Can we PLEASE drop the complaining about no multi-core simulation? The city size limitation has nothing to do with how many cores the simulation runs on and everything to do with the actual foundational approach of the game. The engine clearly has deeply rooted algorithmic complexity decisions that explodes past a certain point (guessing either polynomial or exponential complexity).
Even if you could magically add parallelism without worsening the performance of the algorithm (hint: you can't), doubling the cycles available wouldn't improve the maximum size of cities all that much.
And while I realize the study of Big O complexity is limited to computer science and such, just consider that area of a square is n^2, which further supports that GlassBox is limited by at least polynomial complexity:
It should be clear why simply changing the size isn't even an option. The simulation will actually break. This engine is really cool, but it should have never been used for a full SimCity game.
Even if you could magically add parallelism without worsening the performance of the algorithm (hint: you can't), doubling the cycles available wouldn't improve the maximum size of cities all that much.
And while I realize the study of Big O complexity is limited to computer science and such, just consider that area of a square is n^2, which further supports that GlassBox is limited by at least polynomial complexity:

It should be clear why simply changing the size isn't even an option. The simulation will actually break. This engine is really cool, but it should have never been used for a full SimCity game.