Colonel Mustard
It's launching in Europe finally, right?
My NNID is Ray00101. Add me so we can Run(bow)!
My NNID is Ray00101. Add me so we can Run(bow)!
It's launching in Europe finally, right?
My NNID is Ray00101. Add me so we can Run(bow)!
What day? Will add it
SatoAilDarko said:I'm guessing no support for 7 Bluetoooth controllers like Smash either?
NintendoAUNZ didn't tweet it out so no. Will be later but all the Nindies@Home games will be coming to Aussieland.
Trailer was coo. Demo sold me on this game. Played for about an hr with 5 people locally, sooooo good. Love that they added guest character skins
So I didn't receive a response and no one on Miiverse knew the answer (understandably) when I asked.
I'm guessing not a ton of people have over four Wii Remotes/Pro Controllers at hand to check.
I have them but it is a pain to put batteries in everything just to check.
Don't have the game yet as I'm waiting for the month to pass and my discount to go away to buy at full price to support the devs.
I have enough controllers but can't test right now. I saw a statement from the developers very recently, I think a Reddit AMA where they only claimed support for 5 wireless controllers (I'm not sure if they realize Smash Bros. can go higher without Gamecube controllers?)
I have enough controllers but can't test right now. I saw a statement from the developers very recently, I think a Reddit AMA where they only claimed support for 5 wireless controllers (I'm not sure if they realize Smash Bros. can go higher without Gamecube controllers?)
Oh good, so if I have 1 gamepad, 5 wiimotes and 1 classic controller (add on to wii remote, not the pro thing) I can have 7 players?
No. Only one Gamepad and 4 other Bluetooth controllers.
Was supposed to be out on the AU eshop today but something happened.. I swear if the next Nintendo's aren't region free I'm importing from the U.S. I'm so over it.
Went to behemoth after defeating the first boss ...
gave up on this part (screenshot from youtube video)
After more than 1 hour when the death count simply dissapeared around 150 deaths
What exactly does the "Fun" option affect?
I know it unlocks a character or two just by flipping through it but why would you want to actually change the setting?
No it wasn't. Plus, you can already buy it from any of the EU stores, just like on other region free consoles. This is not where you can make a region free argument.
It actually was, got delayed last minute because of some classification issue. And man I would switch to EU but I'd lose all my money I have in the eShop...
Haven't been this thirsty for a game in a while! Hoping it will come out next week D:
Huh? They actually announced the AU date? Sorry if true and I missed that.
You know you don't need to actually "switch" though, right? You can use both NNIDs on Wii U, it's not like on 3DS where you have to wipe the system.
According to Vooks, yeah.
Hmmm so I need to make a new user and create a European NNID? Okay thanks I'll think about it, I've still gotta use up that money I already put on the eShop though.![]()
You don't need to use up your current balance. You lose nothing, you just make a new Mii, create an NNID for that Mii located in a EU country of your choice and you're set. You can still buy stuff on your Aussie NNID whenever you want. All you need to do is select the appropriate Mii.
Hey, Australia and NZ! We haven't forgotten about you. We've fixed a ton of issues that we are sending in a patch your way! #runbow
(Cont) Thanks so much for being patient and keeping us reminded how excited you are for Runbow!
The More You Bow: What Updates Are Coming Next?
The More You Bow is part of an ongoing series about the little ins and outs of Runbow. Each week were going to offer you a little more insight into this game we love so much. And yeah we just kinda wanted to call something The More You Bow.
This weeks post is brought to you by the excited will of the populace.
First off we want to make a heartfelt thank you to everyone that took the time to play with us online in Open Party Runs last week. We gave away a lot of soundtrack codes and had a ton of fun. We also learned a bunch about how to improve the Runbow experience for you!
A lot of people ask us to get more people online. I wish I could just go yes, here you go, and dump 1000 concurrent users on the servers for you at any given time. Since thats impossible with my current level of income and free time (who will walk my dogs?), we can see if we can get more people excited about being online in general.
Less Players < More Players
One of the main factors that deters people from getting online is the worry that there will be no one to match up with. This means less people go on because there are less people, and the cycle continues forever. Matching rooms with up to 4 people is still hard (and we shipped with 5-player matching!).
To fix this, were going to set up the lobby to match 2 consoles into a game. This way we can always be sure that any match-up the server makes will lead to a chance to play Runbow. 2 Player matches are a blast (get the swapper, run to the back or throw yourself off a pit. Top-tier kill) and we hope that everyone starts getting excited about being able to turn on Runbow and match up immediately.
While 2 player matches might not be everyones cup of tea, the more players that are on the server, the better chance there is of forming bigger and bigger games.
And once you have the game created, were designing it so its harder to lose the people in that party. More games constantly going will hopefully bring more people onto the servers, and that cycle will hopefully continue forever (in a good way).
Less Crashes = More Players
Its going to be a lot easier to start playing and continue playing. We have a few fixes in place to help address a few well-known issues that our community will be happy to see go, and we hope these demonstrate to you guys that we are constantly working to make this game work for you. Well start to announce what these things are as reports start coming in that our fixes have worked, but since a lot of issues cant be tested until we see them with different types of hardware, suffice it to say that no news will be good news on this front.
Weve also added something little but hopefully itll give you a hint about whats to come. We appreciate you guys taking the time and bandwidth to download our updates, and after this next functional update were going to rewarding that loyalty by bringing you some really exciting stuff. Stay tuned to us for news.
And as always, get ready
Hi all! I'm buying this to play during a holiday party I'm hosting next weekend.
What controllers are supported, and how many of each? I need to get everything in order with fresh/charged batteries.
I had no idea DLC launched for this until late last night. Missed the 25% intro sale, and sadly it seems like I've also missed the influx of players the new DLC might have brought with it.
It seems like you can play the new Satura multiplayer maps without purchasing them. I'm pretty glad they decided not to fragment the small playerbase
There should still be a pretty solid boost in players thanks to the humble bundle that's going on now, since it's in the BTA tier.
I guess I put my nnid here then
NNID: cucholix
So, is there any way to recognize in each other during gameplay?I was a little busy ironing stuff out: it turns out that nnid isn't even useful for Runbow.