So what's the verdict overseas on this one? More of the same? Improvement over the original?
more breasts is already a plus
So what's the verdict overseas on this one? More of the same? Improvement over the original?
more breasts is already a plus
Vast improvement in gameplay, though the story sounds a bit weaker.
The first few days are average/easy difficulty and then around halfway the game gets BRUTALLY MEAN and every single boss fight from that point on is all odds stacked against you, life or death. By the last few days even the normal enemies can be annoying with all their reflects and megidos. It's all doable and if you make the right team and play smart you'll win. But the game poses a challenge beyond anything megaten since Nocturne IMO in the 2nd half. It's really freaking hard and mean and it will be painful to play. Surprisingly though the final day boss rush is much easier than DS1 and the final boss is weird for a megaten game.
Shin Megami Tensei? More like "Succulent Mammaries & Titties" AM I RITE?! seriously, holy crap at the breastage in this game. When did my Atlus become Team Ninja?
UGH THAT "ART". Just...ugh...
Yup, that's a Megaten alright. Cozy be praised!
And a gratuitous disrobing fetish (is this some recently arrived anime trope? Either that or this artist's author tracting big-time).
loved the 1st one, cant wait! Might play this on my 3ds since i gave my dad my dslite, hope the upscaling isnt to bad.
I blame the director, same director for the Growlanser series. It's a shame that quite possibly the best new SMT spinoff has the suckiest character designs. :\ I'm kind of glad there isn't an option to play as a girl MC. *crosses fingers for Devil Survivor 3*Shin Megami Tensei? More like "Succulent Mammaries & Titties" AM I RITE?! seriously, holy crap at the breastage in this game. When did my Atlus become Team Ninja?
Fanservice slaughtered my family and ran over my dog. True story.A little fanservice never hurt anyone.
You are a bad person and should feel bad.Yasuda designs are awesome (´_ゝ`)
Fanservice slaughtered my family and ran over my dog. True story.
That character artist has never seen breasts.
And I hope that artist never will if it'll keep him/her making breasts like this.![]()
Well, yes fanservice makes me hate humanity.Hating fanservice is like hating your very humanity. True story.
Well, yes fanservice makes me hate humanity.
-_- As long as it gets you to buy this game, I suppose.I've been partial to fanservice as of late personally. With my limited gaming budget, many games are bound to be overlooked if its lacking in the fanservice department.
I don't suppose anyone knows a good site where I could import this to the UK?
I've been meaning to get a SMT game for a while now (I've only played P3 FES and P4) and since it seems like they are never going to localise the 3DS game and this one is a seperate story, I'm thinking I might just get this one instead.
I don't suppose anyone knows a good site where I could import this to the UK?
I've been meaning to get a SMT game for a while now (I've only played P3 FES and P4) and since it seems like they are never going to localise the 3DS game and this one is a seperate story, I'm thinking I might just get this one instead.
As already mentioned, you can try VideoGamesPlus or Planet Axel.I don't suppose anyone knows a good site where I could import this to the UK?
I've been meaning to get a SMT game for a while now (I've only played P3 FES and P4) and since it seems like they are never going to localise the 3DS game and this one is a seperate story, I'm thinking I might just get this one instead.
This is the n-th time an OT convinces me to buy a game, I was undecided at first seeing how long it took me to beat the first one and at how long is my backlog list, especially for DS and PSP. However I did love the first one and despite the difficulty I'm still wanting more! Some of the things I read here did the rest.
I hope it matches the first one not only as gameplay but as story and characters too!
-_- As long as it gets you to buy this game, I suppose.
They'll probably ship it Monday, they always do that for my RDD games.I got it through Amazon with release day delivery, so I wonder if they are going to ship it tomorrow. It sucks that I have classes on Tuesday, but at least the game will be waiting for me when I get home.![]()
I'm Volcynika and I approve of this thread.
My main complaint with the first one was that it seemed much too easy to pick the ending you want and get destroyed by the big jump in difficulty if it was your first time through. I had been doing fine up until the end and got demolished until I grinded a ton. Is this changed in the new one or the same? I have it ordered from Amazon already but I was just curious.
Kenji Ito OST...I cant let this one escape. I just know this soundtrack is going to be great...should be a match for SMT's style as well.
According to this import review there's a difficulty jump in the middle of the story, instead of at the endgame boss rush like I'd expect. So I guess keep working up your demons during the first few days, even if there's no challenge yet.
What did Overclocked add to the first, other than the seventh day?
Also, is Overclocked still available in retail stores or is it like the usual Atlus games?