This is rich coming from you. Just a few months ago, you were lamenting how 3rd party games like Monster Hunter, Persona, and Yakuza were no longer defacto PS exclusives. So what you actually want is a monopoly on software, but for PS.
Bro, you are projecting
WAYYYY too hard here

. That stuff you're talking about was me pointing out a problem for SIE; I personally don't care either way if those games are multiplatform as a gamer. Doesn't mean I can't see how that potentially causes issue with PlayStation as they end up with less exclusive games to sell their platform in the market.
The difference is, that's not the same thing as me saying I'd want those games to be exclusive, like it's blasphemous if they're multiplat or infringing on my rights if they're exclusive. I just wouldn't make a big fuss either way. If they're exclusive, cool. I just go where the games are.
I'm not out here calling exclusives pure evil, or pretending like no one can challenge PlayStation, or would be against someone filling in Xbox's role to better compete against PlayStation. But a lot of these Steam fanboys? They just act like it's Steam or nothing, or that literally no one should even try ever competing with them. While at the same time, complaining about console exclusives because they really just want all those games on Steam but are either too stupid or too scared to come right out and say it.
This actually not true.
Western PC market is as stale as console market.
Primary growth of PC market is emerging market growth and these markets were never console, it's completely new market expanding due to growth of emerging markets.
I mean for the Western market, a lot of that growth has come from once-console owners shifting over to PC, after many left PC for console during late 6th-gen (or once the 360 & PS3 came out).
For other markets I can understand what you're saying, but also worth noting is in some of those markets, such as China, console were officially banned for decades and only very recently were made legal devices. Those bans never existed for PC, so by association they never existed for PC gaming.
You could say, then, that PC gaming's growth in those emerging markets has been unbalanced and not in a purely fair market context, as consoles were either not officially available or were completely banned. And let's say in some of those markets, like Brazil, suppose PC gaming is growing. Well, that's more due to console providers not meeting specific needs, but it doesn't automatically mean PC is the only answer for gaming growth in that market. It just takes one console provider to rise to the needs of that market and then you'll probably see more people picking console over PC.
This idea that PC gaming is "inherently" the future of gaming is just completely unfounded and fraudulent, and I don't even mind PC gaming. I think it's pretty cool, actually.