thrusted into combat and fight the dreaded wave of enemies, the game turns into a chore
I will never get why developers do this, who actually enjoys that?
Finally finished up the game. Enjoyed it immensely but I have to admit the final few hours were not the strongest part of the game for me. Waves and waves of enemy encounters distracted a bit from what I enjoyed the most about the game up to that point, which was traversing the awesome world they created. I liked the combat in this game (still one of the few series where I love using a bow over traditional guns) especially the scenarios where you come in undetected to the enemies and the game allows you to choose your plan of attack. But the ending made me realize I enjoy this game more when that's just a part of the experience, and not the primary focus.I do understand they want to end the game with some tension to raise the stakes, but I wish there was a smarter way to do that than most games' idea of "let's just throw a bunch of enemies at the player".As soon as the helicopter showed up at the end, I all I could think was 'great, let's just get this over with'
Also can't say the story did a whole lot for me. I love Lara's character and IMO they do an excellent job writing for her and making me see the world through her eyes, but I can't say there was anyone else in the story that stood out to me. This was a problem with the 2013 game for me as well, and I hope when they make their next game it's something they do a better job at addressing.
But I also don't want to understate that I thought the game as a whole was fantastic. For the most part, the game did do a good job of balancing combat with exploration. The tombs to raid may not be terribly long, but I did like the puzzles the game presented. I also love the world they crafted and this is easily one of the most beautiful games of 2015.
I don't mind so much because I think the bow is a really fun weapon to use, I barely used the other weapons in my playthrough. Also the forced combat sections are few and far between compared to 2013, there's more padding at least with more side content.I'm finally out of the snow area, I LOVE the exploration and feel of this game. The forced combat sequences are the worst though. I don't mind combat when I'm given options to take out enemies in stealth but the instances where I'm thrusted into combat and fight the dreaded wave of enemies, the game turns into a chore
I will never get why developers do this, who actually enjoys that?
Explore a new tomb that houses an ancient terror in Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch, and combat waves of infected predators in Cold Darkness Awakened.
I loveeee the game and finished it last night, but these collectibles are really putting a damper on my experience lol. Like 3 of the provinces, I am missing one document or relic, and it is completely unmarked on my map, so I either just run around the 2 mile areas searching for the potential shimmer, or go watch a 30 minute video and compare my map with the videos for an hour.
Why would they do this, I am so close to 100%![]()
When I reach the end of a game I almost expect the developers to succumb to the constant wave of enemies bullshit. Now I just switch the game to easy when it happens and just plow through instead of dealing with the headache, best decision I made
I'm really enjoying the gameplay like I did with 2013's reboot but some of the dialog is still just as bad. Also, too much shit happens to Lara. She comes off as a REALLY bad "Tomb Raider" who trips every trap and breaks everything she touches. I dont know, I wish they toned that down a bit since they are going for the serious angle.
There's zero auto aim if you're playing on Survivor, or snap to aim that is. I thought the aiming even without that was fine though.Finally put some time into this.
Fanastic so far. Loved the last one, and this improves on it in almost every respect.
Holy crap is the aiming/gunplay awful. I can't hit anything... I don't remember it being this bad in the previous game. Are there options I can tweak to improve it? There seems to be zero auto aim...