Found some old videos, and the black level SH3 doesn't seem that bad in these;
That's PC version -__-
That first video was uploaded in 2010![]()
I havent visited Gamefaqs boards in awhile...but after checking the PS3 HD collection boards:
Rehosted since he had it uploaded to imageshack.
That looks like someone took a picture of their TV screen with a camera.
Which game are you all going to play first? I'll probably start with Silent Hill 3 as I've been in the mood for it and I really need to see if it's as bad as those videos.
Which game are you all going to play first? I'll probably start with Silent Hill 3 as I've been in the mood for it and I really need to see if it's as bad as those videos.
Zaavi pre-order bonus
I couldn't possibly extrapolate my jealousy with words.
I wonder if they removed the t-shirt password feature from Silent Hill 3? The promo shirts would likely be cut, but I see no reason to remove the SH3 designs.
Despite the changes, I'm really looking forward to the collection.
Claimed the James icon.
Despite the changes, I'm really looking forward to the collection.
That's now THREE GAF members who are using the same avatar ;_;
Same, I've played these games through countless times so it's not like these are going to suddenly ruin or destroy over 10 years worth of memories.
maybe they should have called this "Shattered Memories"
I'm not your Mary.
I originally thought about getting the old PS2 version of SH2 DC and SH4 for PS2 (even if I own the PC version), but I think I'll just get this instead, as I already have the original versions of SH2 and SH3 for PS2 anyway. So that leaves only Downpour and Shattered Memories as the only main series SH games I don't own yet..
Yeah SH2 specifically is one of my favorite video games of all time, a little increased gamma isn't going to ruin it for me.
Although I REALLY wish the studio that did the ICO collection and Metal Gear Solid collection handled the Silent Hill collection.
I can't decide if I want to get this game, or Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. I feel like I would actually play RE: ORC sooner, but I've always wanted to complete SH3, and never got around to it.
You should totally get SH in a long long time, if you can look past some slight technical issues.
You should totally get SH in a long long time, if you can look past some slight technical issues.
i don't disagree about Downpour being good, but the technical issues aren't slight. they're substantial.
I'll be getting Downpour, the HD Collection and the Silent Hill: The Terror Engine book. I initially planned to get SH2 DC, SH3 PC and SH4 PS2 too as mentioned, but I'll just skip those for the time being. Just ordered the PSP version of Shattered Memories, since I don't own a Wii and the PS2 version seems hard to find. So that leaves Downpour as the only remaining SH game I don't own.
No reviews yet?
Hope you enjoy it!I know what will happen. I'll end up buying this, playing for half an hour and then being scared shitless and never playing it again. It happened when I bought Silent Hill 2, used to play at night, lights off, headphones on, heart was racing, couldn't handle it. Next night try again. I honestly thought the game was going to be the death of me. Stopped after about a week, hardly made any progress at all.
But I'll cave and pick this up this week, but I'll have to wait till daylight savings are over (I'm a nightshift worker) or play it in the weekend. Lights off, headphones on. :lol
They're not that bad, the frame rate dips pretty often, but it's only for a few seconds at a time and then it jumps back up to a steady 30FPS. It's not really game breaking in anyway. I hear the PS3 version is worse when it comes to the frame rate dropping, but I can only speak to the 360 version.
Which reminded me, I need another PS2 copy of Origins.
running around Silent Hill the frame rate nose dives every ten seconds or so. it's awful. doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game, but it definately hampers it. 360 version here.
Havent had any nosedives on the PS3 version...but it definitely hitches at times...which I guess is a side effect of checkpoints?
It's anything, really; checkpoints, saving, trophy pop-ups, unfinished asset loading. Hell, sometimes it doesn't even begin properly loading a new area right away.
There's one area you have to go through inthat's nearly unplayable because of the stuttering.the monastery
Unreal Engine 3
It's anything, really; checkpoints, saving, trophy pop-ups, unfinished asset loading. Hell, sometimes it doesn't even begin properly loading a new area right away.
There's one area you have to go through inthat's nearly unplayable because of the stuttering.the monastery
Hmmm the review didn't really mention any technical hiccups, hopefully they are kept to a minimal.
That review doesn't even really mention a whole lot that we didn't know about the games from their original release.
fucking awesome! and they mention the new VO's are actually good?!