Finally had a chance to play this some more
It's really damn cool. It's like Fallout meets something between Half Life 2 and Deus Ex in first person
I don't think it's quite as cool as those games subjectively, but it's a fantastic mix of genres, style, and gameplay
I really dig the venomous AI, as much as it can be an annoying quickload fest sometimes if you aren't careful
I've seen some people say that the AI is all-knowing, but other than the bug/issue that AI states are reset on game load (sort of unavoidable probably), I haven't noticed anything odd. If the AI spots me, they hound me relentlessly, unless there's a lot of cover, in which case I can slip away far enough to come at them from another angle.
Similarly, sneaking works just fine if you're careful, and if it's raining and/or dark, they won't see or hear stuff they normally would, which is really cool.
This sort of tactical combat is _not_ my thing, and I don't find it overly enjoyable, but the mix of other aspects of the game, the setting, and the overall experience is pretty damn cool.
I thought this game was long dead, I'm happy to see that isn't the case.
Oh, and I have one of my friends _completely_ addicted to it

Unlike me, he doesn't mind the tactical combat, so he's eating it up.