I took 35 hours, sided with Chiaki.
I didn't touch the Amala stuff though. Should run you longer if you do.
You should replay it in first person mode.
I took 35 hours, sided with Chiaki.
I didn't touch the Amala stuff though. Should run you longer if you do.
My endgame demons consisted of Metatron, Beelzebub, and Daisoujou and they all knew Debilitate so I just put Mediarahan on Demifiend (Daisoujou was the only one who could heal otherwise). Also Deadly Fury is better than Gaea Rage so I just picked that.
Strangely enough I found another game with that tagline on it:
I've heard that this game is hard, but also frustrating. Is tha true ? I don't want my experience with a game to be fucked by antiquated designs.
Freikugel + Charge + Masakados.
A physical build is the more viable over the whole length of the game, even if you'll regret it from time to time (but your party is there to compensate that).
Whatever you do, like in most megaten, don't do a balanced build.
The skill is Focus in Nocturne.
I'll go ahead and post my endgame demon setups too.
[Impressive party]
I was pretty proud of this party at the end. The only way it'd be better is if I got rid of Pierce on Daisoujou and gave him Tarukaja, but that's a hassle.
Victory Cry + Death Flies is hax.
It's hard to say, as a lot of builds are good for the early and mid game. Plus, magic builds gain access to some powerful attacks early on. However, no matter what you choose, you'll want to move towards a strength build for the end game, as the majority of the powerful skills at that point favor that stat.Just purchased. Got a fair way through on the PS2 years ago, really looking forward to finishing it this time. Anyone have a MC build recommendation?
Ah, right, focus.
Wow, you really troubled yourself for your build. I destroyed TDE boss with a much much simplier party.
Focus + Freikugel (+ that passive skill that boosts critical) + 4 taruka is really really OP.
I love Kaneko's work, he's so good.Kazuma Kaneko designed Dante's Devil Trigger form for DMC 2, so they put Dante in SMT3. I think that's pretty much it.
It's always bummed me out that I missed out on Nocturne, I do hope someone does a European release, the game has always looked great.
I've heard that this game is hard, but also frustrating. Is tha true ? I don't want my experience with a game to be fucked by antiquated designs.
By the way. Regarding difficulty. How does it compare to Shin Megami Tensei IV?
I wanted to create the perfect party![]()
Eh... Matador really isn't that much of a spoiler.Although... since I never expected to play this game I got spoiled with Matador.
Matador isn't a spoiler.Nocturne eh... Perhaps I'll buy it next week.
Although... since I never expected to play this game I got spoiled with Matador.
Fucking masterpiece. I am glad more people will be able to play it, now that is is available as a PS2 classic.
Eh... Matador really isn't that much of a spoiler.
Matador isn't a spoiler.
Getting to him isn't a spoiler either. In short, don't worry about it and just play.
Any boss will kill you if you aren't prepared. Matador just happens to be a little bit too strong at the point he appears in the game, so you better have some Force-resistant demons and a certain Magatama or else you're gonna have a hard time with him. But don't worry, people overestimate his difficult a lot. IMO there are a few bosses a bit harder than him in the game.Not in the sense of the story. Spoiled because he will kill you if you aren't prepared.
Hard but fair. Hard if you spam or don't think about your team make up and weaknesses. Fair if you go in prepared.Harder (but not overwhelmingly so) and more balanced. And by harder I mean, harder than anything in Tokyo. Naraku in SMT IV is harder than Nocturne (on Normal).
I'm going to get this ASAP.
By the way. Regarding difficulty. How does it compare to Shin Megami Tensei IV?
yeah I know that too. I knew of Matador before I got to him. I sorta prepared and still got wrecked :3Not in the sense of the story. Spoiled because he will kill you if you aren't prepared.
Well, at least with Etrian Odyssey and Persona 3 I learned in Atlus's games you need to buff and debuff.
It's a mainline SMT game. It's closer to DDS than P3 / P4.I've played and beaten Persona 3, Persona 4 and Digital Devil Saga. How is this game different form the latter ?
I've played and beaten Persona 3, Persona 4 and Digital Devil Saga. How is this game different form the latter ?
It is very similar gameplay-wise to DDS (you don't transform in a demon in Nocturne, instead you contract them) and thankfully very different from Persona 3 and 4.I've played and beaten Persona 3, Persona 4 and Digital Devil Saga. How is this game different form the latter ?
I've played and beaten Persona 3, Persona 4 and Digital Devil Saga. How is this game different form the latter ?
Not to be a braggart, but I beat him on my third try or so without really breaking a sweat.
Considering his reputation, it sorta bummed me out to the point that I stopped playing shortly after... Is he really considered the peak in difficulty?
Not to be a braggart, but I beat him on my third try or so without really breaking a sweat.
Considering his reputation, it sorta bummed me out to the point that I stopped playing shortly after... Is he really considered the peak in difficulty?
Kind of ashamed never to have finished a mainline SMT, I really love everything about them.
The peak is Trumpeter. But were you really playing the game for its difficulty alone?
He's really just the first boss that challenges most people who play RPGs and don't understand the importance of buffs and strengths/weaknesses. He's pretty easy once you know what you need to do.Not to be a braggart, but I beat him on my third try or so without really breaking a sweat.
Considering his reputation, it sorta bummed me out to the point that I stopped playing shortly after... Is he really considered the peak in difficulty?
Kind of ashamed never to have finished a mainline SMT, I really love everything about them.
The peak is the final boss, orMetatron/Beelzebub.
Trumpeter is a joke if you're lucky.