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Varna said:I just want to try a GH controller because I've hit a giant wall in expert guitar. Main problem being alt-strumming.
People use the clicking as a metronome, which can help with counting.
Varna said:I just want to try a GH controller because I've hit a giant wall in expert guitar. Main problem being alt-strumming.
*someone asks for opinion*KaYotiX said:Blah blah blah, play with what you like. Ive been using the strat since RB1 and can gold star pretty much every song in RB1-3
Still dont understand the hate for the Strat.....
Shaneus said:Glad to say I can vouch for the fun factor that's provided by both the keyboard AND the Mad Catz portable drum kit. In fact, much more emphasis on the drum kit... scored it for about $20 shipped to Australia from the US and it takes a huge deuce on the RB1 and GHWT drums. I would never think of shelling out heaps for the drumming experience but if you don't know whether you want to try drums or not, these things are a no-lose item. And they're portable... really!
I completely agree. The spade challenges seemed like a good idea, but they are just frustrating the majority of the time. I play on Expert and some of those spade challenges are ridiculous. I had to downgrade to Hard on some of those challenges because it's impossible to get all the spades on Expert. Streakmania is the worst offender especially when there were random setlist and I'd get a really impossible song which is hard to get a good enough streak. I wasn't a fan of them at all.mrklaw said:Road Challenges are all about spades, so I found myself downgrading to medium, to make it easier to get the streaks and also have a better chance of getting 5 stars and 5 spades. But that isn't actually challenging me to get better, I'm just playing at a level I'm comfortable with. It almost discourages pushing yourself, as you don't want to screw up a song in the middle of a 12 song challenge.
Rewrite said:I completely agree. The spade challenges seemed like a good idea, but they are just frustrating the majority of the time. I play on Expert and some of those spade challenges are ridiculous. I had to downgrade to Hard on some of those challenges because it's impossible to get all the spades on Expert. Streakmania is the worst offender especially when there were random setlist and I'd get a really impossible song which is hard to get a good enough streak. I wasn't a fan of them at all.
Varna, you won't be disappointed with the GH 5 guitar. You will beat your old scores...I guarantee it. You won't even want to touch your Strat anymore.
mrklaw said:360 only right?
Random "whatever genre" setlist would appear.butter_stick said:Theres no such thing as random songs in road challenges; it shows you on the instrument/difficulty screen what you're getting.
You can just go back and pick it again till you get a new setlist without the hard songs. Its how I avoid Texas Flood!Rewrite said:Random "whatever genre" setlist would appear.
Yup. I did the same thing if I saw some crazy shit thrown my way. Back out, check list again.butter_stick said:You can just go back and pick it again till you get a new setlist without the hard songs. Its how I avoid Texas Flood!
Maastricht said:- on Expert you can get a higher maximum spade count, right?
Miroslav said:some noob questions, bear with me please:
- i bought lego rock band, will i be able to import the songs and play them directly in rb3? (spain here, PAL land)
- Why cant I see my profile on the rb webpage? I use the code on the game and it keeps giving me an error, does it only work for usa?
- Can I buy rock band discs from another region (from amazon usa) and be able to import the songs here in my rb3?
Thanks in advance.
FlightOfHeaven said:There are 10 custom characters max?
In RB2 I had 10, oddly enough. Only had 4 in RB1. Only have 4 in RB3 though I was planning to make more.KaYotiX said:how many do you guys make?? i just made my bandmates and stopped
PhoncipleBone said:I do like that at least they have made it easy to switch instruments and take your sign on with you.
KaYotiX said:how many do you guys make?? i just made my bandmates and stopped
you can't swap instruments.Leondexter said:Speaking of that, does anyone know why the option is there sometimes and not others. We were playing this weekend and my friend switched to drums and pointed out the option for him to just "swap to Profile", which I hadn't noticed before. When he moved back later, no such option. We spent a few minutes signing in and out of our Live accounts, trying to get it to reappear and figure out what the deal is, but it never came back.
I play with two separate groups of friends (respectively 6 and 3 people besides me), plus my girlfriend, plus my brother. So, yeah, I needed 12 slots.KaYotiX said:how many do you guys make?? i just made my bandmates and stopped
\o/discohiro said:XBOX 360 LEGO EXPORT IS LIVE, FOLKS!
Wait, what? THe Mad Catz portable I have is plastic and folds in half.Shaneus said:Think so. And the pedal is absolutely kick arse. It's far lower profile, has a shorter throw than the regular one and it's all metal. Far easier on my feet.
Mine's definitely metal... it has the foldy-bit you speak of but the RB drum logo is raised on the pedal.jgkspsx said:Wait, what? THe Mad Catz portable I have is plastic and folds in half.
Hmm, never gave the portable kit a thought, but putting that on a table might help damped the noise for the downstairs neighbors. But do the cymbals work with it?Shaneus said:Mine's definitely metal... it has the foldy-bit you speak of but the RB drum logo is raised on the pedal.
Oh well. But then I would also have to find a way to damped the foot pedal. I have tried putting my Beatles kit on top of towels to damped the impact on the floor, but nothing seems to work well. The whole apartment shakes when playing drums, and it drives me nuts. Next place we move I am going to force the wife to go for a ground floor apartment just so I can play drums more often.Shaneus said:Pretty sure they don't... there's no extra ports on the hub, just 5 (4x pads and 1x kick).
Yay, I got my code to work! (I had entered it once previously and gotten the dreaded "out of tokens" message.) Exporting tracks now! =)discohiro said:XBOX 360 LEGO EXPORT IS LIVE, FOLKS!
Daigoro said:now that we have keyboards, this game needs some ELP pronto!
make with my Aquatarkus bitches.
PhoncipleBone said:Oh well. But then I would also have to find a way to damped the foot pedal. I have tried putting my Beatles kit on top of towels to damped the impact on the floor, but nothing seems to work well. The whole apartment shakes when playing drums, and it drives me nuts. Next place we move I am going to force the wife to go for a ground floor apartment just so I can play drums more often.
levious said:best to do it through the in game store, that way you see all the parts each song has. But I thought most every DLC song since RB3 launch had keys in it?
No, you already exported them so they count like the rest of your DLC.vixlar said:If I've already exported Lego Rock Band and Rock Band 1 songs to Rock Band 2, do I need to pay for export again for Rock Band 3?
Jocchan said:No, you already exported them so they count like the rest of your DLC.