KaYotiX said:
i prefer the Gretch Beatles guitar over all

HATE the clicky strum and the frets on the GH ones.
Same here. No need for many of the others to be complete dicks about it.
I used to swear by the GH controllers. The RB1 strat looked nice, but the strum bar was mushy and required a little too much force to get to work. I did like the flat layout of the buttons though.
I used the GH III controller until last year. The only issue with the GH III controller was the connections between the neck and the body would sometimes cause dropped notes.
I got a RB3 strat, and while it is nice, the buttons are just slightly sticky once in a while. Or at least you have to press down directly on the red or yellow ones to make it hit and not catch on the lip. The strum bar doesnt click (thank god, the clicking was so annoying on the GH stuff), but you can feel it actually "press" as you strum. It feels a lot better than the first strats.
The Beatles controllers though are the best for me. The strum bars are nice and quiet, with just the slightest noise when strumming. You can feel it click when you strum so there is no questioning if you hit it or not. The buttons are the best though. The lay flat like the Strat, but have a shorter travel distance it seems. They are the quietest buttons on any guitar controller, and make it easy to glide over the buttons during big HOPO sections.
I do appreciate that the GH controllers now put the back button where the heel of your palm would be though.
And to those complaining that the solo buttons give people too big of an advantage: quit whining. You dont like them, fine. Just dont complain because someone else knows how to use them to beat a precious high score.
And quit being so immature about the controllers and how others play the game. It is getting tiring. I thought we got tired of this kind of stuff with the bloodbath of the last RB thread.