It was only weak toso wasn't getting more turns from that. Well I guess I should check other places before trying that fight again.light
Was it using any elemental attacks on you? Get demons/equipment immune to drop turn counts.
It was only weak toso wasn't getting more turns from that. Well I guess I should check other places before trying that fight again.light
Was it using any elemental attacks on you? Get demons/equipment immune to drop turn counts.
He's definitely the best new design of the game so far. On the other hand, Medusa is the worst imo.
saturday morning cartoon x death metal album coverYeah, just beat her and that design was hideous, and I don't mean in a good sort of creepy way.
He's definitely the best new design of the game so far. On the other hand, Medusa is the worst imo.
Thanks for the tips! I'll put the to good use... when I can finally sit down to play the game :/ As for the story - I porbably didn't express myself clearly enough. What I meant was that I'm fascinated by the world and the story that runs through it. I make the choices based solely on what I feel I want to chooseI also wouldn't worry about the story or dialogue choices. Just keep going for a bit longer.
What? :<You didn't...
Really dude?
Just got done with Naraku and got toNo issues with the map though, seems more or less the same as SMT3. Though a bit harder to see where to go, partly due to lower resolution, partly to a more dense map.Tokyo, have to say I'm pretty disappointed that we went to Tokyo yet again, mostly so early into the game, they barely made use of the medieval samurai theme, really wanted to see more of that. Hopefully I do but I doubt it.
Oh man, she was bad, but something about her eyes made me think "...really?"
Just got done with Naraku and got toNo issues with the map though, seems more or less the same as SMT3. Though a bit harder to see where to go, partly due to lower resolution, partly to a more dense map.Tokyo, have to say I'm pretty disappointed that we went to Tokyo yet again, mostly so early into the game, they barely made use of the medieval samurai theme, really wanted to see more of that. Hopefully I do but I doubt it.
Oh man, she was bad, but something about her eyes made me think "...really?"
Was just wondering if any of you guys know if I give a demon that is weak to Elec a resist Elec skill would it do anything to the weakness? like get rid of the weakness or reduce the damage.
Was just wondering if any of you guys know if I give a demon that is weak to Elec a resist Elec skill would it do anything to the weakness? like get rid of the weakness or reduce the damage.
Guys is there anyone that's playing this game on a 3ds xl? How does it look? Since I see that the text on the 3ds XL in general is a little blurry, I'm afraid that since it's basically a 2d game, the sprites will look blurry xD
Guys is there anyone that's playing this game on a 3ds xl? How does it look? Since I see that the text on the 3ds XL in general is a little blurry, I'm afraid that since it's basically a 2d game, the sprites will look blurry xD
The textures look like shit (it's a 3ds it's probably normal). The text is fine.
I thought it was upscaled actuallyThe XL has the same resolution as the normal 3DS, so there's no upscale blur involved (you'll just get bigger pixels).
you mean they look like shit in general or on the xl?
I'm more disappointed at how wasted the samurai medieval team has been so far thanWell in the end,Tokyo is Tokyo. I'm sure people who are from Japan/know Tokyo had little issue with SMT4's map. I'm not surprised it takes place there though. I remember Strange Journey was originally planned to be SMT4 but they decided to make it a side game-ish thing because it wasn't in Tokyo. I personally do feel that being in Tokyo every time sounds pretty stagnant, but SMT4 has the best rendition of the city yet for the franchise (even better than Devil Summoner Raidou) so I'm not complaining for now.
Different strokes. I thought Mikado was really boring, probably on purpose to build a contrast.
I'm more disappointed at how wasted the samurai medieval team has been so far thanMikado was boring, that's part or the reason I was disappointed, the setting could had been great but they barely made use of it.Tokyo showing up to be honest, if we have to have Tokyo at least introduce it later and give new ideas time to shine.
BTW what's the best ammo to use with the Gun?
Imho: your skills, if you have a dex build. At least where you're at. Needle shot only costs 2MP, and I found it doing more consistent damage than my guns. And when you get better guns, you also get better skills and that usefull MP repleneshing app.
So i'd say to stay away from standard bullets. Just take the ones with the status effects/ elements you want to use, if you have the money to spare.
Thanks, I'll add a slot to my MC and then get the Needle Shot ability. I take it at High Dex. and Luck it'll do huge damage?
The instant you arrive to Tokyo is probably my favorite video game moment period. It made the game for me. I was literally crying. I expected to arrive to Tokyo at some point but not like that.
And the fact that the Mikado part was disappointing contributed to it. Everything was crafted carefully to prepare that key moment when you arrive to Tokyo.
You will learn later what Mikado is and everything falls together and it totally makes sense.
I think I have a pretty awesome team at level 24. Having a lot of fun so far.
Didn't care much for the moment, mostly because there wasn't much build up towards it, most of the time spent in Mikado was inside a cave or a generic looking forest.
So I disagree on the crafted for that moment, I felt the moment was under prepared.
I totally disagree. I was wowed by it when it happened, and loved the build-up to get there.
I'm starting to dislike demon fusing because I can't decide on what to fuse to next. This is mainly because I could have a demon with good healing spells but I could fuse it with a Phys attack demon and get smething totally different than those 2.
Well you can choose what skills are passed down to the other demon, so I'm not sure what's the issue?
Then you might want to wait to fuse. If you get some more demons you can probably pair a sermon with mediocre skills with someone with good skills.What if 1 demon's 3-4 skills are all good and the other one's are all good too?
Also I'm really hopingcome back in future games, I fucking love them.Demonicas
No it doesn't. There aren't any choices you get to make during it.Does the mission "Capture the Berserker" affects the alignment?
No it doesn't. There aren't any choices you get to make during it.
Guys, after protesting that I would wait until bargain bin price to download this, I've only just gone and bought the game while sitting at my desk at work. Almost finished downloading.
Big fan of Devil Survivor/Summoner and Persona, but never played a mainline SMT game before. What should I expect?