not up on eshop. why bother living.
3rd party games are 9am Pacific-12pm eastern. Everytime.
not up on eshop. why bother living.
3rd party games are 9am Pacific-12pm eastern. Everytime.
no government, no rune factory.
why america????
What the heck, Gamestop doesn't even have a ship date on this.
I was probably gonna get into this first too, oh well.
What's in the LE again for GameStop?
I'm assuming just the mini OST?
Maybe you're thinking of the new Etrian Odyssey? I don't RF has an LE.
All my buddies getting a retail copy had theirs ship from amazon yesterday. It's definitely out October 1st.
Any similarity in this game to something such as say Animal Crossing? I've heard it mentioned before, but I'm not really seeing it looking at the OP.
I've always wanted to get into this series, but the character designs are very unappealing to me.
Any similarity in this game to something such as say Animal Crossing? I've heard it mentioned before, but I'm not really seeing it looking at the OP.
Don't think I've ever gotten XSEED games from Gamestop before, so I dunno how it works with them.
Only got it this time cause I was hoping to pick up both at the same time.
Don't think I've ever gotten XSEED games from Gamestop before, so I dunno how it works with them.
Only got it this time cause I was hoping to pick up both at the same time.
Thank you. I think I will play female and sprite swap then. Question: How long does it take to get to this point? Does it cost in-game currency to do this? It changes your voice/appearance/everything? Can you change back if you like? Otherwise it is permanent if you want it to be (sorry, lot of Q's)Unfortunately, no. But there is a "sprite swap" feature which is unlocked after you beat the 2nd arc that lets you swap your sprite to the other main character (and other characters if you want.) I made a video demonstrating it last year (in the description it tells you the details):
Hm. I guess I'll wait for for my Pokemon fever to die down a little bit before I head into Rune Factory. I wouldn't want to do a disservice what seems like a really fun game, by shelving it almost immediately after getting itIf it's like previous games in the series, if it clicks and you get into the game, you'll get into the game (that's what happened when I innocently began playing Frontier this year), and it'll be a long one at that. So it'd probably be fair to wait until after Pokemon and you have time to give the game a fair bit of your attentionOr maybe I dare you to get it now and potentially like it sooo much that it takes precedence over Pokemon (of course, if your feelings towards Pokemon are the same as mine towards Rune Factory, then our own respective games will take precedence over others, and if I were to get Pokemon then I would "shelve" it for later, which is what might happen if you get Rune Factory, you may shelve it for later in preference for Pokemon.)
I'm surprised I missed that, it's added now.Edit: There should really be a link to the character page of the website in the OP. None of the new bachelorettes do much for me visually, but the voice clips are nudging me in the right direction. Not!Saber's voice doesn't match what I thought she sounded like in my head.
I've only ever made one other OT, what is the norm?You used Photobucket, op? I knew the game is never going mainstream, but shame on you, op, shame. >=[
imgur should be good. Here's the FAQ on image posting.Edit2: I'm trying imgur now, if anyone has a better suggestion while I am re-uploading everything please chime in.
I plan to add any Reviews to the OT as they come in but I don't know if many(any?) sites are going to give it the time of day. According to Metacritic, only 10 sites bothered to do reviews for RF3.i guess we can't really expect reviews today?
Thank you. I think I will play female and sprite swap then. Question: How long does it take to get to this point? Does it cost in-game currency to do this? It changes your voice/appearance/everything? Can you change back if you like? Otherwise it is permanent if you want it to be (sorry, lot of Q's)
Cool that they did this. A compromise like this is way better than having no options at all.
Took me about 40-50 hours myself, but could take someone else less time depending on how they play. (Which difficulty, if they focus on farming/relationships instead of plot, etc.)
So how long is the game overall, is it like the previous handheld games, like the console games (100+ hours)? I'm still finishing up RF2, 3, and ToD so I want to give myself a good estimate of what it'll take timewise in my schedule to finish this one.