seems like people reviewing the pc version seem to enjoy it more. I guess all the predictions of the game chugging to stream the world while you run at hyper speed were right.
My review was based entirely on a PC version.I'm just waiting for some impression on the pc version, SR3 wasn't optimized at all unfortunately :/
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5.
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
My review was based entirely on a PC version.
#Dead. Fuck Bioware.
I feel that the reason behind Steelport's problems is that Volition spent way too much effort focusing on the special gated environments for missions. These unique mission spaces all have a ton of awesome references and little touches, but the lack of mission replay in the game means that you only get to see them once.
This made me groan out loud, they are completely different styles of games.Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
seems like people reviewing the pc version seem to enjoy it more. I guess all the predictions of the game chugging to stream the world while you run at hyper speed were right.
Just an fyi folks. I think the SR games, as crazy as they are, are hilarious and I hope most of the reviews don't give away too many things. The video review I posted is extremely minimal on story, set peices, and almost devoid of all main mission gameplay. So aka fairly spoiler free.
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
Not in any way do these games try and compete with eachother.
Also, have you played GTAV?
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5, but it will keep me occupied for 20 days atleast until the king arrives.
And the game's open stance on character customization and gender let me play the way I wanted to. - Polygon
I don't like this stye of game, but this is interesting to see two similar games coming out so close to each other. Will be fun to watch the firefight.
I think my eyes just rolled into the back of my head.
Damn, just bought Dragon's Crown, guess I'm buyin this too...
I actually appreciated Saints Row 3's quietly transgender-friendly approach. Roll your eyes at me, I suppose.
I always find it hard to take IGN scores seriously. Why is it a 7.3 and not a 7.4?
WTF is.. by TotalBiscuit
He says that the game has performance issues and dropping frames, he asked Nvidia if they have had the chance to tweak the game before launch and they said no, AMD got that instead. He tried all presets and with SLI enabled/disabled, same problem. He's on Titans also.
We'll see what happens.
Is it just me or in SR3 isfemale boss hot for shaundi
To be fair he doesn't actually have to play GTA V.
The last one had a 98 metacritic score. It really doesn't even matter how good (or not good if its anything like 4) the next one is, it'll end up with better reviews than this game for various reasons.
Review scores are a lot higher for this game than I was figuring given the stigma the game had of being DLC content being turned into a full fledged game.
how so? This is pretty much an open world super hero game.
When my character was a chick she was SLAVIC BADASS LADY...I don't think she gave two shits about Shaundi. She was too busy being uberslavic.