Apparently it is a glitch that others have gotten. Ok not playing this again for a few hours. Very frustrating.
Here's a guide I found but it sounds like such a pain in the ass I'm personally not going to bother. Apparently you have to buy 42 of the red gems from Christopher to get the achievement, which means farming white gems. Thanks but no thanks.I have 74% trophies, might go for platinum just trophy for picking up all red gems might be annoying. Anyone know how many there is? Game doesn't show that.
I wasn't if only because it probably wouldn't have been very good. I wouldn't minded having seen it in more cutscenes though.Johnson and book reading was probably best parts of the game. Anyone else bummed there was no playable motorcycle section?
Yeah it was mega fun. I'm not a huge fan of boss fights in general but I thought up to the last one they were mostly fine. My highlights of that game are of course the dialogue, the characters, the exploration and the combat against regular dudes.Glad to see new people playing now that it's cheaper. Pretty damn fun game, eh?
I don't remember the last boss being too annoying, but what did you think about the other bosses? I thought the game had some excellent bosseswere all badass.the giant horse, the bloody dude with the harmonica in his belly
I really regret selling this game, but tough times came a knockin' and I needed the $25...I'll pick it up again someday.
Oh, and that ending! Loved it.
Yeah it was mega fun. I'm not a huge fan of boss fights in general but I thought up to the last one they were mostly fine. My highlights of that game are of course the dialogue, the characters, the exploration and the combat against regular dudes.
Also, the music that plays when you use the sushi torch fish is amazing. I would totally buy the soundtrack.
Yeah it was mega fun. I'm not a huge fan of boss fights in general but I thought up to the last one they were mostly fine. My highlights of that game are of course the dialogue, the characters, the exploration and the combat against regular dudes.
Also, the music that plays when you use the sushi torch fish is amazing. I would totally buy the soundtrack.
What the...? Are you kidding me?! I thought it's about finding the hidden gems. What the fuck. I'm not doing this. ....Probably....Here's a guide I found but it sounds like such a pain in the ass I'm personally not going to bother. Apparently you have to buy 42 of the red gems from Christopher to get the achievement, which means farming white gems. Thanks but no thanks.
Ha! I know what you mean. Usually those sections are shitty but there was a chance that here this could've been decent. The game biggest flaw imo is repetitiveness and lack of variety. There is some, but it could've been much more.I wasn't if only because it probably wouldn't have been very good. I wouldn't minded having seen it in more cutscenes though.
Glad to see new people playing now that it's cheaper. Pretty damn fun game, eh?
I don't remember the last boss being too annoying, but what did you think about the other bosses? I thought the game had some excellent bosseswere all badass.the giant horse, the bloody dude with the harmonica in his belly
I really regret selling this game, but tough times came a knockin' and I needed the $25...I'll pick it up again someday.
Oh, and that ending! Loved it.
I still cannot believe Steve Blum voices Garcia. I mean, I never doubted that Blum had range (even though most studios never let him show it "Just do the Spike voice!"), but seriously, wow.
I still cannot believe Steve Blum voices Garcia. I mean, I never doubted that Blum had range (even though most studios never let him show it "Just do the Spike voice!"), but seriously, wow.
Finally bought this because I found it at the right price. Really hurt waiting all time, but I just couldn't justify it at $60. Anyway, I'm only into Act 2 so far, but I'm really enjoying it. Here's hoping that lasts all the way through.
I did health first since I'm a big baby and then whatever weapon I was using the most at the time.Me too, been loving the game so far. Do you guys have any tips as to what I should be leveling up first?
Loved the game but man those 2D shooter bits were fucking terrible
I did health first since I'm a big baby and then whatever weapon I was using the most at the time.
Be sure to level up the blue weapon though, the machine gun, by the end of the game. I hear if you haven't leveled it up by then you could have problems with the final boss.
I didn't really bother leveling up the light shot or the torch.
It does.Level up the Teether? I went back a few pages and someone said the Dentist. Unless the Teether turns into the Dentist at some point.
It does.
It's "Muérete, cabrón" (die, you bastard). :3Muerte Cabrone. I used to keep spamming the melee until Garcia said that. Hahaha.
I have 74% trophies, might go for platinum just trophy for picking up all red gems might be annoying. Anyone know how many there is? Game doesn't show that.
Don't fuck with Justine. She's my favorite boss of the game.I still can't believe they put an Act's boss fight in one of those sections, pretty fucking terrible. Those sections are so cheaply made it is kind of incredible. I guess it is kind of funny they put such horrible sections into a video game, but who decided to do it three times? Gotta wring the maximum amount of gametime out of this sick 2D shooter engine I made in a couple of hours!
Just to clarify, it's not getting all the red gems, but rather unlocking all the upgrades. You can actually get more red gems than you need, so it caused a bit of confusion among the achievement hunter crowd.
As neuromancer said you can purchase the red gems from Christopher (and farm white gems to help you), but also keep in mind that the difficulty you play at also affects the price of gems. They are cheaper on the easiest difficulty setting, so most folks attempt this on that setting.
Will probably pick this up now to get through it before the year's done.
Both versions the same or is there one technically superior?
I still can't believe they put an Act's boss fight in one of those sections, pretty fucking terrible. Those sections are so cheaply made it is kind of incredible. I guess it is kind of funny they put such horrible sections into a video game, but who decided to do it three times? Gotta wring the maximum amount of gametime out of this sick 2D shooter engine I made in a couple of hours!
Thanks.Both are the same from what Ive heard. One version doesnt overpower the other in any way.
My personal favourite bits were when Johnson and Garcia read those Story Books. Too bloody awesome.
I am still tempted to pick this up.
I am still tempted to pick this up.
I found the game a steal at $10. I paid full price for shit like black ops and reach.Thanks.
Ordered the PS3 version for 14£ (and Vanquish for 10£, finally!).
I would personally like to punch whoever decided that cutscenes should be unskippable and unpausable.
Because there's no way that's something they overlooked. It had to be a conscious decision to keep the player from walking away to keep the atmosphere, but it makes for a shockingly terrible user experience when shit keeps happening.
aaand finished.
Technically lacking (worst texture pop-in in a UE3 game I've seen this generation), sometimes janky, and slightly repetitive towards the end even though it's short... yet full of fun "gamey" ideas and Suda's trademark punk attitude leave me positive about the experience.
I enjoyed it, high points were the book readings and boss fights. Solid contender for a (low) spot on my GOTY list.![]()