it's me or the game characters look much better in 3d
its fine, but then you go into the doctor's place and your eyes go crosseyed.
it's me or the game characters look much better in 3d
It certainly made me raise an eyebrow. But I don't plan on writing an article about it. If that helps.When I started up the game I actually told my friend "Here comes a Kotaku article" after deciding my gender.
It's always funny, in every Rune Factory game there's always been a woman that I'm like "Why can't SHE be a bachelorette so I don't have to feel like a damn dirty pedo?"
The pedo force is strong in this one, I was really surprised to find Xia Pai was a bachelorette but Lin fa wasn't and then they dropped Amber on me.
It's always funny, in every Rune Factory game there's always been a woman that I'm like "Why can't SHE be a bachelorette so I don't have to feel like a damn dirty pedo?"
It certainly made me raise an eyebrow. But I don't plan on writing an article about it. If that helps.
Yes, I would literally fear that picking Amber or Pai is like, dialing 911 for you. I don't know if it's cause I'm older now and the moms seem closer to my age or something, but everytime I see people saying like their favourites are Amber and Pai I feel a little sick on the inside. I mean they are cute and stuff, but for marriage it's weird. I guess at some point kings married 10 year old girls and stuff, but we are past such times. I don't think people who like them are pedos, but it certainly makes me feel uncomfortable.
I see people saying like their favourites are Amber and Pai I feel a little sick on the inside. I mean they are cute and stuff, but for marriage it's weird.
and Lina
Yes, I would literally fear that picking Amber or Pai is like, dialing 911 for you. I don't know if it's cause I'm older now and the moms seem closer to my age or something, but everytime I see people saying like their favourites are Amber and Pai I feel a little sick on the inside. I mean they are cute and stuff, but for marriage it's weird. I guess at some point kings married 10 year old girls and stuff, but we are past such times. I don't think people who like them are pedos, but it certainly makes me feel uncomfortable.
Well, it's not like the main character looks like a manWho was the "unattainable woman" in ToD, was it Jocelyn? Of course, they did give the player the option to have Aden marry Lily so in a sense, if ToD sold more copies perhaps they would have considered having more mature-looking marriage candidates in future entries! (I'm joking, I just want to give you more reasons to hate ToD.)
As for the gender choice thing, interestingly enough, I probably would be more like Frey when looking down from an airship, I'd probably be even more scared, "Ah! I don't want to look down! I'll just stay here in the middle so there's no chance of falling off!" So the way I see the dialogue choices, it's that they are a reflection of the characters and not a projection of myself onto the situation (otherwise I would have had to choose to play as Frey.)
edit: Oh yeah, ronito, doesn't Kiel seem kind of "boyish"? I guess that if a woman played this game and played as Frey and went courting after Kiel, it'd elicit the same sentiment as a male playing the game and having Lest go courting after Amber. I remember being shocked to find out that Yoshifumi Hashimoto said that demographically, the high schooler/young male demographic is the one attracted to Rune Factory (me being 22 puts me squarely in the demographic that is attracted to this series, what a conincidence.) So when I read in this thread about people playing the game with their wives, it gladdens my heart to know that I will still hold this series dear the older I get. And then I'll wish there were more older marriage candidates.
I mean, when it comes down to it, it seems like some of you guys are just saying if their hair is short they are pedophile material.
Not at all.
Some of the pedo material has long hair
Come to think of it, I liked the "isolated" feel of the previous games, this one has a more "regal" feel to it, the town seems a little "too" civilized, while the previous games had villages in isolated locations.
For some reason I just remembered that I haven't actually seen the opening animation. I might be crazy, but... I could have sworn the game immediately jumped to the start menu?
I was a bit disappointed that I got dumped into a room in a castle this time around rather than being given my own house. "Expanding" my room but not having it be reflected outside is pretty lame.
Well, of course Hashimoto was referring to Japanese young males (he even said that some housewives play the game too, interestingly). But the reason I like this series is because it reminds me of the joyous harmony of characters getting along on an adventure, the same feeling I got watching Anime as a kid (plus it's a great time killer). The daily life interspersed with fantasy, the heroes finding themselves saving the world, not by choice but by circumstance.
Come to think of it, I liked the "isolated" feel of the previous games, this one has a more "regal" feel to it, the town seems a little "too" civilized, while the previous games had villages in isolated locations.
*something something* medieval times *something something* marriageable age *something something* much younger than now *something something* I fail to see the problem.
I like to think that my discovering the series this year added one extra tick mark to the sales that otherwise wouldn't be there, and it's owed to the word of mouth that came from NeoGAF (and I'm a pawn to Hashimoto's plan, because I also got Harvest Moon 3D and am probably going to be looking into Hometown Story.)
edit: Ah, so ronito, about the demographic that may find the game attractive changing. So the question would be whether or not the more heavily "otaku" elements of the series would be offputting to a wider audience? I think it's a matter of why the people play the games though, it's an addictive adventure with lovable characters, so people won't necessarily be playing the game to look at female character designs, or think that that is the point of the games. I think the intent was for the Harvest Moon series to gain new players from the young male demographic (the whole "A Fantasy Harvest Moon" thing), so it's interesting if the Harvest Moon demographic ended up going to the series, or who knows, maybe some of the Animal Crossing players would be interested in Rune Factory.
On that note, I sort of wonder how different Frontier and 4 are. I got the original and Frontier and would like to at least get through Frontier sometime. 1 I suppose might be useful for Frontier being the only two entire I know for sure are linked.
And fuck that runey system.
Oh, yeah, what sort of things should I hold on to and what should I sell? I grabbed a bunch of junk in that dungeon, but I want to get money fast to buy tools to clear out that lot, and unless selling off a bunch of weeds did the trick I'm going to want to look into something other than just waiting for the turnips to grow.
Oh, yeah, what sort of things should I hold on to and what should I sell? I grabbed a bunch of junk in that dungeon, but I want to get money fast to buy tools to clear out that lot, and unless selling off a bunch of weeds did the trick I'm going to want to look into something other than just waiting for the turnips to grow.
I'm not focusing on hair when I'm comparing your "pedo" vs. "non-pedo" candidates, myself.Not at all.
Some of the pedo material has long hair
Mmm, I hate to constantly be the negative note in the thread, but I gotta share my feelings on this. Covering it in spoilers so people who don't care to read up on the end of the game.
Are you saying this because you saw credits? Because if you didn't get through the winter dungeon and beyond, that isn't the end of the story.
Lots of my gaming time is coming during breaks at school, I'm so glad I discovered portable gaming! I'm mostly trying to play through RF2 at the moment so I'm only dabbling through RF4. RF2 is taking wayyyyyyy longer than I thought it would. It's interesting how they do the recipe learning in RF2 (taking little quizzes with a teacher) but I can see that they said "screw it, just give them recipe bread instead" in 3 and 4, maybe so that you don't get everything at once (perhaps that's to incentivize people to go and try out a new recipe as soon as they learn it?) What's neat is that you sort of learn "why" weird ingredients like "Giant's Fingernail" are used in recipes when the teacher explains it in RF2, instead of having to go "huh? Why's there a magic crystal and a wolf fang in this?"
God damn, as said before I took a break from dungeon crawling and just focus on forging and farming. Now I'm way overpowered, I just spammed my attack until the boss die, no strategy whatsoever. I think I just hilariously orlandu'ed myself.
Which dungeon have you beat? I've hit a slight wall due to a change up that was thrown at me lol.