Wow I didn't know story of thor / beyond oasis was planned to be a snes game originally
Have you try Thunder Force 3? It's one of the easier shumps, though it has tricky parts.I suck at shooters. Everything on easy and Max lives selected. I got nothing to prove. Lol
Wow I didn't know story of thor / beyond oasis was planned to be a snes game originally
Have you try Thunder Force 3? It's one of the easier shumps, though it has tricky parts.
I suck at shooters. Everything on easy and Max lives selected. I got nothing to prove. Lol
Wow I didn't know story of thor / beyond oasis was planned to be a snes game originally
Really? Where did you hear that?
Artist Hitoshi Ariga posted some obscure stuff on twitter and tumblr user videogamedensetsu has been compiling it.Wow, didnt know this either. Where did you learn it?
You didn't miss anything, it was just me speculating on the advantages of the other console, having never really owned one until this century (ie. probably grossly misinformed). Don't worry though, I was still heavily in favour of the MDI now really wonder what system wars-y stuff that got edited outBut yeah, wouldnt mind seeing the game of the month!
damnest thing!I'll check the local comic shop and see if they have a copy. I like shmups and don't want to be a sore loser.
another time, X-Men 2!
I know right? $11.99 is still overpriced.damnest thing!
bannedI know right? $11.99 is still overpriced.
So far we have:
Crue Ball
Echo: Tides of Time
McDonald's Treasureland Adventure
if you don't care and just want to play, use the plasmaFuck, this thread has me wanting to buy MD carts again. Damn you all.
And also investigating the best ways of getting the MD hooked up to a plasma. It's not going to be cheap, I don't think(unless I stick with composite, which actually looks surprisingly good)
if you don't care and just want to play, use the plasma
want a cheap solution? get a CRT for $10 on Craigslist
I know right? $11.99 is still overpriced.
Yep! I'm picking up a 32" CRT this weekend to replace my 20". Only $5.if you don't care and just want to play, use the plasma
want a cheap solution? get a CRT for $10 on Craigslist
Ooh, if they're making them for MD1 I'd definitely be interested. Interesting to read about that test too, will have to give it a whirl. Pretty sure mine does though, it's a fairly decent Pana Viera.Agreed on the CRT. If you don't have room for a CRT the S-video mod might be an option. HD Retrovision is also making standard definition component cables for Genesis (and SNES) but they are not for sale to the general public yet. Kickstarter backers have received them. Check to make sure your plasma accepts 240p first though.
Ooh, if they're making them for MD1 I'd definitely be interested. Interesting to read about that test too, will have to give it a whirl. Pretty sure mine does though, it's a fairly decent Pana Viera.
I *just* subbed to their newsletter and got an email directly from them that there was a new announcement on their "Google group", and I missed out on receiving it via email by about 2 seconds.Yep, they're available for the Model 1.
The email said the first batch will be available via their website on July 3 at 4:30pm central. Genesis cable is $44 + $5 for Genesis 1 adapter.I *just* subbed to their newsletter and got an email directly from them that there was a new announcement on their "Google group", and I missed out on receiving it via email by about 2 seconds.
Don't know exactly what their Google group is, but I guess this means these cables will hit production soon. Nice.
Yeah, I got on there this morning and checked it out. Regardless of whether my TV supports 240P or not, I'm still going to get an MD1 cable and converter. Can't afford to not have that even if it sits there and does nothing.The email said the first batch will be available via their website on July 3 at 4:30pm central. Genesis cable is $44 + $5 for Genesis 1 adapter.
I didn't vote for it because I wanted to see a shooter win, but I would have been fine with X-Men 2.Got X-Men 2 today which I had speculated would win the monthly challenge, checked it out a bit, and it seems really cool!
Got X-Men 2 today which I had speculated would win the monthly challenge, checked it out a bit, and it seems really cool!
i will eventually get that game too.
question: is Rocket Knight Adventure good? and what is a decent price to shoot for?
Yes they have & Lol I thought I was the only one that says boo-urns.So have the nominations already been done? If not, I'll nom Sub-Terrania. If so, then boo-urns.
i will eventually get that game too.
question: is Rocket Knight Adventure good? and what is a decent price to shoot for?
Is it good? No. Its freaking amazing!
Yes they have & Lol I thought I was the only one that says boo-urns.
Brah, please. Pick that up asap. OST is worth the price alone. $15 loose $30 complete.
i will eventually get that game too.
question: is Rocket Knight Adventure good? and what is a decent price to shoot for?
And here's how the ol' Genesis collection is looking these days (with special appearance by my paltry Game Boy collection).
<horrible quality picture>
Finally picked up the final installment of the greatest beat-'em-up series ever.
And here's how the ol' Genesis collection is looking these days (with special appearance by my paltry Game Boy collection).
ok, just brought it a moment ago!
Its one of the best action-platformers in existence with a Gradius homage, and a stellar soundtrack.
Anyone got a "go to" repro place for Genesis stuff? Only repro i'd want is Monster World IV. Pulseman and Battle Mania 2...i'd want the actual carts.
Dude, come on.You'd think with all the free disposable income you could buy yourself a phone with a camera released in the last five years.
Or opening the curtains.
I'm joking, don't do that! It'll burn your gamesand yourself
Dude, come on.
I have a Mega Turrican that I got pretty cheap, but the side of the box is faded to the point where it looks pink.
Guys, do you know if the Game Genie carts are region-free? Specifically, would a european Game Genie work on my Japanese MD2?