Just beat the game, who isjane Austen
she wrote pride and prejudice
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I had the same experience with the series and I cant wait to see what Volition brings in the future to the table.I will preface this by saying I am a humongous GTA fan, so much so I am taking several days off work for the launch. But, a while back, I saw the trailer for this game. It looked straight up bananas, and I knew I wanted to play it. Then SR 2 & 3 were given away for free on PS Plus. It was like a sign, telling me that I needed to play these games. Finding out the release date was about a month before GTAV made it seem so perfect. I decided I just *had* to play through the SR games, as GTAV will consume my very soul when its released, making me ignore all my other games.
SR2 started out ok, I didnt really start to enjoy it until a few hours in. But then I just lost myself in it, I was surprised at how much fun I was having while playing it. In the interest of time, because I have very limited game time available, I started to cheat halfway through it just to plow through the story. Not very honorable, no, but all I wanted was the story.. Before cheats, I was having a blast. With cheats, it was way more fun for a bit, but then the overpowering sense of gdlke-ness brought it down some. And since SR2 doesnt have trophies for PS3, I didnt regret my actions in the least. Once I beat SR2, I immediately fired up SR3.
SR3 time. No cheats this go around. I wanted the real experience,but again aiming for short completion time so I could hop in SR4 when it was released. As much as I tried focusing on the story missions, I always found myself getting diverted to the side activities. To make money, sure, but they were so great! I would find myself just trying to find and beat them when I knew that was not my goal. The technical and gameplay improvements over SR2 really blew me away. Heck the cloth and hair alone were stunning improvements. The enhancements you could get were great, almost made you feel like cheating, but then not really. Once I got SRIV at launch, and I still hadnt beaten 3, I did a marathon session on my next off day and finished 3 (after about 6 hours), then I stopped playing after I got about 2 hours into IV.and dem trophies!
SRIV Aahhh, this is what it has all been for. Got the Wub Wub edition, and I couldnt be happier with it. Just getting in to the game, customizing a few cars with meager scraps of cache, doing a few things here and there then boom. Got my powers. Cars? Who needs those antiques any more?!? The only time I drove from there on was during required missions. Despite all the time I spent in SR3, this still felt fresh, fun, and inviting. Always calling me back for more. Super sprinting, jumping, gliding, all felt so amazing. I beat the game last night, and man what a wild ride indeed. I truly enjoyed how the story was told, and how everything was weaved together over the games. Ive collected 800-900 pickups, and I never felt bored. Got at least silver on all the challenges. So much about this game has improved over SR3. I will say, certain gameplay elements do fall behind because of your powers, but to me thats not a big problem. This game was amazing, through and through, it constantly had me amazed, saying, wow.From the Virus missions where everything is hilariously glitching out, to the stunning beat em up segment, and more. That side scrolling part plays better than some other 2d side scrolling games I have played! They captured not only the look, but the feel and the sounds so perfectly. I shed many tears of nostalgia at that part. Elements, story bits, and gameplay sessions from previous games were also amazing. Being able to see those in a different light, a different scenario, a different setting was superb.
I couldnt be more thankful of my time with SR. I never imagined the games would grab me like they did. Being able to see the games mature, along with the devs, was a beautiful sight, because so many things improved over the years, and not once did I say to myself wtf were they thinking?. With GTA being released in a few days, and my goal has been achieved, 3 SR games in 3 months, I feel very accomplished. But what I like more, is that despite how much I will play GTA, I feel I will always come back to Digital and Analog Steelport. Especially digital, because having super powers in a SR feels so rightI am likely to let some friends borrow SRIV while I get over the initial GTA craze, because more people need to play this game. Even as a standalone, its joy no matter what. I havent played The Last of Us, or Bioshock Infinite, but this is one of my favorite games this year no doubt. A true masterpiece, and I will forever be supporter of Volitions future efforts with SR, and other projects.
Haha thank you. It was a very magical experience, glad I could finally join in on what I had been missing out on for so long.You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I had the same experience with the series and I cant wait to see what Volition brings in the future to the table.
I don't know if it was mentioned previously but...
Did anyone catch the bit of text during the game that said "Dead Island X Saints Row - 2015"? I know that it may be a joke, but....it made me hope this isn't a joke.
I will preface this by saying I am a humongous GTA fan, so much so I am taking several days off work for the launch. But, a while back, I saw the trailer for this game. - (Cut for space)
I will preface this by saying I am a humongous GTA fan, so much so I am taking several days off work for the launch. But, a while back, I saw the trailer for this game. It looked straight up bananas, and I knew I wanted to play it. Then SR 2 & 3 were given away for free on PS Plus. It was like a sign, telling me that I needed to play these games. Finding out the release date was about a month before GTAV made it seem so perfect. I decided I just *had* to play through the SR games, as GTAV will consume my very soul when its released, making me ignore all my other games.
SR2 started out ok, I didnt really start to enjoy it until a few hours in. But then I just lost myself in it, I was surprised at how much fun I was having while playing it. In the interest of time, because I have very limited game time available, I started to cheat halfway through it just to plow through the story. Not very honorable, no, but all I wanted was the story.. Before cheats, I was having a blast. With cheats, it was way more fun for a bit, but then the overpowering sense of gdlke-ness brought it down some. And since SR2 doesnt have trophies for PS3, I didnt regret my actions in the least. Once I beat SR2, I immediately fired up SR3.
SR3 time. No cheats this go around. I wanted the real experience,but again aiming for short completion time so I could hop in SR4 when it was released. As much as I tried focusing on the story missions, I always found myself getting diverted to the side activities. To make money, sure, but they were so great! I would find myself just trying to find and beat them when I knew that was not my goal. The technical and gameplay improvements over SR2 really blew me away. Heck the cloth and hair alone were stunning improvements. The enhancements you could get were great, almost made you feel like cheating, but then not really. Once I got SRIV at launch, and I still hadnt beaten 3, I did a marathon session on my next off day and finished 3 (after about 6 hours), then I stopped playing after I got about 2 hours into IV.and dem trophies!
SRIV Aahhh, this is what it has all been for. Got the Wub Wub edition, and I couldnt be happier with it. Just getting in to the game, customizing a few cars with meager scraps of cache, doing a few things here and there then boom. Got my powers. Cars? Who needs those antiques any more?!? The only time I drove from there on was during required missions. Despite all the time I spent in SR3, this still felt fresh, fun, and inviting. Always calling me back for more. Super sprinting, jumping, gliding, all felt so amazing. I beat the game last night, and man what a wild ride indeed. I truly enjoyed how the story was told, and how everything was weaved together over the games. Ive collected 800-900 pickups, and I never felt bored. Got at least silver on all the challenges. So much about this game has improved over SR3. I will say, certain gameplay elements do fall behind because of your powers, but to me thats not a big problem. This game was amazing, through and through, it constantly had me amazed, saying, wow.From the Virus missions where everything is hilariously glitching out, to the stunning beat em up segment, and more. That side scrolling part plays better than some other 2d side scrolling games I have played! They captured not only the look, but the feel and the sounds so perfectly. I shed many tears of nostalgia at that part. Elements, story bits, and gameplay sessions from previous games were also amazing. Being able to see those in a different light, a different scenario, a different setting was superb.
I couldnt be more thankful of my time with SR. I never imagined the games would grab me like they did. Being able to see the games mature, along with the devs, was a beautiful sight, because so many things improved over the years, and not once did I say to myself wtf were they thinking?. With GTA being released in a few days, and my goal has been achieved, 3 SR games in 3 months, I feel very accomplished. But what I like more, is that despite how much I will play GTA, I feel I will always come back to Digital and Analog Steelport. Especially digital, because having super powers in a SR feels so rightI am likely to let some friends borrow SRIV while I get over the initial GTA craze, because more people need to play this game. Even as a standalone, its joy no matter what. I havent played The Last of Us, or Bioshock Infinite, but this is one of my favorite games this year no doubt. A true masterpiece, and I will forever be supporter of Volitions future efforts with SR, and other projects.
A Saints Row IV Update has been released.
Community Announcements - DanMan
- Fix for the Rectifier and Penetrator Upgrade/Customization Screen freezes
- Fix for double Dubstep Gun being available to certain players after the last patch
- Fix for Inauguration Station .exe name
- Fix for keyboard/mouse tutorial messages when using sprint toggle
- Fix for radio key mapping not working as intended
- Fix for key mapping of 1 and 2 for weapon swap
- Fix for wall sprint functionality sticking when using sprint toggle
- (AMD Eyefinity users) Fix for 21:9 resolution monitors to display UI correctly
- Fix for hangs relating to DRM checks
- Fix for missing Polish string translation (defaults to English if string is missing)
- Fix for extra UI elements appearing in certain Mayhem activities
- Added support for future DLC
- Added crash reporting support, this will help to pinpoint crash issues
- Added a toggle in the menu for allow weapon swapping not to bring up the weapon swap screen. When enabled, this stops the full screen menu from popping up during weapon swap
- Added transparency to the weapon radial under certain conditions
Want to buy GAT V on PC? Too bad! Because we made the GAT V pack FREE on Steam for today only!*
Its a custom shotgun skin.Got the pack but the .50cal MG doesn't show up in my weapons while the Knife Launcher does. Weird.
Does all of the game take place within the virtual Steelport? Making it pretty much all combat and you not able to drive around the city and do various activities like in the past game?
So if one wanted to do stuff like that they're better of going to Saints Row The Third or GTA V right?
The FPS mod is looking cool.
Does anyone have any tips on getting gold for super powered fight club and Genki's M.O.M?
I just beat this. Is Saints Row 3 worth playing after this or will I be let down?
Just beat the game, who isjane Austen
I just beat this. Is Saints Row 3 worth playing after this or will I be let down?
So the DLC for this comes out today! I downloaded a 600MB patch on Steam yesterday which I can only assume was the DLC and I guess it will come out with the store update later![]()
Unfortunately, the consoles will get it today, but the official Saints Row twitter replied to someone asking about the PC version and said it won't be out until 2:00 A.M. Pacific time on the 23rd.
Hopefully something changes though. I would love to play this tonight!
Any new costumes in the dlc?
Well I've finished it and it was incredibly short. Funny most of the time, but it's pretty much on rails. Also being max level there was 0 challenge in this.
Just a. Also a couple crappy heavy weaponsgimpsuit(minigun, flamethrower and another awful grenade launcher with GRENADES STILL NOT EXPLODING ON IMPACT).