jgkspsx said:I don't care about a Rock Band 4... just give me content updates and ports to the next generation in a few years, and I'll be happy.
My feelings exactly. Just keep the stream of music coming.
jgkspsx said:I don't care about a Rock Band 4... just give me content updates and ports to the next generation in a few years, and I'll be happy.
butter_stick said:RB4 is needed ASAP. People were saying they didn't need a sequel to RB1. People are stupid.
So you do want to make the genre is totally destroyed?butter_stick said:RB4 is needed ASAP. People were saying they didn't need a sequel to RB1. People are stupid.
Because a genre with no new releases is alive?Raistlin said:So you do want to make the genre is totally destroyed?
IAmtheFMan said:"Don't Stop Me Now"...![]()
vixlar said:This... and Breaktrough...
You're assuming that there will be programmers and art teams.butter_stick said:The people that make DLC probably aren't the same people that are going to be making the RB4 game itself. You're not taking away from DLC by having your programmers and art teams come up with a new game.
Nobody is going to buy Harmonix to make a few million dollars on DLC. Software and the potential to sell plastic shit are all Harmonix have to offer. If Harmonix cost $100m, you're not going to buy them for some charters you could easily replace by going to some RBN label.jgkspsx said:You're assuming that there will be programmers and art teams.
Of course they have keys in them. Why wouldn't they have keys in them?drizzle said:The new Queen DLC only has new pro drums and guitar?
No Keys track?
To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less about Pro Guitar and Pro Drums. Are there Keyboard parts in these songs?
drizzle said:The new Queen DLC only has new pro drums and guitar?
No Keys track?
To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less about Pro Guitar and Pro Drums. Are there Keyboard parts in these songs?
And what will happen when I undoubtedly buy these packs when I already have the old ones? I'll have both versions on my list of songs?Sp3eD said:If any new DLC comes out for RB3 and has a keyboard part they will be charted. For $2 you get Guitar, Bass, Drums, Pro Drums, Keys, Pro Keys, Vocals, Harmonies. For that extra $1 you get the pro guitar and pro bass added to songs that have released pro upgrades (the X next to their name in the announcements).
Quick answer for your question, Almost all of the queen pack that comes out tuesday will have keyboard and harmonies.
Rewrite said:You'll have two versions of the same song. One will be tagged as RB 3 version while the other is the same.
Buy hardware that isn't shitty instead.PhoncipleBone said:So my Gretsch guitar just went fubared. The up strum doesnt work. LAME. And now it is gone from Toys R Us so no exchanges for me. Perhaps calling up the warranty line.
This. Where the hell is it? It's probably the one I want most.bryehn said:Where the hell is Don't Stop Me Now?
All the other Beatles instruments have been rock solid since getting them. As has my RB1 drum kit.butter_stick said:Buy hardware that isn't shitty instead.
Great song, and sadly missing. I am also sad we didn't get "Seven Seas of Rhye" as well.bryehn said:Where the hell is Don't Stop Me Now?
Yeah, why would I possibly suggest Harmonix instruments have questionable build quality?!PhoncipleBone said:All the other Beatles instruments have been rock solid since getting them. As has my RB1 drum kit.
Try saying something thought out for once instead.
Great song, and sadly missing. I am also sad we didn't get "Seven Seas of Rhye" as well.
firehawk12 said:Okay, I now agree with anyone who thinks the Mustang is horrible. Without "string width", it's impossible to know where your fingers are without looking down. Just pony up for the Squier if you're at all interested in Pro mode.
I don't see why 90% of people should suffer for some Flanders.Nick Laslett said:People bitch about the string width, but I assume that Harmonix did this so that the Mustang could also be played by left handers.
If you had string width, simply flipping the guitar over wouldn't work.
It seems like a fair compromise.
He was referring to the buttons I think, which you technically cannot restring.butter_stick said:I don't see why 90% of people should suffer for some Flanders.
They should just let you restring the guitar. I assume it has to be possible anyway in case one of the strings breaks.
butter_stick said:I don't see why 90% of people should suffer for some Flanders.
They should just let you restring the guitar. I assume it has to be possible anyway in case one of the strings breaks.
firehawk12 said:Both, really. :lol
The only difference is that the game at least tells you which frets you have pushed down so you can easily adjust if you make a mistake - picking, not so much. It's just frustrating because I know what string I need to strum, but I can't fucking find it without looking down and poof, I miss the note.
Maybe it's a "good" thing because you're forced to memorize the string locations via muscle memory rather than fumble around feeling the strings... I have no idea if that's how "real" guitarists learn how to play though.
Either way, I think the Squier will make pro mode easier. Of course I might just use the trainer on no fail mode and practice on my real guitar rather than pay another 300+tax+shipping to get yet another guitar. :lol
Nah it's miles better than 2.Minsc said:So is RB3 actually worse than RB2? Or is it better, but just needs a lot of work? I guess what I'm getting at, is if you're basically new to all of RB, would you be better served with RB2 (which would be a bit of a disappointment, since I'm looking forward to the Pro stuff from RB3).
Minsc said:So is RB3 actually worse than RB2? Or is it better, but just needs a lot of work? I guess what I'm getting at, is if you're basically new to all of RB, would you be better served with RB2 (which would be a bit of a disappointment, since I'm looking forward to the Pro stuff from RB3).
Apparently 3 months between releases is the maximum before it's considered to be dead.butter_stick said:Because a genre with no new releases is alive?
If you have no legacy instuments you are in the perfect position.Minsc said:So is RB3 actually worse than RB2? Or is it better, but just needs a lot of work? I guess what I'm getting at, is if you're basically new to all of RB, would you be better served with RB2 (which would be a bit of a disappointment, since I'm looking forward to the Pro stuff from RB3).
butter_stick said:Yeah, why would I possibly suggest Harmonix instruments have questionable build quality?!
Minsc said:So is RB3 actually worse than RB2? Or is it better, but just needs a lot of work? I guess what I'm getting at, is if you're basically new to all of RB, would you be better served with RB2 (which would be a bit of a disappointment, since I'm looking forward to the Pro stuff from RB3).
Well said sir!Daigoro said:because you're a big douche?
RB3 is head and shoulders over RB2. need some ironing out for sure, and has some quirks, but there is no going back. RB3 it is.
Nick Laslett said:To import the RB1 songs you just need to rent/borrow the game and buy the export key. This will give you another 40+ songs for $5.
You do need to buy a brand new copy of RB2. The reason is so you can export the excellent on disc set list. You should be able to get this at good price. The export is 10$. This will give you 80+ songs and another 20 free downloads. It is a good price to song ratio.
Try to find someone you can regularly play with. If you have someone that wants to sing or be the drummer. The game is 10x more fun if you play as a band.
Lego RB can be found cheap now too which will net you another 40 songs.
This might sound very over the top, but this game lives or dies on the music. The more songs you have the better the game is.
Douche is the worst insult.Daigoro said:because you're a big douche?
RB3 is head and shoulders over RB2. need some ironing out for sure, and has some quirks, but there is no going back. RB3 it is.
Harmonix aren't in a position to be charitableJeTmAn81 said:Came back from my honeymoon to find that someone had scratched by RB3 disc into oblivion. I'm now a sad panda. I wonder if Harmonix would replace it for me if I write them a letter about what a big fan I am (assuming scratch remover doesn't work).