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Sonic Colors |OT| of AWESOME! OUTSTANDING! AMAZING! CUBE! And Very High Reviews

I haven't finished the game yet but I've already started to go for five red coins / S ranks. Surprised that S-ranking isn't based more on speed but I like that, harkens back to the old school games a bit more.

I'd say that it is creeping up towards the MD games in terms of favour right now. There's still some lingering 3D Sonic issues but they're so minor now compared to the Adventure games it's air. And although the game possibly has the some of the same bullshit physics as Sonic 4, I don't know about it because of the lack of spin dash/addition of boost and the level design that caters to it.

I really want to. I really liked Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, and SOTR. I always saw potential for 3D sonics.

If you really liked that garbage (and I did, at the time), then yeah you should love this.
The Adventure games are not "garbage."

Adventure 1 is total crap outside of the mediocre Sonic levels, the same with Adventure 2. I had fun at the time but they're really cheap products and next to Unleashed HD daytime levels and Colors it's pretty apparent how rose-tinted the memories are of them.
Are you fools seriously telling me there's an S-rank?! I've been killing myself just trying to get all A-rank. :lol

I can't get over how much I love Aquarium Park...and it's a water level...in a Sonic game...what universe is this?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
hatchx said:
Should I get this game?

I really want to. I really liked Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, and SOTR. I always saw potential for 3D sonics.

Yes, you should. That's like saying "Well, I really liked the 'House Party' movies--would I like "The Shawshank Redemption?"

It's 100 times better than those games.

Of course, I'm not an insane Sonic fan so my opinion may not mean as much in this thread. I've been more of a casual Sonic player. I hated Unleashed because of the Werehog levels but absolutely loved the daytime stuff.
Almost found all the Red Rings on my own, just missing 3 from Aquarium Park. I'm surprised that I've managed to do it all without a guide; some of them took some serious creativity to acquire, since I'm sure a few of them were acquired in ways Sonic Team didn't intend. :lol


I've been playing the DS version now. I don't think I've fallen in a single pit yet, but boy do they love spikes.

The special stages are like a combination of the Sonic 2 and Knuckles Chaotix special stages.

I'm quite enjoying it, though the "Touch a Wisp" thing is pointless and really annoying when you have to catch laser. Also, as I recall someone mentioning, having to slide under things is totally pointless. The map is crap. Planet Wisp is basically Planet Drill, as you have to use it constantly, and it runs out much more quickly than in the Wii version, so dying underground is more than possible... I think that's about it for complaints so far.

The whatever-the-official-name-is slam into the ground move is really satisfying in the DS version for some reason. I try to kill things with it whenever I can :p

Edit: Ah, one more complaint. The plot is exactly the same as the Wii version, but with more dialogue since it has almost no animated cutscenes. The problem is, things happen exactly the same way as in the Wii version, but with only dialogue. If I hadn't already played the Wii version, I probably would have had no idea what was going on in some scenes. Like when Eggbotnik's henchmen robots are cleaning up after Sonic, in the DS version all you have is their sprites talking about missing an arm and how it doesn't really matter. There's no context to it. And they do every cutscene from the Wii version this way.


Junior Member
Sonic Colors is outselling CoD Black Ops!! @_@

In Europe. Wii version only.

BTW, on the DS version, is there any reward for getting the red rings outside of playing the normal levels in multiplayer?
it seems like people are raving about this game. This plus donkey kong and mickey, is it worth re-buying a wii? i sold mine like a year ago?


Junior Member
TrAcEr_x90 said:
it seems like people are raving about this game. This plus donkey kong and mickey, is it worth re-buying a wii? i sold mine like a year ago?

November 2010 is the greatest month for Wii games ever. Seriously.
joelseph said:
Of course not, you sold yours.

cuz there weren't any games that i grabbed me. But it seems these games will hit my nostalgia button and I used to really like the challenging platoformers back in the day.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
cuz there weren't any games that i grabbed me. But it seems these games will hit my nostalgia button and I used to really like the challenging platoformers back in the day.
Wii = Platformer Heaven. New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Galaxy 1+2, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colors, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn...this is the place to be.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
cuz there weren't any games that i grabbed me. But it seems these games will hit my nostalgia button and I used to really like the challenging platoformers back in the day.

What kind of games do you like?


Um, what the heck am i supposed to do in Asteroid Coaster Act 4?

I swear i finished the level with all red rings and a fantastic score of "0" and Rank "D".


Crumpet Trumpet said:
Are you fools seriously telling me there's an S-rank?! I've been killing myself just trying to get all A-rank. :lol

I can't get over how much I love Aquarium Park...and it's a water level...in a Sonic game...what universe is this?
Um... Hydrocity Zone?

I think the underwater parts in this are worse than in the old games. Sonic can "swim" and navigation feels even slower and clunkier with vast expanses of empty water.
Wizpig said:
Um, what the heck am i supposed to do in Asteroid Coaster Act 4?

I swear i finished the level with all red rings and a fantastic score of "0" and Rank "D".

Is this the one where you are running around a planet's ring with enemies chasing you? This was the level that gave me the 'S' bug! Just keep smashing into the sides of enemies, collect all the rings and red rings and hit the end level button at your earliest opportunity (about 30 seconds in?)

You have to really bully them to get an S rank.
RagnarokX said:
Um... Hydrocity Zone?

I think the underwater parts in this are worse than in the old games. Sonic can "swim" and navigation feels even slower and clunkier.
Well shit. I knew I was forgetting something :lol
I think the Drill color is really fun to use underwater.


RocketDarkness said:
Wii = Platformer Heaven. New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Galaxy 1+2, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colors, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn...this is the place to be.
Wario Land is the superior Good Feel 2D Wii Platformer


Nexus Zero said:
Is this the one where you are running around a planet's ring with enemies chasing you? This was the level that gave me the 'S' bug! Just keep smashing into the sides of enemies, collect all the rings and red rings and hit the end level button at your earliest opportunity (about 30 seconds in?)

You have to really bully them to get an S rank.
This level makes no sense, i just got an S Rank for playing exactly as before when i got a D Rank.

The level seems to loop and it doesn't end...
RagnarokX said:
Um... Hydrocity Zone?

I think the underwater parts in this are worse than in the old games. Sonic can "swim" and navigation feels even slower and clunkier with vast expanses of empty water.

I'm all for swimming Sonic. I hate, hate, hate underwater Sonic sections. Fucking Chemical Plant Zone scarred my childhood.


People who sell their Wiis before playing Endless Ocean 2 and Sin & Punishment 2 deserve a punch in the cock.

Well, not really. But still.


riceandbeans said:
I'm all for swimming Sonic. I hate, hate, hate underwater Sonic sections. Fucking Chemical Plant Zone scarred my childhood.
The water part of chemical plant is easy, though, and can be completely avoided. Heck, aside from Sonic 1 the water levels in classic Sonic had water that was either easily avoidable or avoidable with skill. I like how every zone but one in Sonic 3 has water in it.
Edit: plus Sonic 3 & Knuckles had the bubble shield.

I'd rather platform through underwater passages looking for air bubbles than swimming slowly through empty space. The air bubbles are just as sparse in this game.


RagnarokX said:
The water part of chemical plant is easy, though, and can be completely avoided. Heck, aside from Sonic 1 the water levels in classic Sonic had water that was either easily avoidable or avoidable with skill. I like how every zone but one in Sonic 3 has water in it.

I'd rather platform through underwater passages looking for air bubbles than swimming slowly through empty space. The air bubbles are just as sparse in this game.



RocketDarkness said:
Wii = Platformer Heaven. New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Galaxy 1+2, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colors, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn...this is the place to be.

It will be when Wii gets its version of Super Meat Boy :p


Just finished the DS version aswell.

Well, the reward for getting 7 chaos emeralds was friggin awesome, is
that secret boss
in the Wii version too?

Btw i am having problems connecting to the WiFi connection from the DS version, anyone else? i can't play online or update leaderboards.


Wizpig said:
And Splosion Man.
GAF Leaderboard Feel free to put your own scores in if yours are higher.

Tropical Resort Act 1 - 1154700 - Alkaline
Tropical Resort Act 2 - 1428250 - Miamiwesker
Tropical Resort Act 3 - 1809600 - Alkaline
Tropical Resort Act 4 - 1038500 - Alkaline
Tropical Resort Act 5 - 1166500 - Alkaline
Tropical Resort Act 6 - 641800 - Alkaline
Sweet Mountain Act 1 - 1562000 - Miamiwesker
Sweet Mountain Act 2 - 1444910 - Miamiwesker
Sweet Mountain Act 3 - 1229700 - Alkaline
Sweet Mountain Act 4 - 1277200 - Alkaline
Sweet Mountain Act 5 - 1512900 - Alkaline
Sweet Mountain Act 6 - 1042200 - Alkaline
Starlight Carnival Act 1 - 1857200 - Miamiwesker
Starlight Carnival Act 2 - 1049400 - Alkaline
Starlight Carnival Act 3 - 945000 - Alkaline
Starlight Carnival Act 4 - 1189720 - Miamiwesker
Planet Wisp Act 1 - 2085900 - Miamiwesker
Planet Wisp Act 3 - 1360800 - Miamiwesker
Planet Wisp Act 4 - 854400 - Alkaline
Aquarium Park Act 2 - 694700 - Miamiwesker
Aquarium Park Act 3 - 2271500 - Miamiwesker
Asteroid Coaster Act 2 - 1654800 - Alkaline
Asteroid Coaster Act 3 - 1082400 - Alkaline
Game Land 1-1 - 360800 - Miamiwesker
Game Land 1-2 - 918000 - Miamiwesker
Game Land 3-1 - 884600 - Miamiwesker
Game Land 5-2 - 1012000 - Miamiwesker


Junior Member
Wizpig said:
Just finished the DS version aswell.

Well, the reward for getting 7 chaos emeralds was friggin awesome, is
that secret boss
in the Wii version too?

No. The Wii ends where it does on DS before you get the emeralds.
So it's Just Normal Sonic vs. Eggman. The trade off is getting all red emeralds and the 7 chaos emeralds let's you play as Super Sonic in any level.


AgentOtaku said:
Just got my copy ....and my hat! :D :D :D

Was that US Gamestop only? i hate you guys.
The_Technomancer said:
Soon soon, but in the mean time there's Cave Story and And Yet It Moves as well :D
Thanks for reminding me that's not out yet in Europe.
AniHawk said:
Or maybe it stays on the 360 and Twisted Pixel ceases to receive any more money for it.
RobbieNick said:
No. The Wii ends where it does on DS before you get the emeralds.
So it's Just Normal Sonic vs. Eggman. The trade off is getting all red emeralds and the 7 chaos emeralds let's you play as Super Sonic in any level.
Ah, the reward on the Wii is more difficult to obtain but it's probably even better.

Still that secret in the DS version is absolutely awesome.

I'd give an 8.5/10 @ the Wii version and an 8/10 @ the DS version.
A hardcore bout of insomnia has lead me to basically play through the entire DS version start to finish in around 12 hours.

Not bad! But it feels a little... if you'll forgive the pun, rushed? It really feels like they cut a few corners and didn't smooth everything out as much as they should've. Nothing terribly specific that I can point out directly, just little stuff.

Like, okay, if I have to get specific, there's a part at the end of Asteroid Coaster Act 2 where you're on the rollercoaster and if you have a laser wisp with you, there's a prism you can use it on for a pretty huge shortcut to the end of the level. You jump up, hit the X button, and because the rollercoaster is currently at an angle, the wisp activates at an angle, completely messing up my aim and usually sending me to my death.

Also the fact that "Time Trial" is still broken out in to its own separate mode seems kind of weird. The game should be monitoring and updating my time trial records just for playing the game normally. Asking me to start up a special leaderboard mode that's virtually identical to the regular game (minus red star rings) is dumb, especially when the fastest routes through most levels will generally net you a few red star rings in the process. But they don't show up in Time Trial mode.

Also, the leaderboards themselves are kind of dumb. It shows you the top three times and then it shows you your standing on the leaderboard, but it doesn't tell you where on the leaderboard you are. You aren't provided a number.

Like I said, minor stuff, but the kind of minor stuff that feels like would have been improved with an extra month or two.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Argh! I beat him once on a fluke, and now I can never do it again. Stupid mini-boss in aquarium Park 5, when the hell are you supposed to boost? Boost when he draws his arm back? Get hit. Boost at the peak of the reachback? Get hit. Boost on the downswing? Get hit.
Hmm, so I've done the opening world and the candy world. Liking it a lot.

The first level on world 3 was absolutely stunning with all those rainbow paths. It's starting to get a bit harder now, I've noticed.

I'd say it was superior to Unleashed. Sonic stages are about the same quality, but without the Warehog breaking the pace it just feels better.

I think I need to read the manual, but can you spin dash? Sometimes I want to get up a ramp to get something I missed but can't get the speed up. Also, how do you curl into a ball? It feels strange running around the loops.
Wizpig said:
What do you get if you collect all the red coins / medals in the DS version?

That is a good question. As far as I can tell, red star rings in the DS version seem to unlock new levels in Versus mode, but I have almost all of them unlocked (as far as I can tell anyway) and I'm missing tons of red star rings.

There's a handful of concept art I haven't unlocked yet. Lots of songs for the soundtrack feature. Though soundtracks seem to be tied to S-ranking side missions.
The_Technomancer said:
Argh! I beat him once on a fluke, and now I can never do it again. Stupid mini-boss in aquarium Park 5, when the hell are you supposed to boost? Boost when he draws his arm back? Get hit. Boost at the peak of the reachback? Get hit. Boost on the downswing? Get hit.

Just hold down boost as soon as you see him moving his arm. You should easily get out of range, and hopefully trigger his laser attack once or twice. Then once you've made it the second area where he attacks, you can just hold boost 'til the end.

I found my last 3 missing red rings last night. I can't believe I was able to find them all on my own...first time in a long time where I haven't used an FAQ for even the tiniest little thing. Feels good. :lol


Getting all the red star rings in the DS version gives you
some concept art and infinite boost (which you have to activate in a menu before using it), but it can't be used in Versus or Time Attack.


Android18a said:
I think I need to read the manual, but can you spin dash? Sometimes I want to get up a ramp to get something I missed but can't get the speed up. Also, how do you curl into a ball? It feels strange running around the loops.
DS version only.

Or, well, the SPIKES Wisp in the Wii version is something like that.

ps. Thanks Peff.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Android18a said:
I think I need to read the manual, but can you spin dash? Sometimes I want to get up a ramp to get something I missed but can't get the speed up. Also, how do you curl into a ball? It feels strange running around the loops.
You need SPIKES!
Peff said:
Getting all the red star rings in the DS version gives you
some concept art and infinite boost (which you have to activate in a menu before using it), but it can't be used in Versus or Time Attack.

Well, at least
I won't be missing anything important by neglecting to collect all of those,
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