I like the look of this but I have to wonder how long it would take them to get this approved for placement on Nintendo's eShop.
Why is this a Kickstarter when it looks to be a complete game already? And people make and release 8bit platformers all the time on their own time and money, just look at games like Battle Kid.
Sorry, but i dont see the need to fund this :/
Why is this a Kickstarter when it looks to be a complete game already? And people make and release 8bit platformers all the time on their own time and money, just look at games like Battle Kid.
Sorry, but i dont see the need to fund this :/
why would it take much time at all?
Why is this a Kickstarter when it looks to be a complete game already?
Shovel Knight is currently nearing the end of preproduction. This means that the game design has been written, the main character designs and story have been created, and we have a plan for moving forward. We have an early build of the game that proves out our game mechanics and technology; you can see some footage in the trailer and we'll also be at PAX East!
However, many things are still up in the air. Enemies and objects need to be designed and drawn. Audio, Animation, and Backgrounds need to be crafted. Lastly, we need to polish everything to a mirror sheen. Basically, we have what you saw in the video. Now we need to make the whole game.
And people make and release 8bit platformers all the time on their own time and money, just look at games like Battle Kid.
Haven't the Toki Tori devs been struggling to get their game approved for Wii U release? I think it's just now reaching the final approval stages. From what I understand Nintendo is pretty rigid with independent digital releases on their platform. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Zelda 2 down thrust that turns into Ducktails pogo is probably the best thing I've seen in quite some time.
Weren't they always effectively the same thing, at least from a combat standpoint? I recall that as soon as I got the down thrust in Zelda 2 I started playing the game fundamentally like Mario, pogoing off any enemy I could.
The big difference between the downward stab and the pogo stick is that you could bounce off the floor or other objects, not just enemies, in ducktales.
Hmm, I want to back, should I do Wii U or 3DS? I have time to figure it out :-D
Edit: Kicktraq has this trending towards ~$160k, which it probably won't make but $100k should be in the realm of possibility. Some Nintendo fanpages need to drum up some publicity for shoveltry.
I bet it'll blow past 100k easy. Just from last night to now they've made $5,757. It's been 6 days out of 30 so far. Their lowest days will probably be somewhere around $1000-2000 and then in the last 7 days or so it'll go crazy with tons of backers. They should probably consider adding stretch goals to utilize all that extra money...
They'll be at PAX so definitely some of new backers from there. Stretch goals? Yeah.. And sequel, I'd say![]()
Have to admit I'm a little disappointed that it's not get a WiiU/3DS code with a PC download for $15 like a lot of other kickstarters have done, but it's probably not going to be a dealbreaker for me.
Have to admit I'm a little disappointed that it's not get a WiiU/3DS code with a PC download for $15 like a lot of other kickstarters have done, but it's probably not going to be a dealbreaker for me.
Yeah their rewards don't seem to be as good as other projects. Dunno whats up with that.
lol this might have won me over with 'shovelry.'
What can I say? I'm easily amused.
Except that it seems they don't know if Eurolands are getting the game at the same time as good ole U.S of A.![]()
I didn't even realize it had passed the 50% mark on its 7th day and this is before PAX East. Pretty well-timed Kickstarter actually:
Day 1/2: Announcement, get word out
Day 6: Announce Wii U and 3DS versions
Day 9-11: PAX East hype
I'd say it should be pretty close to or even past 75k by the end of PAX East.
Why is this a Kickstarter when it looks to be a complete game already? And people make and release 8bit platformers all the time on their own time and money, just look at games like Battle Kid.
Sorry, but i dont see the need to fund this :/
For two, Republique and Zen's pinball kickstarters gave out PC + console codes for $20. (...Okay, so my gut said it was close but I didn't remember the exact price others had done it for, sue me.)I'm interested in what Kickstarters are giving out PC and console codes though.
For two, Republique and Zen's pinball kickstarters gave out PC + console codes for $20. (...Okay, so my gut said it was close but I didn't remember the exact price others had done it for, sue me.)
I'm indecisive, so not being forced to choose between PC and 3DS would be nice. YCG doesn't have to pay a third party per PC copy, either.
paid 15, so they'll email me asking what platform i want it on when it's near done, i assume? i didn't have to specify anything right away
Wii U and 3DS game codes will be made available to everyone who pledges $15 or more. Upon release, you can choose (1) which version of the game you prefer: Windows PC, Wii U, or 3DS!
So um, Wayforward is making DuckTales Remastered. Coming summer 2013. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=528039
So what do you guys think happened, or have Yacht Club commented on why they left? Obviously Shovel Knight will be its own beast, but with a similar bouncing mechanic there are some parallels there. If you've already played DT (which embarrassingly I haven't, I fucking love that moon song though) you might want a new take on that gameplay instead of a straight remaster. It's definitely peculiar of Yacht Club to go with similar mechanics. My speculation (even though I don't know any important details)? The YC guys were probably getting antsy doing only licensed remakes and wanted to do something original. SK is their way of saying "See, we can make NEW retro-style games and be successful!"
Maybe they'll adress it now that it's revealed.