Those swimsuits are ....
So well designed .
Can't post pics here but still murakumo swimsuit is so special , lol
Damn it R_thanatos. I was trying to stay strong but I can't wait any longer. Will import it. T_T
Those swimsuits are ....
So well designed .
Can't post pics here but still murakumo swimsuit is so special , lol
Reading impressions from Japanese BBS ppl are generally liking the story. I hope it gets translated well upon localization.
This story, oh boy.Jasmine is an alternate timeline Sayuri from a time where there are very few ninjas lead by an alternate Dogen.
Damn it R_thanatos. I was trying to stay strong but I can't wait any longer. Will import it. T_T
I know you've enjoyed SV , so i'll tell you this , this game is even better.
Everything that is great in Sv is in this game with more story and more of what made SK that fun to follow.
Say whaaaaa! Should I buy the regular or look for the CE?
Reading impressions from Japanese BBS ppl are generally liking the story. I hope it gets translated well upon localization.
Say whaaaaa! Should I buy the regular or look for the CE?
CE is probably not going to be easy to find. They sold 94% of their initial shipment. Hell, regular physical is probably hard to find. Strongly recommend PS4 version BTW.
Say whaaaaa! Should I buy the regular or look for the CE?
Estimated delivery :
Wed 4/01/2015 by 8:00 pm
Worst. April Fools. Ever.
Don't toy with my emotions FedEx.
Copy is sitting at the Fedex depot in town as of 6pm yesterday and is not on a truck to be delivered today, awesome. Can't complain, as it should get here by the time advertised but if this were ups it would be on a truck today.
Not sure if it has been asked, but for the PS4 version, is the dashboard icon as lewd as the 1st vita game?
No, it's basically the same as the Vita box art. If you look close you can see clothed boobs but it's pretty innocuous amongst the other icons.
Oh right, there's a Vita version (I own it and still forget, haven't opened it). Can't recommend the PS4 version enough over it. Versus was pretty great but clearly limited by hardware.
No, it's basically the same as the Vita box art. If you look close you can see clothed boobs but it's pretty innocuous amongst the other icons.
I'm getting both, but then again I have neither a PS4 nor vita since I just sold my Miku Vita recently in hopes of getting a Kancolle one.
With Kancolle delayed I likely won't be playing this for awhile, and a PS4 far exceeds my budget right now.
Thanks, I still get a laugh out of the vita icon but this looks good too.
I'm quite bummed about the delay![]()
It's literally impossible to find any of the preorder swag from any of the stores. I just want my twin poster ;-:
Really? I was hoping once I got more scratch I could collect them all...I'm mainly upset that I didn't get Capcom's bonus which was that one with Ryobi treating her sis like a dog.
I need it so bad. I'll import again if I have to. I just really need some Ryobi swag.It definitely hurts, but hopefully it results in a better experience.
Really? I was hoping once I got more scratch I could collect them all...I'm mainly upset that I didn't get Capcom's bonus which was that one with Ryobi treating her sis like a dog.
Fuck, I assumed the bonuses were all junk
I need it so bad. I'll import again if I have to. I just really need some Ryobi swag.
I don't remember the last time I got a bonus I didn't like...I guess it would have to be something sad like just stickers.
Almost all of them are pretty cool...I have a strong affinity towards tapestries.
The AmiAmi ones costed extra and were super lame IMO. Cellphone holder??? ryona as a dog sounds great though
I literally only bought the OVA LE for the Ryobi/Miyabi card/poster. Hell, only reason I even started getting the game LEs was because there was a Ryobi gig and if I'm getting one, I may as well get them all.Oh, you're the other person who really likes Ryōbi here. Yeah, I'm upset I can't get her bonus since she's by far my fave :/
YUDODISMight want to link that last pic instead of posting it here hehe
I literally only bought the OVA LE for the Ryobi/Miyabi card/poster. Hell, only reason I even started getting the game LEs was because there was a Ryobi gig and if I'm getting one, I may as well get them all.
Might want to link that last pic instead of posting it here hehe
My order is in New York right now. Hopefully get it tomorrow.
Completely forgot about how lewd the last one was.
Mines in New York too and thats where im located. Hopefully it doesnt do the same thing as my Last Round preorder and go all the way to Tennessee just to double back half way across the country. A shipping that shoulda been a week took almost a full month to get to me.
After years of using Maya, 3dsMax, Poser, DAZ 3D and the like, my sole objective is to make the lewdest scenes possible.
This man feels no shame.
Use SFM. Then you can go Studio FoW level.
After years of using Maya, 3dsMax, Poser, DAZ 3D and the like, my sole objective is to make the lewdest scenes possible.
This man feels no shame.
After years of using Maya, 3dsMax, Poser, DAZ 3D and the like, my sole objective is to make the lewdest scenes possible.
This man feels no shame.
Wait. You're serious? Wuuuuuuut You're trolling me right? >_>Yup.
Godspeed. It's pretty fussy to try and pose things just right but it seems capable enough. I just don't have the patience/drive for it.
As long as I have X Y Z axes I should be good. Im sure all the poses are preposed and theres no free form pose. If there is free form pose, they are not prepared for my creativity.
XPS theres no free form X Y Z axes. Its all based on coordinates which drives me up a wall.
As long as the Katsuragi pose is in, which I assume it is, I'm sure you'll create all sorts of things
Is the camera atleast free form angle wise or are those predetermined too?
You have free control over the camera though it's really weird. I think triangle changes whether right stick zooms in/out vs rotating up/down. I don't think you can tilt the camera on it's side, you you can rotate the girls themselves if all else fails. You can change facial expressions too, though they're limited by character and not everyone has the same range.
The only major drawback is to get the most freedom it seems like you need to use a 2D background. Positioning in 3D backgrounds seems extremely limited and you can't seem to freely move them in 3D space anymore, they have to be standing on the ground.
If no one else does I'll try and make a mini-guide to it's controls, I don't fully understand them yet myself but I know enough to be dangerous.
They don't have to be on the ground at all. Triangle changes the camera movement. If your in placement mode you place them wherever the cursor is at. Also FYI to Hitmann you have VERY limited resources to start with. You unlock more poses as you go in the story. Pretty sure destroying towers unlocks poses and other stuff like girl heart missions
Did anyone say Kancolle?