I'm not even sure what you are trying to explain to me, but it sounds you're arguing something I'm not so let's move on.
I think you misunderstood my post, see you said "Asian beauty standards, slender/petite with a pretty face.

The wide hips/thick thighs/big ass is more appreciated in art like korean manwha artists."
Sounds to me your saying Asian beauty standards are about slender/petite girls with pretty faces, I believe I understood that correctly.
Then you continue on and say wide hips is more appreciated in art i.e not real women, right? You're explaining the difference between Asian beauty standards for real women like the girl in the OP and how those standards differ from the ones in art.
My post addresses the above by discussing that Asian standards of real girls actually do include some of the traits you attribute to art standards instead such as wide hips. That's because you can be petite and slender and have wide hips. The reason for this is because wide hips isn't about being fatter i.e not being slender, it's about how your bones are composed (this has nothing to do with how much you eat). So you can be slender, petite and have wide hips.
I also do the same for curviness the difference here is that curviness is about proportions (you can be fat and curvy and slender and curvy), you can have the top of the hourglass (prominent breasts) and the bottom (wide hips) while being petite. The top curve is achieved by ideal fat distribution (more fat in the chest, less in the belly for example) meaning you can be low in overall body fat but still have enough fat in the breasts to have larger breasts. Some girls have the opposite, they have a lot of fat in say the belly but not so much in breasts so they are overweight but don't have big boobs.
I then point out why Asian female beauty standards actually value women with wide hips and curvyness and that's because it's not an Asian thing it's a human thing. I then talk about the biology of the female body and why traits like wide hips and curviness is seen as attractive and then finally I contrast that with what the opposite of those traits would be on a female (narrow hips, flat chest, large torso, wide shoulders etc) and explain why such a masculine body is not biologically ideal for females.