Played with Ryobi a bunch. I like all the changes they made to her in EV.
I think they can at least prevent it from saving one at all? Some boring "chapter clear" and such trophies I've gotten have no pic attached.
Some trophies pop at just the right time though
edit: Unlocked Jasmine. Nice.
I like that they made her look and sound a bit older still instead of just dropping her down right into the teens like everyone else.
Wrote up a little review of the game though I guess everyone in here probably already knows/will/did buy already. Did anyone ever figure out the arial super thing though? Miyabi's tutorial has you do it I think, something in the air, with triangle maybe? It was some cool special move I never managed to do again, not just a normal triangle in midair move. I felt stupid admitting I have no idea how to do it in a review since it's a new feature I think.
I'm stuck in jasmine nr 4 mission. After the first battle, where do you go? The arrow sort of points into the tree stump, but there is a purple barrier.
Figured it out. You are supposed to jump over the log...
To my surprise I saw that I am at 97 so I think I might get the platinum. Only have the store items trophy left.
Kinda disappointed in no maid clothes.
Fyi the panty lottery doesn't count toward the trophies.
No maid clothes?! Now that you mention it, yeah, that's pretty lame. No panty lottery trophy is a huge relief, it really sucks. I'll probably plat this one like Versus. I never parry (or block) normally so that's going to be a grind again if there's a parry trophy.
Is that what the second to last hidden trophy is?
I really like cranking up the difficulty. Really forces you to parry and block a lot more or just get stuffed every time. Managed to beat Ryobi's side missions yesterday without transforming into tenshin or frantic mode once. Challenging especially when you're going up against 3 A.I. bosses one whom is Yagyu or Mari who are constantly pelting you from afar the whole time.
The fights vs her in granny form are super BS but there's only like two of them. I haven't wound up in the stupid mashing game yet, is that still in Estival?
I have the move accessory trophy and the change pose in photo mode trophy for the dressing room, unsure what else it'd be, I've tried most things I think.
I wouldn't mind having to block and parry more, but when bosses take over twice as long to beat simply due to how much health they have I can't really find it fun. For me the game goes right from too easy to too slow/annoying, at least at around level 15 when playing the later story missions. I prefer hard modes where everyone loses health faster or enemies get different/better AI/attacks.
There are two trophies related to poses.
There is one where you have to change the pose once. Then there is a second trophy for which you have to cycle through every single pose (of which you might not have all yet).
I have never encountered any mashing game in EV in all of my playthrough.
Whelp. You sold me on the dressing room. Have never touched it since the day I started the game.
We already got that in Shinovi.Senran Kagurombat
We already got that in Shinovi.
Mortal Kombat X Senran Kagura Konfirmed![]()
Found both versions in a random games store in NYC. Got the PS4 one, can't wait to try it out once I get back home.
I'm gonna need tons of help translating but I'm excited to play again as m'girl Ryona!
Mortal Kombat X Senran Kagura Konfirmed![]()
Anything but that. I don't even know how people could like that shit.
Anything but that. I don't even know how people could like that shit.
Senran Kagurombat
Anything but that. I don't even know how people could like that shit.
I'm stuck on a tutorial and it's driving me mad. It's the 2nd, 3rd, or maybe 4th tutorial. It starts out and you have to jump with x and air dash with o. After you do that a couple of times a swarm of enemies come and the instructions say to press x --> o into the center (my limited Japanese skill at work) and then it has square/triangle and is asking for me to do it three times. I managed once to do it once, but have no idea what I did and I have been playing this for quite a while. Can anyone help with this? Thanks.
IIRC, that one is asking you to get knocked down, then press either X/O to dash away or Square/Triangle to counter? Several times each, of course
This is starting to get really frustrating. I can't seem to get past this tutorial. Let me give some more information. It is at the beach and you play as the girl with black hair pulled up in the back with a red scarf around her neck. The video that plays in the beginning shows this character talking to a blond that is making grabbing hands motion with both of her hands.
The first thing you do is jump with x and dash with o. Then you go forward to a group of barrels that make an --> arrow. Above the arrow are three different colored balls floating in the air. As you collect the balls, a group of pink enemy girls come out. It says something about pressing the x --> o and some kanji followed by another kanji that looks like the center. The next sentence has some kanji followed by square/triangle followed by some more Japanese. Then it says to do it three times.
I managed to do what they were asking once, but have no idea what I did. I tried getting hit like the above user commented, but that didn't work. Does anyone have any idea on what to do here or has anyone possibly posted youtube clips of the tutorials to help people out to get into this game? Thanks in advance.
If I had a guess, that's the wall run tutorial. Hold joystick against the wall, jump (press X) and press O to get a wallrun. You have to be up against the wall for it to work.
So patch 1.04 is live , my PS4 downloaded it .
Seems like , those with digital version are fine , but those who have the disc version MUSTN'T SAVE !!!
and that means deleting the update 1.04 and download the old one.
So saves are messed up with retail copy?
You are already corrupt save.Ugh...I hope my PS4 didn't automatically download this patch.
Ugh...I hope my PS4 didn't automatically download this patch.
Lool.Ugh...I hope my PS4 didn't automatically download this patch.
Mine probably did too. Fortunately I have a save stored in the cloud, from cross play with the Vita version, so I'm good. Will probably just stick with Vita until they get this sorted.