I don't remember - didn't the first two games open up the city at the start but not involve the activities as missions? Regardless, they could have spiced it up a bit or changed the formula. You know, given us something besides activities for the first set of missions. But that's a matter of opinion.
My biggest problem is how glitchy the game is. I've falling through the floor countless times, crashes, blah blah blah.
On the bright side, it had some great effects, including some characters spazzing out inside a car (the limbs hanging out) and people driving invisible cars. It fits, almost.I know the game has those moments, but it's so constant besides the purposeful ones that it's hilarious most of the time.
I'm very much enjoying it so far, but damn, the audiomix is one of the worst I've heard. I can barely hear any effects, everything just lacks impact. I tried screwing around with the sound in the audio settings, but I can't get it to decent levels. Am I doing something wrong?
Ok, I know this is fucking bizarre, but for people having audio issues on PC...
Saint's Row 4 first mission was better than 87% of games last missions.
This game can be very cpu bound and you have an outdated AMD cpu (which is why changing gpu settings does nothing for you).
how do you beat these robots that have the energy beams?
can't seem to damage them![]()
I will say that the game does a poor job of explaining that as you do more things in the simulation, the more the system "destabilizes" thus causing more glitchy textures and funny looking people so the casual observor thinks the game isn't loading properly or something when, in fact, it is a design decision.
I hate these things, especially in the city, as they appear every 10 seconds and arent fun to fight if you don't have the abduction gun.
But you wait until the lock unto you with the lasers, then you go (or fly) behind them and shoot the green area at their head.
Is The Mix 107.77 an unlockable radio station? I've only seen it appear once when I was doing a racing side mission, and then as soon as I finished it was gone. I have the PC version.
I will say that the game does a poor job of explaining that as you do more things in the simulation, the more the system "destabilizes" thus causing more glitchy textures and funny looking people so the casual observor thinks the game isn't loading properly or something when, in fact, it is a design decision.
No, you can access it at any time alongside any other radio station in the weapon select menu.
This is weird. I guess I'm experiencing a bug.
Whether or not the player is actually aware of whether the mucked up models were intentional or not seems irrelevant. Seeing as they eventually are pretty explicit with it down to just showing it in a prerecorded cutscene, the pieces are there for someone to just put everything together. I don't think there's any inherent issues with trying to manipulate player expectations outside of mechanics or story.
You know the scary thing about that gif?
Troy Baker was the main protagonist in all three of those games.
Having more fun with the Dubstep Gun than I ever expected.
Having more fun with the Dubstep Gun than I ever expected.
Soat the end when I have to choose who does what is there a correct team to choose or does it not matter?
The Pop Star skin is totally the way to go though.
If you dont have a friend to complete the co-op missions you cant get 100% in the districts, can you?
The Pop Star skin is totally the way to go though.
It's awesome when you freeze enemies then dub the fuck out of them.
Is there a way to summon Wardens after you've completed the game? I still need 14 for one of the last challenges I still need.
Thank you!Go to the section of the city that is always owned by aliens and just begin to fight them. After a random amount of time one will fall from the sky. Could take 20 seconds of fighting or 5 minutes.
Isn't he going to be in Infamous: Second Son and MGSV too? Infamous being one of the first games to come out that makes people excited for next gen.You know the scary thing about that gif?
Troy Baker was the main protagonist in all three of those games.
Go to the section of the city that is always owned by aliens and just begin to fight them. After a random amount of time one will fall from the sky. Could take 20 seconds of fighting or 5 minutes.
I think they always appear when your notoriety is maxed out
Do you have to do all of the side missions and get all of the collectibles before the final mission or does the game stay open, post-endgame, for you to keep doing that stuff?
So how exactly does the save work if you are the second person in a co op game? My save says 61% but when I load it to play by myself it is back to the beginning. I also did not get credit for a mission we did which is annoying and now as I talk.. my xbox froze up trying to load into his game.
I am starting to regret my purchase.