The fact they called DS1 hard makes it rather hard to believe :x
DS1 could be difficult without a strategy, or taking advantage of enemy weaknesses.
The fact they called DS1 hard makes it rather hard to believe :x
Ahhh...this is next on my list, after KoA: Reckoning. The original Survivor may have been my favorite SMT game to date (due in no small part to its excellent storyline and multiple endings). I assume DS2 holds up, in that regard? Can't wait to get my hands on it.
There's still multiple endings, yup. Story so far has been pretty good, but not as good as Devil Survivor. I'm hoping it'll still turn out great though. They've also added some really nice stuff that wasn't in Devil Survivor, like a Demon Compendium, Fate Links, extra unlockables for new game+ (so multiple playthroughs will actually be rewarding, you don't get everything just handed to you).
I don't trust BB on niche games anymore, not after they fucked me out of Ar Tonelico Qoga.
It'll sit in "back order" and then they'll eventually take the page down.
Ended up buying it through gamefly, Fuck Best Buy
This game feels much more like Nocturne than SMT1 like the original devil survivor.
probably the only SMT game where the law side is actually cool and likable. also, reynaldo's path is basically the maniken reason from nocturne too
Bestbuy cancelled my order god damn it. Hopefully some stores have it tomorrow.
Hope it isn't already too late to snag a copy.
I'd normally wait and snap this up when the backlog recedes, but with Atlus games it's now or never.
I read on the official website that the designer of the bosses is the guy who designed the 3rd angel in Eva 2.0.Anyone else seeing the similarities to Evangelion that Kat Bailey saw?
Holy shit, Thursday's boss is fucking insane.
It has the ability to-hit everyone before the skirmish starts for 130+ damage
-hits twice
-insanely powerful spells
He also has HUGE RANGE, the map is claustrophobic and there's poison everywhere. You are one cheap boss...
I will enjoy breaking you hehehe
I had fun, consider me done
what the hell?! just got to Osaka and the there are 7 enemies on Free Battle?! oh boy...
I finally died in a mission. Woohoo!
About halfway through day 2 and still looking forward to the compendium. Any chance that it's registering my demons before I get it
When do you get the compendium?
I just used my $10 credit from buying SSX to order the game from Amazon.
It does not, which is a shame.
So... which navigator did you guys choose? Male or Female?
I went with Tico-Tico (female)
She's just to damn cute. Wheeeeee!
I finally died in a mission. Woohoo!
Any pre-order bonuses?
So is the game good or not?
Would people recommend playing DS1 before this (as the improvements might make doing it the other way around a bit grating)?
Wow, that is a brutal way to start day 1. That's gorier than anything in DS1.
I've added a few more reviews to the OP. The fact that this game requires strategy seems to be taken as a positive thing!
So is the game good or not?
I like boobs, but when they don't look like boobs I don't like them.
It is a positive thing indeed. However, it does make the game harder than the first one which required less strategy. I had to adjust and really pay attention to what I was doing after losing the first free battle I did.
Made it to day 4 with no free battles. The first 3 days are definitely more difficult under those conditions than DS1.
Woah wait, this game is more difficult than DS1?
Granted, only the boss battles were difficult in DS1.
No wonder dude, Joe and Daichi have terrible stat growth. Io is still cool though. Any particular reason why you picked them? It just strikes me as curious since there's so much better characters out there. Keita and Jungo excel in STR while Fumi and Otome excel at MAG.
Sadist said:
I'm really trying to enjoy this game, but, I'm only at the fight "Demon Hacked" and every monster is just kicking my ass. Do I have to sit back and fuse demons with demons with demons? Do I have to level up? Why does it feel like they're still stronger than me? Do I need to have reserves of demons?
I'm about to just drop it and trade it in, I'm really not in the mood for watching myself lose over and over.