New characters I'll give you, but I don't speak a word of Japanese so there's no new story for me yet.
But the whole game is the new story.
New characters I'll give you, but I don't speak a word of Japanese so there's no new story for me yet.
But the whole game is the new story.
I bought both because of portability and leisure. I travel alot to trade shows and events when im not working so I rarely have time to sit down and just play something for more than an hour at best at a time, so playing during lunch breaks or on the airplane is essential. Even if there's a woman to the right or left im still playing.
This man feels no shame.
This is not good, I'm 7 chapters in and now have access to several new poses for the dressing room, the potential for lewdness is too great, I could not resist. : [
This is not good, I'm 7 chapters in and now have access to several new poses for the dressing room, the potential for lewdness is too great, I could not resist. : [
There are a lot of unanswered questions contained in this one picture.
This is not good, I'm 7 chapters in and now have access to several new poses for the dressing room, the potential for lewdness is too great, I could not resist. : [
Haruka was testing a new drug with... Unexpected consequences.There are a lot of unanswered questions contained in this one picture.
Wow. I did not know such a thing exists. Actually I have no idea how to trigger it either. Full blown costume Ninpo into various place on the field?
Anyone tried the Purupuru Finish on the Festival Platforms? I'm wondering if you can do that.
Wow. I did not know such a thing exists. Actually I have no idea how to trigger it either. Full blown costume Ninpo into various place on the field?
Once you do a finish in game you can then buy it in the shop to replay them in the library with any character.
Oh, that's a neat bonus. Is it just me or is earning money harder btw? In Versus I had enough money to buy everything as I went along more or less, I'm over half done and I've bought a small fraction of what's in the shop so far. Do harder difficulties give more money?
New characters I'll give you, but I don't speak a word of Japanese so there's no new story for me yet.
To me, the whole game is 1080p 60fps and some weight to the character movement and attacks.
EDIT: I really hope I don't sound like jerk for saying that. It's pretty much the reason I got the PS4 version over the Vita version.
Like all the stage finishes. Get your opponents clothes ripped so they can be fully stripped and finish them off in front of the area involved in the stage finish. All the areas that you can do the finishes on have a sign with a "!" mark next to them.
Once you do a finish in game you can then buy it in the shop to replay them in the library with any character.
Maybe? I dunno. You can usually get stacked pretty quickly by doing girls heart missions.
Are you screwed out of the Shrine puru puru finish if you've destroyed them all before doing one? Is there a way to replay a stage with the shrines back?
Ive only been able to play a couple of the tutorial missions and some of you guys are almost done with the game already... :/
It's not a competition! Take your time and enjoy the life :3
I just dont have time anymore to play games. When I worked at Gamestop as a manager the earliest I had to wake up was 9 and that was if I was opening the store (or couple times a year at 5AM for inventory unless it was overnight). So I would just stay up all night.
Now I have to get up at 5AM every day and work longer days, so by the time I get home and have dinner and do anything I need to at home I only have an hour or two of free time.
For triple the pay though I cant complain. I do like my new job alot.
N I N J A!
Anyone know what you get for destroying all the shrine things? I just noticed the counter on the mission select and put 2 and 2 together with the mission, but don't understand the point of it all yet.
Also, do you level up quicker at higher difficulties? Seems slower in general than SV1 but I'm still early on.
Those will unlock the character missions.
They unlock the shinobi girls heart stories now.
Shiki cracks me up.
It's just that mission. Shiki Engrish I in the world do you have english text?
Shiki cracks me up.