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Rottenwatch: The Marvels (2023)




Parody of actual AJUMP23
Black Girl Magic is a term used to celebrate the strength and beauty of black women. When the phrase "black girl magic" is used, it is usually associated with or used to describe an accomplishment or feat that is above average. The term "Black Excellence" is also used for this purpose as a gender-neutral alternative. These terms are used to uplift black people when others regularly denigrate them for their looks or ability.
Can I use the term "White Girl Magic" to uplift all the white women.




Putting aside the pandering this movie is clearly guilty of, what are the other issues?

Is the story and acting that shite or is it bad because it's Disney/MCU being 'look at us, we care about about injustice!!!'
Iger just finished saying that Chapek was producing too much garbage without any focus on quality and then they delayed every MCU movie a whole year. So yea, they didn't learn anything.

Does this mean that superhero fatigue has plagued society, once and for all? Not necessarily. But the disastrous turnout for “The Marvels” could force a reckoning at Disney now that it’s clear that audiences aren’t willing to see any ol’ superhero movie on the big screen. Earlier this week, the company postponed the next four MCU installments, “Deadpool 3,” “Captain America: A Brave New World,” “Thunderbolts” and “Blade” (because of strike-related production delays), which gives the studio time to tinker with its strategy before Earth’s Mightiest Heroes return to the multiplex.

They didn't delay all the Marvel movies a year because of box office performance. They delayed them because production was at a standstill for most of 2023 due to the strikes. The jury's still going to be out on if they'll take advantage of the delays to learn and change anything or not.
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They didn't delay all the Marvel movies a year because of box office performance. They delayed them because production was at a standstill for most of 2023 due to the strikes. The jury's still going to be out on if they'll take advantage of the delays to learn and change anything or not.

Cap 4 was mostly done. The strike is just an excuse.



Get woke, go broke.
I'm not sure that's the correct term here because it just appears to be shit, like really shit, the Director just outright upped and outed after the job was done, no promo, interviews or anything, it's like Marvels heavy handed interfering is crushing things more than usual.


Iger just finished saying that Chapek was producing too much garbage without any focus on quality and then they delayed every MCU movie a whole year. So yea, they didn't learn anything.

Oh please, everything was delayed because of the writer and actor strikes. Pretty much every issue that Disney has had can be directly attributed to Bob Iger, even when Chapek took over he was there behind the scenes. Chapek has been turned into the scapegoat.


Gold Member
Iger just finished saying that Chapek was producing too much garbage without any focus on quality and then they delayed every MCU movie a whole year. So yea, they didn't learn anything.
I dont even watch most superhero stuff and can tell how bad and cringey all these tv shows and movies are.

And even worse, I didn't know that so many of these shows intertwine charcaters and storylines together. So as per that comicbook dude in the YT video, how is anyone going to keep up with the details unless they watch everything?

It's like a video game company coming out with endless sequels and offshoot games saturating the market. At least gaming can be done one off style without caring about whether you played another game.


Gold Member
The last Marvel film I watched was X-MEN: First Class, since then I have tried to ignore everything MCU related. I went to NYCC a month ago and it was wall to wall Marvel/Star Wars stuff. How many action figures of a character does one need to make? Its the same shit. Every now and then I visit my local comic book store, and I try my best to find something niche that I can sink my teeth into, something different but its nothing but marvel stuff that no ones buying. It's bad for science fiction as a whole and their entire universe is just marketing. What I dont understand is how they managed to trick so many people into thinking their shit was any good for this long, I noticed it very quick but it took some 10 years to realize this.
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Perpetually Offended
That’s somehow different from the “magical negro” trope I hear black people complaining about then?

The "magical negro" trope is completely different.

The magical negro is a trope in cinema (and TV, books, and radio) where he or she is a supporting character (who may or may not have magical powers, though usually they do) whose sole purpose in the story is to help or aid the white protagonist to become a better person or win at an event or whatever good outcome for the protagonist. The magical negro has no plot or story independent of the protagonist... If he or she has any story, it's in service to the white main character. They never have a life outside of a job... They just exist to help the main character.

The Legend of Baggar Vance, The Green Mile, Ghost, What Dreams May Come, etc. These are examples of the Magical Negro trope off the top of the head. None of those characters have a love interest, a hobby of their own or any of the hallmarks of having a fulfilling life. And at the end of the movie, they either leave or die (rarely are they just still there like Oda Mae in Ghost) ... One could argue that in Bruce Almighty Morgan Freeman is a magical negro as God.

This one's dead. Don't worry, Disney won't learn a thing from this.
The Disney c-suite don't seem to have a smidge of imagination anyway. All the execs probably have aphantasia and aren't able to recognize a cohesive and consistently told story apart from a random piece of online furry fan fiction. Iger & Co. probably thought they could easily coast on the mainstream recognition/fandom of these brands/characters with little accountability, plop out whatever, mesmerized fans would still buy it up in droves and rake in the profits. The only thing they're effectively doing right now is dispelling the wide adoration of their IPs.
In the context of the movie...

And that's all you got from my post? Seriously?
I did not talk about the rest or the good or bad of your argument. Good explanation of the concept by the way. Just that that one got a reaction from me. All the MCU/ Disney film threads recently are the same get woke get broke VS this is not the problem they have. Going back to your discussion, this "back girl magic" expression don't exist in my country. That is why I let people react to it and learned a few things allong the way. Being meta in this kind of film where the tropes are already heavily used most of the time is not a good idea IMHO. But I did not saw it yet and don't plan to at the moment. Even as the people who did saw it seems to be somewhat happy in this thread at least.


Gold Member
The last Marvel film I watched was X-MEN: First Class, since then I have tried to ignore everything MCU related. I went to NYCC a month ago and it was wall to wall Marvel/Star Wars stuff. How many action figures of a character does one need to make? Its the same shit. Every now and then I visit my local comic book store, and I try my best to find something niche that I can sink my teeth into, something different but its nothing but marvel stuff that no ones buying. It's bad for science fiction as a whole and their entire universe is just marketing. What I dont understand is how they managed to trick so many people into thinking their shit was any good for this long, I noticed it very quick but it took some 10 years to realize this.
A lot of people life will always trend to whats the flashiest product. Not the best product. And the younger the customer the flashier it needs to be. No 12 year old is going to watch Maverick or Donnie Brasco.

I think just everyone whose watched mafia movies in general think they are pretty good. But box office wise could be a bomb. Put up the worst superhero flick in theatres and it'll probably still make $100M minimum.

What I find stupid about superheroes goes beyond the bright coloured spandex outfits and silly helmets. Just look at all the chartacers. Almost all of them involve: super strength, super fast with good combat skills, either immortal or got 99,999 hit points, half of them can fly etc.... It's the same shit most of the time, but a different wrapper. Even the heroes that are supposed be based more on human normality than alien god powers got 9 lives.


Are people still blaming Chapek for Iger's own fuckups?
Iger is the root problem of all of this, he's the one who aided in effectively running Star Wars into the ground, same with Pixar, with the complete oversaturation of mediocre garbage to pump box office numbers. It's really obvious that he likely saw the ship sinking and "retired" to let Chapek take the PR fall so he could easily slink back in with a good reputation to people who don't really pay attention. Chapek was a dunce as well but 99% of this garbage was greenlit by Iger, it's completely his fault.
The movie wasn't that woke, mostly cringey which is it's problem. You can tell it was edited to hell and back. The movie is the worst thing it can be, boring and cringey.
The edited a lot of the woke out of the money in desperation near the end, that's why its runtime is so short. But that couldn't save it, because they went woke with the project from its very concept. Instead of hiring competent and experienced people who knew what they were doing to produce, to write and direct and act in the movie. They casted everyone, from the writer to the director and people in the production side. That's why the movie is such a disaster, not only was it poorly written, poorly directed, poorly act, it was also poorly handled in the production side which made it cost a rumored 250 million+ to make


Black Girl Magic is a term used to celebrate the strength and beauty of black women. When the phrase "black girl magic" is used, it is usually associated with or used to describe an accomplishment or feat that is above average. The term "Black Excellence" is also used for this purpose as a gender-neutral alternative. These terms are used to uplift black people when others regularly denigrate them for their looks or ability.


I've seen it now and yes it wasn't good. But I also think that I'm not the target audience for this movie. But what upset me the most is that Marvel seems to have no idea what they are producing anymore. We recently had Secret Invasion. And everything that happens there doesn't match Marvel's.

Nick Fury in Secret Invasion and in Marvels are 2 completely different characters.
What was the whole point of the Skrulls in Secret Invasion, that they have to take over Earth because they can't go anywhere else? In Marvels, you can see that they had a whole planet.


Black Girl Magic is a term used to celebrate the strength and beauty of black women. When the phrase "black girl magic" is used, it is usually associated with or used to describe an accomplishment or feat that is above average. The term "Black Excellence" is also used for this purpose as a gender-neutral alternative. These terms are used to uplift black people when others regularly denigrate them for their looks or ability.
So, associating one's strength, physical prowess/beauty, and accomplishments in relation to their race.......hmmm.

Ulysses 31

What was the whole point of the Skrulls in Secret Invasion, that they have to take over Earth because they can't go anywhere else? In Marvels, you can see that they had a whole planet.
The Skrulls are a space faring species so it's weird they can't find a single habitable planet out there. :messenger_winking_tongue:

And they wanted to cause WW3 that would've killed millions/billions of humans because Fury mistreated them? Yeah I can see why they're not welcome on other planets. :lollipop_grinning:


Black Girl Magic is a term used to celebrate the strength and beauty of black women. When the phrase "black girl magic" is used, it is usually associated with or used to describe an accomplishment or feat that is above average. The term "Black Excellence" is also used for this purpose as a gender-neutral alternative. These terms are used to uplift black people when others regularly denigrate them for their looks or ability.
Not knowing this I was trying to figure that out. It was at such a key point for the character in the trailer.
My impression from Fury saying it was as meta blaxploitation phrasing as a nod to Pam Grier. An inspiration for the original character according to wikipedia.

Then it got me thinking about how Brave New World could have totally slid in that direction, intentionally or not.


The Woke vs Anti Woke stuff isn't really my battle... I really don't care about this stuff anymore.

That being said: Not a good movie. I wouldn't recommend.
Brie Larson sucks the fun out of anything she's in. Not to mention the movie looked like a stupid girl power movie with characters no one cares about. They try to break gender roles but simply put, more men are into comic book movies than women, let alone the LBGTQ crowd. They should adjust accordingly.


Gold Member
Black female director delivers lowest grossing MCU movie of all time, is also a correct statement.
I've always been more of a Half Glass Full kind of guy. To me it's ore realistic and cuts through the BS.

It's like a sales guy at work standing in front of a room saying he only missed by 2%. In reality, that 2% miss might be $10M dollars (gulp). But -2% doesn't sound bad since he got 98%. But when they beat the target by 2%, they are more likely to say they smashed targets $10M (which is WOW!).

For those of you not acquainted with office lingo and PR, here's another one.

Anytime you hear someone say..... "we have some challenges regarding topic x or y". Any time you hear the word "challenges", it means something fucked up and need to get off their ass and fix it.
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Gold Member
Strange how they put this quote on the wikipedia as well.

Never know this was a thing.
Wiki's full sentence paints the director poorly as they combined the movie's low sales into one paragraph.

After making $21.3 million on its first day (including $6.6 million from Thursday night previews, down from the $20.7 million made by the first film in 2019), estimates were lowered to $47–52 million. It went on to debut to $47 million, topping the box office and marking the best opening figure for a black female director, but was the lowest opening weekend total ever for an MCU film.
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