â Narayan
Paula. Guess it doesn't help that I didn't really upgrade the Teether.
Then yeah, I mean... I only played it on "demon hunter" difficulty, butPaula. Guess it doesn't help that I didn't really upgrade the Teether.
I can assure you that it gets down to the wire on Legion Hunter; I'd have to think that the harder difficulty actually made that fight a lot better.meltingparappa said:Then yeah, I mean... I only played it on "demon hunter" difficulty, butkeep ahead of the darkness, ignore the scrubs (rolling past them will usually slow them down, really) and occasionally do the 'back-hit" when the prompt comes up, but otherwise just aim at Paula with the teether and go to town. Use the monocussioner if you're close enough and feeling frisky.
It didn't give me any grief, but then again it's probably because Demon Hunter was pretty easy. I kinda want to play it on a harder difficulty to see if it gets ungodly tense.
Miri said:Grasshopper did the Samurai Champloo game? I already wanted to play it, now I gotta.
meltingparappa said:How are theon legion hunter? I can imagine the rest of the game being somewhat balanced, but the boss of that section was already a test of endurance, I can't imagine what it would be like if the harder difficulty made it even more of a bullet sponge than it already was.2d sections
I didn't have a lot of problems withmeltingparappa said:How are theon legion hunter? I can imagine the rest of the game being somewhat balanced, but the boss of that section was already a test of endurance, I can't imagine what it would be like if the harder difficulty made it even more of a bullet sponge than it already was.2d sections
They weren't bad. I would have preferred ameltingparappa said:How are theon legion hunter? I can imagine the rest of the game being somewhat balanced, but the boss of that section was already a test of endurance, I can't imagine what it would be like if the harder difficulty made it even more of a bullet sponge than it already was.2d sections
Nier has the best soundtrack I've heard recently. I would say DMD's soundtrack is pretty close to it as far as quality goes.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:Regardless of how you personally rate the game, I can't see how anyone could rate the soundtrack as anything other than top tier. Honestly, I rate Shadows of the Damned and JSRF as the top 2 game soundtracks of all time.
Nier has the best soundtrack I've heard recently. I would say DMD's soundtrack is pretty close to it as far as quality goes.
Yes, you should.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:I haven't tried Neir yet but I really should.
This song is SO good. I really dig the title menu song as well.Discotheque said:Nier was my favorite in recent memory, but I think Shadows destroyed it. It's something I'll be able to listen to again and again.
And I gotta have the Sushi song and the side-scroller level one in the soundtrack.
I hate the fact that it has a duration, though. You can keep pressing the right trigger every couple of seconds without having any cooldown phase. It makes having such a phase completely pointless.Tokubetsu said:Gotta say, one thing I love is how this controls. Wasn't a big fan of RE4 but this feels right and I'm assuming it's because of the more arcade nature of the game. Having run on RT just feels great.
JEKKI said:I like how Johnson always calls the main dood "G"
I wonder if that's Suda 51 paying homage to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
coz in that show Will Smith always calls the butler G also (for Geoffrey)
I'm sure Suda is a fan of that show too!!
This should have been obvious to everyone.He probably just calls him "G" because his name is Garcia.
Dizzle24 said:This should have been obvious to everyone.
In trophy news, I can't seem to get the "5 headshot in a row" trophy no matter how hard I try...
Also, the Red Gem trophy seems impossible as well. I look everywhere I can before leaving areas, save all White gems so I can buy every Red gem possible, and I'm still missing a crazy amount mid-world 4.
At least it's a fun game to reply many times, so I don't mind going through it a third time to find everything.
Discotheque said:Whoa didn't realize that, good call Hotspur.
The puppeteer one is kinda annoying me though. But I'm not planning on platinuming this. I'll definitely play through it again on hard and superhard, but that's about it. I really don't wanna find every red gem. I'm a quittah
john tv said:Couple of random questions for people who've played more than me:
- do you get the trophies for the lower difficulty levels if you beat it first on a harder one? or do you have to play through them each separately?
- anyone know where the first endless spawn area is? the first one I noticed was in the big swamp but I wasn't really looking beforehand (didn't even realize the game had them until then)
You need to run through each difficulty individually.john tv said:Couple of random questions for people who've played more than me:
- do you get the trophies for the lower difficulty levels if you beat it first on a harder one? or do you have to play through them each separately?
- anyone know where the first endless spawn area is? the first one I noticed was in the big swamp but I wasn't really looking beforehand (didn't even realize the game had them until then)
Thanks for the info - sounds like the swamp is maybe the best spot to farm gems then, since there's a vending machine nearby if you ever need health. I at least stopped cause I worried about running out of ammo, but I suppose you could just light-shot + melee kill everyone if things really got desperate? LOL. Anyway, looking forward to 2nd playthrough for stuff like this.Papercuts said:-Nope, you have to replay the easier levels. I started on Hard and am blowing through Easy to get all the red gems, then a final Normal run will finish it off. :\
-There's 2 spots before the swamp. The first time it introduces the corpses in darkness making enemies, you have to shoot a goat head to advance but can wait and kill off the enemies. There's only two at a time and they need to climb a fence so it takes awhile here, not a very good spot.
The first time you see one of those head things that make a pillar of darkness that you go inside to shoot the 3 red orbs(dunno how else to explain it, lol) each face throws up an endless steam. 3 at a time here.
The game seems to reward you with the right type of ammo (when you're running low) from regular enemies, so don't worry too much about that.john tv said:Thanks for the info - sounds like the swamp is maybe the best spot to farm gems then, since there's a vending machine nearby if you ever need health. I at least stopped cause I worried about running out of ammo, but I suppose you could just light-shot + melee kill everyone if things really got desperate? LOL. Anyway, looking forward to 2nd playthrough for stuff like this.
john tv said:Thanks for the info - sounds like the swamp is maybe the best spot to farm gems then, since there's a vending machine nearby if you ever need health. I at least stopped cause I worried about running out of ammo, but I suppose you could just light-shot + melee kill everyone if things really got desperate? LOL. Anyway, looking forward to 2nd playthrough for stuff like this.
Uncompromisable said:Hey, I'm playing on hard mode and there's a glitch going on apparently which keeps you from beating the last boss. Did anyone else encounter it? It's annoying as hell.
NG+ would totally break the game... but I still want it. :[EatChildren said:Echoing the complaints that the game was too easy. For every enemy there was some weapon or secondary fire that would make short work of them, usually the Dentist.
The hilarious thing is the stock enemies you encounter from the get-go do more damage than a certain annoying late-game enemy (thePapercuts said:It's a mixture of things. The dentist was a really fun weapon to use, but it did make EVERYTHING easy as hell later on. But the dodge roll is an easy way out of everything because you're invincible the whole way through, and can even roll into enemies to stun them. Then the light shot takes no ammo, and if you upgrade the rate of fire/enemy stun you have a fast shooting attack that you can turn into an instant kill.
The game is satisfying to play/control regardless, I don't think there's much they can do to make it more difficult.
soultron said:The hilarious thing is the stock enemies you encounter from the get-go do more damage than a certain annoying late-game enemy (thedudes withQTE-sequence).the jagged scissor arms
Still, it's such a great trip. I haven't been able to forgive a game of its shortcomings so easily in such a long time. Feels good, man.
That's what needs to happen regardless of difficulty, IMO. They're pretty easy to avoid. :]Papercuts said:Those guys instant kill you on hard if you mess up.![]()
soultron said:That's what needs to happen regardless of difficulty, IMO. They're pretty easy to avoid. :]
The boner was my weapon of choice, but I immediately whipped out the teether/dentist for those guys. Never even thought to use the charge shot! Thanks for the tips! :]Papercuts said:Oh yeah, they are. You can also instant kill them with the boner's charge shot.