FartOfWar said:A little lttp, but the GFW/1up review goes up tomorrow along with a GFW Radio largely devoted to the game.
White Man said:Also, I don't want to see any more impressions until this game is out, unless you are a press person.
Chiggs said:Best Buy had it in stock, but they wouldn't sell me a copy.
Linkup said:Thought they weren't going to have it until Wednesday. Did they have both DVD and CD versions?
hukasmokincaterpillar said:Reviews and impressions pretty much have me sold, but I'm wary it'll run like a dog on my crusty old 6800 GT, even on medium settings. Crusty as in I spent $300 on it less than 2 years ago. Sigh. Any older card benchmarks out there yet?
Munin said:I hope this game is moddable so people can perhaps bring back some of the features that have been cut.
hukasmokincaterpillar said:Reviews and impressions pretty much have me sold, but I'm wary it'll run like a dog on my crusty old 6800 GT, even on medium settings. Crusty as in I spent $300 on it less than 2 years ago. Sigh. Any older card benchmarks out there yet?
Borys said:I want to apologise to Chiggs for calling him a blind Xbox fanboy in the (very distant) past. Sometimes I act like an irrational idiot, sorry.
Chiggs said:LOL
Apology accepted. I never thought I'd be back into pc gaming, but, quite frankly, outside of a few games, next-gen has been a real letdown.
I'll never turn my back on it again. I've learned my lesson.
Zenith said:anyone else think that commercially this will be a failure? non-shiny graphics AND high system requirements? gameplay-wise it's going to be very hardcore. no running and gunning. can't see it appealing much to anyone outside of the internet.
Zenith said:anyone else think that commercially this will be a failure? non-shiny graphics AND high system requirements? gameplay-wise it's going to be very hardcore. no running and gunning. can't see it appealing much to anyone outside of the internet.
Zenith said:anyone else think that commercially this will be a failure? non-shiny graphics AND high system requirements? gameplay-wise it's going to be very hardcore. no running and gunning. can't see it appealing much to anyone outside of the internet.
Zenith said:anyone else think that commercially this will be a failure? non-shiny graphics AND high system requirements? gameplay-wise it's going to be very hardcore. no running and gunning. can't see it appealing much to anyone outside of the internet.
Zenith said:anyone else think that commercially this will be a failure? non-shiny graphics AND high system requirements? gameplay-wise it's going to be very hardcore. no running and gunning. can't see it appealing much to anyone outside of the internet.
Schafer said:The game will make huge bank in Europe where PC gaming is still a serious force. In North America, yea it probably won't do so hot.
Chiggs said:You might have a point. But there are a couple of things I just want to point out:
1. There are some shiny pixel shader effects.
2. Gothic III sold over 500,000 copies.
Taking that into account, plus the generally positive reviews, I'm going to predict 800k in sales--and that's without any videocard pack-in deals they manage to land.
1-D_FTW said:FartOfWar: What kind of settings were you running with your 9800? I'm not building a new computer until summer/fall and the strong Deus Ex vibe makes me want to play it now.
Romance Pie said:Good to see it getting good reviews being the company's first game and hope people will end up buying it in respect.
Zenith said:shouldn't this be stickied as an Official release thread for a high-profile game?
Zenith said:shouldn't this be stickied as an Official release thread for a high-profile game?
White Man said:This isn't their first game.
Fragamemnon said:The Cossacks series sold over 2.5 million copies in Europe. I was suprised to learn that, given that the games were pretty much niche-at-best here in the US.
FartOfWar said:Yet another reason why NPD numbers aren't especially telling.
Fragamemnon said:They're still interesting, but I agree, yeah, they don't really matter too much. Especially the way that most of the top 20 PC games have incredibly long legs (WoW, The Sims 2, Age of Empires, etc.) that make the charts all crazy, whereas the console stuff generally doesn't see those same kind of phenomenon and it's mostly current new releases at the top.
Semi-OT, but-
One thing I took the time to do yesterday (couldn't game, was sick in bed w/ my laptop) was look at how some of the PC forums out there and how the posts regarding the game are handled from a piracy point of view, and the nudge-nudge, wink-wink way in which piracy was danced around but never really mentioned was sort of astounding. That was, of course, when it wasn't outright defended and rationalized.
I came away in thinking that most of the issues that Epic/id hinted at in their recent remarks were really due to the total lax way that the core PC gamer scene treats pirates in their own midst-with not nearly enough hostility and disdain.
Fragamemnon said:One thing I took the time to do yesterday (couldn't game, was sick in bed w/ my laptop) was look at how some of the PC forums out there and how the posts regarding the game are handled from a piracy point of view, and the nudge-nudge, wink-wink way in which piracy was danced around but never really mentioned was sort of astounding. That was, of course, when it wasn't outright defended and rationalized.
FartOfWar said:We had a version of this very discussion happen in a GFW forum thread about Peggle (of all places). And yeah, it's saddens me, too.
It's a shame such a culture of acceptance exists, and there's really no way to fight it I guess.
Victrix said:plenty of pc forums are very hostile towards pirates, or outright ban them if they try to make too many sly comments pre-release (or even post release)
Linkzg said:I would think especially Stalker would need support, and its only $40.
FartOfWar said:Review should go up any moment now, too.
Linkzg said: