Pretty great turnaroundSomeone suggested on Reddit about a week ago to add in a "Last Call" category for expiring songs. HMXJosh responded that they'd look into it, as it was a bit more than a technical thing...
.. they just added it to the store!
and yes, he knows he botched the test account name blur job.. :V
This is great. Most importantly because I completely forgot that songs were being delisted, so I've bought everything I didn't own already. Whether I'll play them is a different matter, but that's just further proof that I'm a sucker for Rock Band.Someone suggested on Reddit about a week ago to add in a "Last Call" category for expiring songs. HMXJosh responded that they'd look into it, as it was a bit more than a technical thing...
.. they just added it to the store!
and yes, he knows he botched the test account name blur job.. :V
So they are going to announce the May update details at PAX this Sunday according to Josh's comment(s) on reddit. Any ideas of what it might be? Looking at their page for PAX it reads "Major announcements -- This is big stuff. Promise." But, I doubt it will be online (I think they are saving that for E3) and practice mode coming in the May update seems like it wouldn't be a major announcement per say. Maybe more details about the partnership with PDP and the new instruments coming out this fall? Or would they save that for E3 and drop the online bombshell at PAX this Sunday?
5$ neither the May update or the mysterious Fall update are online play.
The Fall Update is probably related to PDP heavily in some way, though.
Only in dreamsI dreamed last night that Harmonix announced a Pixies 5-pack.
Only in dreamsshould really be in next week's DLC
i personally don't really want online added (never played rock band online in my life) and would rather harmonix use their resources to develop other features or at least add features to make it on par with rock band 3 in other areas. that being said, i'm tired of hearing people complain about it so i hope they add it in just for them. i gotta imagine it's just a very vocal minority though compared to the overall rock band player base otherwise harmonix would have put it in the base game.
Agreed. Honestly, I know it's a hell of a long shot, but the biggest thing they could do for me with this game would be adding keys support. (And Right Now by Van Halen)
i personally don't really want online added (never played rock band online in my life) and would rather harmonix use their resources to develop other features or at least add features to make it on par with rock band 3 in other areas. that being said, i'm tired of hearing people complain about it so i hope they add it in just for them. i gotta imagine it's just a very vocal minority though compared to the overall rock band player base otherwise harmonix would have put it in the base game.
Agreed. Honestly, I know it's a hell of a long shot, but the biggest thing they could do for me with this game would be adding keys support. (And Right Now by Van Halen)
I dreamed last night that Harmonix announced a Pixies 5-pack.
This is a tiny bit off topic, but all of The Beatles dlc will be delisted on May 5th.
I think that's important enough to warrant it's own thread
Probably related to the licensing interest being sold out of MJ's estate :/
It's a bit sad really. This was Harmonix' best work IMO. And just reminiscing how fun and awesome it was to discover The Beatles through this game is making me a bit sad.
Also this intro man. Hits me right in the feels.
Any news if theres a harmonix related pax pin this year? Going to snag one on ebay if so!
The gearbox love-in continues. I suppose it's a bit more difficult to get Claptrap to play drums than it is to dance.
Don't want to sound cynical, but what's the point? I'd rather they did something useful like put half the features they dropped from RB3 back in the game.
I know it's only a small thing but when you have people asking for online play, practice mode, character creation (hell, even setlists were only recently added) making your game an advert for someone else's seems like a bad PR move.
If I don't have a previous gen console and I never owned the old rock bands, is there a way to buy the songs off of those games for my rockband 4?
If I don't have a previous gen console and I never owned the old rock bands, is there a way to buy the songs off of those games for my rockband 4?
Sure hope this isn't yet another Rock Band 4 disappointment.
"Rock Band 4 PC is happening anyway!"
It's probably an online mode or a practice mode.