SaggyMonkey said:I didn't notice, since it was so easy.
SaggyMonkey said:I didn't notice, since it was so easy.
RB3's DLC loading process is the same as RB2's, RB3 just offers a visual prompt. It probably seems longer because there's not a unique message of the day anymore and activating modifiers takes far less time now. Plus there's the RB2 export that it has to load up.firehawk12 said:Yeah, it's odd. In RB2, it would reload your library any time you added songs to it, but otherwise it would cache the data so you never had to do it again.
DuckRacer said:e: ^^^ hit more notes, scrub ;D
anybody?SilentProtagonist said:Hey is there a way to import your rock band 2 songs into rock band 3 if you say... lost the manual to rock band 2 and don't have the code?
Email EA support and explain that you lost your manual and need an export code. They might ask you for a picture of your RB2 disc.SilentProtagonist said:Hey is there a way to import your rock band 2 songs into rock band 3 if you say... lost the manual to rock band 2 and don't have the code?
thanks!mojiimbo said:Email EA support and explain that you lost your manual and need an export code. They might ask you for a picture of your RB2 disc.
BenjaminBirdie said:*CHOKE*
It's so harrrrd!!
The worst is the one where you have to launch overdrive witha Full Multiplier and like you hit 4x and you reach Overdrive and when you tilt the guitar you FUCK UP but Overdrive gets launched anyway and so you just fucking BLEW your shot!!
So, hard, man.
SaggyMonkey said:Use button star power instead of tilt then. Also pick easier events that feature easier genres of music from your dlc stash. Pick something that's like sing Green Day and not drum punk songs.
Start with your finger on red. Only move to green wen you need to. Get used to moving your whole hand up and down the neck, don't associate one finger with one fret.Miroslav said:Im having a hard time switching from medium to hard on normal, non-pro, guitar. I can 95+% every song on the game on medium, but I cant pass any song on hard, not even the intro. Any advice guys on songs, playing techniques, etc?
corkscrewblow said:Keep your fingers on RYBO and slide up for green. Also, learn how to alt-strum. You will never be good at expert if you can't.
corkscrewblow said:Keep your fingers on RYBO and slide up for green. Also, learn how to alt-strum. You will never be good at expert if you can't.
Wrong. I've heard of a guy who's OMBFC'd tons of songs and he said he up-strums. Most people will play worse when they alt-strum at the beginning.Also, learn how to alt-strum. You will never be good at expert if you can't.
Never a bad thing, but not an absolute requirement to do well on expert. I can five star a large chunk of the game on expert guitar without alt strum. BUT the stuff with super fast sections like Crazy Train and whatnot I cannot five star because I cannot alt strum well enough.butter_stick said:Learning to alt strum can never be a bad thing.
When did you order it? Mine has an estimated delivery of the 28th with one-day shipping and I pre-ordered in early October when they first appeared on the site. Also, it's Sunday so nothing ships out yet.SaggyMonkey said:Dammit, wtf is up with the MIDI adapter. They'd delayed it 'til end of December... here we are! Not Yet Shipped.. Amazon has no indication of when it'll show up in stock. Another month goes by without playing pro drums.
SaggyMonkey said:
Hige said:When did you order it? Mine has an estimated delivery of the 28th with one-day shipping and I pre-ordered in early October when they first appeared on the site. Also, it's Sunday so nothing ships out yet.
Well, the PS3 and Wii adapters are showing "In Stock" on Amazon's website now. There's several third party sellers selling the adapter through Amazon now too. Looks like it's finally on sale if those versions are already being sold. Only the 360 version says "Temporarily out of stock". And if we go the conspiracy theory routeCharron said:Apparently accessories don't really get release dates, officially, so they can say "it should be out on X" but nobody's 100% sure. Which sucks. I've got an e-drum kit I wanna use as an RB kit as well, so I want that damn thing to come out too....
...and a good chunk of the songs in the game are ridiculously easy on expert guitar. If you want some good practice for alt-strumming I recommend GH3. Stuff like Take This Life, FCPREMIX, Number of the Beast, etc will definitely help you in the long run. Crazy Train is really damn easy once you can alt-strum. Oh yea, using a GH guitar definitely helps because of the clicking. Just another way they're superior to poop RB guitars.PhoncipleBone said:Never a bad thing, but not an absolute requirement to do well on expert. I can five star a large chunk of the game on expert guitar without alt strum. BUT the stuff with super fast sections like Crazy Train and whatnot I cannot five star because I cannot alt strum well enough.
Hige said:When did you order it? Mine has an estimated delivery of the 28th with one-day shipping and I pre-ordered in early October when they first appeared on the site. Also, it's Sunday so nothing ships out yet.
jgkspsx said:The Mustang does HOPOs, to the best of my knowledge. They're just treated as SysEx commands. I don't know if there's anything, hardware or software, that can handle them besides RB3 at this point. But then, I'm not big into MIDI, so others may know better.
My biggest problem with Pro Mode in general is that, yes, not hearing what you're doing wrong is a killer. I know they want the guitar sound to match and all, but I'd settle for cat noises just to hear what I'm playing :\
You are using the code the game generates at the menu correct? If so, this issue happened for a bit at launch, but I thought it was fixed. This link is just for achievements and tracking your progress online.Curufinwe said:When I try to link my 360 copy of RB3 I get an error message saying: "Somethings wrong! Either that web code or that gamer tag is invalid. Why dont you try it again?"
I know that the code and the gamer tag I am using are both accurate, so what's my next step? Is there some way to contact Harmonix directly with a picture of my TV showing the code and my Xbox 360 gamer tag?
Curufinwe said:Yeah, I want that Achievement.
I took a picture of my screen showing the Linking code and my gamer tag and sent it to Harmonix support.
That too. I totally forgot about that aspect of it. I had to do the same, Charron. Once I unlinked RB2, things were fine for linking RB3.Charron said:If you had a linked RB2 account, that can cause some hiccups. I just unlinked everything then re-linked, and it managed to connect eventually.
BenjaminBirdie said::lol
I recommend everyone beat the game with the rest of your band made up of LOST characters like I did. The final animation is fucking PERFECT.
I loved seeing Olivia Dunham and three Observers with the final animation.BenjaminBirdie said::lol
I recommend everyone beat the game with the rest of your band made up of LOST characters like I did. The final animation is fucking PERFECT.
ChoklitReign said:I made a custom character and have three stand-ins in my band. I'm missing a keyboard player. Does he/she have to be custom made or can I add another stand-in?
PhoncipleBone said:I loved seeing Olivia Dunham and three Observers with the final animation.![]()
Never thought of that one. They are simply called "Olivia and the Observers." I tried making a Walter character, but was never happy with the results. I do have a Lord Humungous to spice things up though.BenjaminBirdie said::lol
Nice one! Were you called Walternate?
komarkaze said:Not sure if mentioned already but the Squier demo stations are set up at Best Buy that have dedicated musical instrument section. I just tried it out and enjoyed it. However it had trouble detecting finger picking unless I plucked really hard. Will have to try again with a pick.
One major annoyance was it wasn't detecting full chords like C and Em. I figured out that the high E string wasn't detecting at all. Hope that will not become a persistent issue when the squiers are released.
I'm pretty sold on getting a Squier and will demo as much as I can. If I can get more money down the line I'll try for keys but I can see pro guitar lasting me for years.
PhoncipleBone said:Never thought of that one. They are simply called "Olivia and the Observers." I tried making a Walter character, but was never happy with the results. I do have a Lord Humungous to spice things up though.
I was going to make Walter, Astrid, Peter, and Broyles and have another band called "Fringe Division" but stopped when I couldnt get Walter right.BenjaminBirdie said:Yeah, old is really hard. I figured Walternate is just a pretty badass name. But that one is pretty great too.
Nope guitar was not plugged into an amp. Also the strings were muted since apparently unmuted strings make it harder to detect in game. what I can tell from the guitar by feeling it is it feels like a Squier. Does not feel as solid or smooth like my US Telecaster, but at least has real strings to feel and has the proper weight.chuckddd said:I went looking for this a week or so ago, but found none. How was the action? I'd also like to check the tone, but I'm guessing they won't let you plug it into a regular amp.
Hari Seldon said:So is this game worth getting if you just get the keys?
You could pull it off Wikipedia and format it in Excel or whatever spreadsheet application you have.FlightOfHeaven said:I don't think there are enough songs with enough keys to justify it. They are rapidly expending the amount of good songs with keys; look to Billy Joel and Queen, with more coming down the road.
Is there a place where we can download all of the RockBand music onto a spreadsheet? I want to make a songbook for parties and keep track of DLC we're interested in purchasing.
Hari Seldon said:So is this game worth getting if you just get the keys?