Thorns (Relic) - This could be great on quite a lot of roles, Hunters, Warriors and even on Guardians this will be something I'd look to pick up as a 2nd relic.
I'm not sure you'd pick it up on hunters, if you do you're going to have to drop either beads or aegis, both of which are really needed.
I suppose if the enemy team had a lategame comp and not a lot of cc you could but that comp is unlikely.
It could certainly be picked up by warriors though. Especially ones that excel at getting into the back line and being a nuisance: Wukong, Osiris, Vamana, Ravana.
Runeforged Hammer - This sounds pretty amazing, it'll definitely replace Frostbound Hammer on my Warriors, might even consider it for Assassins now.
It's still a niche pick, certain warriors like Chaac or Wukong (who have large aoe slows) might find use for it but by buying it you're putting off buying other more needed items or buying so late that it's affects will be diminished.
If you want to buy it on auto attack warriors (Bellona, Osiris, new guy) you're probably better off pairing it with frostbound instead of replacing frostbound.
Throwing Dagger/Golden Bow - Will make going into the lower early clear but strong end-game hunters a bit more of a choice now... plus might make Guardians more important in dual lane again. Wait and see I guess.
I've already mentioned how this change ruins Merc (did you guys know Merc is dead now?

) but it also reduces the amount of viable hunters. You're going to be seeing a lot of Hou Yi, Neith and Chiron, maybe some Chronos or Freya. It's going to be really boring.
Golden bow was probably too strong but it brought almost every god back into the hunter meta even Artemis and Cupid, personally I will miss that variety.
Anubis (Mummify) - The cooldown on this being reduced is going to be a pain, Another case like Nox's Shadow Lock where every 12 sec or less you can just get stunned in place and destroyed without any opportunity to do anything. (Why is Ymir and Neith's similar abilities on 16/15 sec cooldown while these are on 12/10?)
He's not going to be competitively viable but in casuals, yeah, a good Anubis who can consistently hit the stun will be hard to play against.
Erlang Shen - His Spot Weakness along with his passive sounds like it's going to make this guy super powerful as a Warrior in a 1v1... And that's without even counting his Pin & Super which can keep you in the fight (via Root/Taunt) and heal him, sounds like if you are in the solo lane with this guy and anywhere near 50% health it's best to just get out while you can rather than continue to trade blows.
It's still super early but it's looking like he won't be a solo laner at all. His lane clear is weak so he will get pushed back under tower very often and will lose a lot of gold.
He is, however, looking strong in the jungle, really good ganking potential.