Well I got the game, picked it up a bit earlier due to bad weather, played two hours so far and I must say I am pretty impressed. This is coming from someone who has not played Unleashed and has played Secret Rings for a few minutes before putting it down. There are a few moments that are just downright amazing. The start of the first wisp world and the second water world level are one of the high points so far. Level design can be quite complex in certain levels, while linear in others. Some levels are really short (30 sec) but require a lot of exploration to get the red emblems. Others are extremely large, some even clocking in above the six minute mark. I have encountered numerous empty wisp power containers in a lot of levels, which I think will be filled once I unlock some more power ups.
I dont completely understand the complaint about the trial and error gameplay. The game flat-out tells you when to watch out for a dangerous situation. It does this by flashing a large yellow triangle above Sonic. There are a few parts that are pretty meh though. The moving platforms in the asteroid level are just poorly designed. One hit kills that need pinpoint accuracy to avoid. Some cursing later I got through it, but it wasnt really fun. Graphic wise its a pretty solid game with some nice effects. Too bad the game is in 30 frames per second, 60 FPS would have put it on the same page as Super Mario Galaxy 1 graphically wise for me. The backgrounds are gorgeous and the game has some impressive texture work going at times for a Wii game.
Based on two hours of gameplay, I would say that this is a 7.5 out of 10 game. I hope it sells well, because its definitely a good step for a 3d Sonic games. No shitty friends, just Sonic and a few power ups. Now Sega, do the right thing and let non Wii gamers enjoy the game as well. Especially if its in an HD resolution with some AA applied:
Youtube Wisp World Act 1 in 1080P