That was a really nice episode. Great performance by Pluto and Black Lady.
I only wish the show didn't try to adapt the manga shot by shot (more or less). It really hurts the pacing. There are episodes where you've got several minutes of boring info dumping, and then there are episodes like this where: two major characters die, one character has a character-changing (literally) moment and a great battle scene occurs. It is so uneven.
Also, I know it's a popular movie/cartoon cliche when a character dies and talks for few minutes before dying while everyone lean over her... But I found it funny that Sailor Scouts and King Endymion were crouching over Pluto and ignored that both Black Lady and Mamoru (who might or might not be still under her spell) are also well and alive and in the meantime could easily grab two silver crystals out of Demande's hands. And what was Demande doing between realizing he doesn't have crystals anymore and dying at the hand of Wiseman?
And I feel really bad for inner senshi, they are so useless and underdeveloped in this show. You could replace them all with a single character (well, the show already did this when Mars, Mercury and Jupiter were abducted) and you wouldn't notice a difference. At least that one character would have more than two lines of dialogue per episode. :|
Those random jumps in quality were crazy
If only the whole show had this kind of quality. Some of those shots were really nicely done.

It's hard to believe it's from the same show as, for example, this shot:
One of the frames is a little off though:
I wonder: how the hell stuff like this happens? This isn't some computer generated thing - someone must have deliberately draw it that way. And even if it's a transition frame, it's still weird and once you notice it, you can see that it looks out of place even during the animation.