The lake ends rather abruptly, obviously Alessa's work.Spot the difference!
Uh... the lake isn't empty, it's just got a bad texture because... well... you're not supposed to be able to see it clearly. That's not the problem, the problem is the very obvious one you didn't see for some reason
Spot the difference!
Download Zedge and search "Silent Hill item sound" on your phone, that's what I did.
Were aware of the issues w/ #SilentHill HD Collection for PS3. The patch has been deployed & now avail on PSN. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Konami has just tweeted:
Has anybody downloaded the patch and noticed improvements yet?
My only problem with SH 2, 3 & 4 on PC is that i cant configure the 360 pad correctly, the triggers do not register. Anyone know a fix?
So... fixed?
Silent Hill 3 still has incredible amounts of slow down.
Is it possible to play SH2/SH3 on Win7 64bit today? In 1080p @60 (or at least 30) with some AA/AF?
Iirc there was some kind of mod to get widescreen support, but I don't know if it breaks the game/camera and if it works in Win7. Afaik the game had gamepad support back then, do you need xpadder/pinnacle to use an X36o pad with it?
Did the PS2 version even have slowdown? Its been awhile...
Here's a post that details how to get Silent Hill 2 up and running.
Ok, the next area with the escalators-3F and jewelry store seems to run a bit better even with enemies on screen. Small amounts of hitching. But once you go back to the 2F the slow down comes back.
The HD versions on either console aren't looking amazingly better than the original, to me at least...
What are the Trophies and Achivements like? Anything fun in there?
Uh... the lake isn't empty, it's just got a bad texture because... well... you're not supposed to be able to see it clearly. That's not the problem, the problem is the very obvious one you didn't see for some reason
Spot the difference!
Holy cow thanks!
Skyriminess needs to catch on. Perfect way to explain tons of bugs.
Did the PS2 version even have slowdown? Its been awhile...
Holy shit at the SH3 oldman comparison completely missing selfshadowing and DoF on 360/PS3.
Plus the gamma looks to be completely fucked up on PS3, especially on SH2. Now I'm glad I waited a bit so I coul use a Zavvi code on my order, but I hope they patch it or that is just the screen caps being fucked up.
I'm going by the comparison posted tho, haven't tried them myself, can you guys vouch for that?
Is it possible to play SH2/SH3 on Win7 64bit today? In 1080p @60 (or at least 30) with some AA/AF?
Iirc there was some kind of mod to get widescreen support, but I don't know if it breaks the game/camera and if it works in Win7. Afaik the game had gamepad support back then, do you need xpadder/pinnacle to use an X36o pad with it?
Hmmm might be right. I am pretty sure there's not actually any water texture on it though, need to go play through the first part of SH2 again and look for myself as I am sure I was wondering why the hell there wasn't any water in there. But yeah you are clearly not supposed to ever be able to see it like that, looks pretty shitty.
Wow I can't believe there's missing effects in this thing. Where's the depth of field, fog and the self shadowing? Why are the colors all fucked up? Oh man, this is such a disgrace.
SH2 is a ridiculous plat. Up there with MGS2
I'm assuming that there isnt any way to patch in missing effects on a console title? I'm still debating opening this x_x. Honestly i'm more on the framerate drops than anything else.
Eh no it's not that bad, the hardest thing is probably besting the game in under 3 hours.
Eh no it's not that bad, the hardest thing is probably besting the game in under 3 hours.
So, any positive impressions (360 version), or is this the biggest travesty since ME3's ending?
I've never played 2 or 3, and I'm wondering if I should just avoid it altogether at this point.
Apparently they edited the PH rape scene too lol.
So, any positive impressions (360 version), or is this the biggest travesty since ME3's ending?
I've never played 2 or 3, and I'm wondering if I should just avoid them altogether at this point.
well IGN gave it a 9... i guess that counts as a positive impression.
Apparently they edited the PH rape scene too lol.