Bought the PS3 version.
Opened it up in excitement before checking 'Gaf.
Should really stop doing that..
Opened it up in excitement before checking 'Gaf.
Should really stop doing that..
It will be curious to see how it performs when youJust cleared the Mall in SH3. Maybe it's the fact that a majority of the environments are indoors but this seems to be running way better than SH2. The stuttering is still there but not as bad or frequent. Of course the game slows to a crawl when encountering large groups of enemies. Very bad when it's more than one Closer monster. Other than that it seems to be running okay. The voices are properly synched so far too.
It will be curious to see how it performs when youarrive in Silent Hill.
Well both games run pretty bad, but at this point I would say SH3 is just a little better.FairXchange said:You guys mean to tell me SH2 is even worse? Oh boy.
It helps I saw this coming a mile away. I'm just sorry the solution wasn't there day 1.
Just recorded this. Crappy quality, but you can see how he'll run and just randomly stop to a walk, along with general stuttering and framerate fluctuations.
Note that when he will cease running and switch into a walk, I am doing nothing differently control-wise. It's really bad around 55 seconds in.
What is the point of an HD collection if the originals are better than the "HD" versions?
Maybe they thought HD stood for "Half Definition" and thats why they butchered the audio and visuals. Happens all the time, right?
I'll definitely play them eventually, if only to have trophies for two of my favorite games, but even on the 360 where the games are playable, they're still full of embarassing faults that undermine the artistic integrity of the original games. Its a damn shame, too.
What is the point of an HD collection if the originals are better than the "HD" versions?
Maybe they thought HD stood for "Half Definition" and thats why they butchered the audio and visuals. Happens all the time, right?
I'll definitely play them eventually, if only to have trophies for two of my favorite games, but even on the 360 where the games are playable, they're still full of embarassing faults that undermine the artistic integrity of the original games. Its a damn shame, too.
How the hell can you fuck up a remastering of 10 year old games in this kind of fashion? Especially in a technical sense. Surely it takes a special kind of ineptitude.
How the hell can you fuck up a remastering of 10 year old games in this kind of fashion? Especially in a technical sense. Surely it takes a special kind of ineptitude.
This need a damn thread of it's own honestly lol. I'm glad I didn't pick it up yet. Probably won't now, as I won't care by the time it's fixed.
I just saw this on gameFAQS.
The hell? Ahah.
It helps I saw this coming a mile away. I'm just sorry the solution wasn't there day 1.
The PS3 version is supposed to be fixed before the EU version hits so thats only a few days or so right?
Konami: "Yeah, looks okay to us!"
The EU version was set to be released today but a few days ago they pushed it back to the 30th.The PS3 version is supposed to be fixed before the EU version hits so thats only a few days or so right?
The PAL PS3 discs are already pressed, so let's hope they're holding the release back for a day one patch.The EU version was set to be released today but a few days ago they pushed it back to the 30th.
Also, SH2 on the 360 is way too fucking dark. What the hell is going on with that? I have the brightness slider turned all the way up to 7 and I still can't see shit that the flashlight isn't pointed at. It's so easy to get turned around in Brookhaven Hospital because YOU CAN'T SEE SHIT.
Other things:
-- Right before you see "that red, pyramid thing" through the bars in the hotel when he's glowing red, you're supposed to hear a man yelling before you hear it. In the game, James stops and asks, "What was that noise?" One problem: THERE'S NO FUCKING NOISE. NONE. I was wearing headphones and there was no noise.
-- The roads in the beginning are way too paved and clean. It makes it kind of hard to see the blood stains because the road is so dark now.
-- When James meets Maria on the boardwalk, there's no fog at all in the dried up lake area. It's all just empty lake and you can see where ropes just end in the air randomly. Looks like total shit.
-- DID I MENTION TOO FUCKING DARK? It's so dark, you can't see James tilt his head in areas and it's easy to miss REALLY IMPORTANT items.
The PAL PS3 discs are already pressed, so let's hope they're holding the release back for a day one patch.
The brightness on my TV is already jacked up enough. If I have to seriously turn things up to 100 contrast/100 brightness just to see shit, there's something wrong.
I meant in game, unless it's really that dark with game brightness cranked up![]()
So lol worthy that ign gave this a 9 when it's clearly broken in areas while Downpour scored a 4.
So lol worthy that ign gave this a 9 when it's clearly broken in areas while Downpour scored a 4.
Wait wait...wait. So the game doesnt have the usual "Boo-loop" noise when you pick up items? Even Downpour has that noise.
Phantom Ganon?
Wait wait...wait. So the game doesnt have the usual "Boo-loop" noise when you pick up items? Even Downpour has that noise.
Konami: "Yeah, looks okay to us!"