Mafia Definitive Edition is also a remake made for PS4 - only available to premium tier.I thought that game was a Remake and not a Remaster....
The solution is always to pay Sony more money.Glad I locked in Premium so I don't have to put any thought into all this madness you're talking about.![]()
Yeah Idc what the op is crying about. This is the REAL issue. Sony needs to be canceled for this. I cant sleep at night because of it.My OCD is hating the fact the older games don't have a PSOne, PS2 and PSP tags though. That's my grip for now, lmao.
Figuratively yes, literally no. I bought PS+ for cheap on cdkeys then bought a 1 year ps now card for over 4 years stacked.The solution is always to pay Sony more money.
Mafia Definitive Edition is also a remake made for PS4 - only available to premium tier.
The solution is always to pay Sony more money.
It's too confusing. I'm gonna cancel it all. Really annoying.
Extange , I checked yestersay at night and Mafia 3 DE was on extraOk so I checked now and it seems like it was just some weird mix up.
Games like Dead Cells, Fallout 4 and Greedfall are now correctly displaying on the Extra tier.
There's still a few inconsistencies though, like Mafia Definitive Edition being tied to premium despite being a Ps4 remake, but then FF7 (Og not remake) is on extra.
It isn't that complicated:So here's the new three tier system:
PS Plus = 60 dollars a year.
PS Plus extra = 100 dollars a year.
PS Plus premium = 120 dollars a year.
I thought the whole idea of Premium was an extra tier for those who wanted to play classic PS1, PS2, and PS3 titles. That was supposed to be the deal. Premium gets you classic games and access to demos. And while MOST games that are only available in the premium tier are those classic titles, there's some really odd choices that go beyond that for no apparent reason.
Some examples:
Batman: Arkham Origins is a PS3 title that was never ported to PS4. It can be found in the premium tier. Batman: Arkham Knight is a PS4 title. It's in the extra tier. Those both make sense, and it's what I'd expect.
Saints Row 2 is a PS3 game, so it's understandable that it would be in the premium tier. Saints Row the third was also released for the PS3, but it had a PS4 remaster. It can be found in the extra tier. So we can assume that PS4 versions of older games will all be available in the extra tier, right? Not at all.
BioShock remaster for PS4? Premium only.
Borderlands Handsome collection for PS4? Premium only.
Kingdoms of Amalur remaster? Premium.
Heavy Rain remaster? Premium.
Gravity Rush? First game on PS4 is premium, second game is extra.
But even if you accept that most remasters of older titles will require premium even if they are actual PS4 games, the premium for classic titles "rule" still doesn't make sense.
Greedfall on PS4 and PS5. Premium.
Dead cells? Premium.
Fallout 4 that was never a PS3 title? Only premium, for no discernible reason. Same for Fallout 76.
Lego Batman 3? Extra. Lego Harry Potter? Premium.
The Surge? Premium. The Surge 2? Extra.
Shadow Warrior 2 on PS4? Premium. Shadow Warrior 3 that was just released? Extra.
So maybe it's only the most recent title in a series that is included? Nope.
Trials Fusion? Extra. Trials Rising (which is the latest game)? Premium.
There's no rhyme or reason to any of this! As a gamepass competitor that won't have big budget PlayStation exclusives on day one, it makes sense for Sony to sell people on paying 40 dollars extra, unless they really have to play have those PS3 and earlier games. It's kind of a budget service with budget content, although it's still a good value, and a smart way to compete. But considering that almost all PS4 titles are included in the extra tier, Sony being weirdly restrictive and confusing about a handful of games here seems to be a bad idea. I hope people speak up, and I hope they restructure the games being offered to reflect the original promise of each tier.
My hope is that this is all caused by issues with existing PS Now agreements and obligations, and going forward all PS4 titles added to the service will be a part of the extra tier. If that doesn't happen, and new PS4 or PS5 games starting appearing in the premium only category, I hope people will loudly remind Sony that the premium tier was advertised ONLY to be including classic PS1, PS2, and PS3 titles. It's needless bad PR that doesn't need to exist for an otherwise solid offering.
There many of the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and Vita games included under their classics collecton of PS+ Premium are remade or remastered for PS4 or PS5. So they look and perform great, way better than simply emulated versions. And unlike the native PS3 games they can be downloaded and played on PS4 and PS5.I don't care about day one releases, I'm not poor and can buy whatever games I want - but I won't support a service that can't even deliver major generational titles and I'm in the EU, so 50hz, I guess? No boosting of PS1 and PS2 games and no effort of trying to get PS3 games to run natively.
50hz tho' here in EU. Vita games? I'm not interested in their classics catalog, cause my PC runs all of them better than PS5. I know PS5 have the capability to run them better than what some no-paid, no-access to original SDK's devs can do, but Sony have put little to no effort in boosting their classics catalog.There many of the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and Vita games included under their classics collecton of PS+ Premium are remade or remastered for PS4 or PS5. So they look and perform great, way better than simply emulated versions.
Mafia Definitive Edition is also a remake made for PS4 - only available to premium tier.
I was all set to edit the OP with the corrected information, but I checked PSN and none of that seems to be the case in the US. Did you look at the PS store itself, or were you just looking at the list on their website?Ok so I checked now and it seems like it was just some weird mix up.
Games like Dead Cells, Fallout 4 and Greedfall are now correctly displaying on the Extra tier.
There's still a few inconsistencies though, like Mafia Definitive Edition being tied to premium despite being a Ps4 remake, but then FF7 (Og not remake) is on extra.
It isn't that complicated:
PS Plus = same as always
PS Plus Extra = adds on top 369 titles (some of them are collections) released originally for PS4 and PS5
PS Plus Premium = adds on top 450 titles (some of them are collections) remaked, remastered or emulated PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP/Vita/arcade classics in addition to cloud gaming and demos (this is the general rule but there are a few exceptions, Demon's Souls and SotC remakes are in Extra)
OP implying that the choice is messy and unclear.It seems clear as day to me.
3 Tiers. 3 price points.
Not sure what OP finds intentionally misleading?
Ubisoft games are an exception because all Ubisoft games are included inside Ubisoft+, which comes with PS+ Extra, not Premium.I was all set to edit the OP with the corrected information, but I checked PSN and none of that seems to be the case in the US. Did you look at the PS store itself, or were you just looking at the list on their website?
Anyhow, those three games are all still in the premium tier, although Fallout 4 is still part of the PS Plus collection, so it's still free for all PS5 owners in any tier subscription. PS4 owners still need premium. Premium for a game that was originally released on the PS4, and is not a remake. Here are several other examples that I found:
Far cry 3 on ps4? Extra.
Far cry blood dragon on PS4? Extra.
Friday the 13th is now in Extra.
Like you said FF7 original is in extra. So is FF 8 remaster, and FF 9 original.
Injustice 1 is premium, no matter if it's the PS3 or PS4 version. Injustice 2 is extra.
Terraria is premium! A game that released years ago, but is still getting major updates as recently as last year.
Golf with friends? Premium. WTF!? A game that released in 2020. How is that even remotely close to a "classic" game or a remaster?
So again, no rhyme or reason for any of this.
In your own "it isn't that complicated" explanation, you don't even acknowledge the fact that there are PS4 games in the premium tier, much less getting into the weeds of a detailed explanation that accurately addresses the situation.
"Most PS4 titles are part of the extra tier, except for remakes and remasters which are included in the premium tier, except for Far Cry and Final Fantasy for some reason, and probably some other examples, and the PS4 or PS5 version of Greed Fall, and Fallout 4, and a bunch of other random games for seemingly no reason whatsoever."
Yes, that is needlessly complicated.
[edit] I corrected my post. While you don't directly state PS4 games are in the premium tier, I would agree you imply it by saying "remaked, remastered or emulated PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP/Vita/arcade classics" But that doesn't change the fact that even this "rule" is ignored by several examples listed above.
I don't know what are you talking about. What they included in Premium is exactly the case of what they marketed:As OP stated, the Premium tier was marketed as PS1, 2 and 3 titles and demos but this is not the case. The whole tier system is terrible and just proves that MS have it right with Gamepass. It doesn't lock people out with bullshit rules that seem to change depending on how Sony feels.
Even worse than the different games per tier is that they locked legacy games and PC streaming to the Premium tier.OP implying that the choice is messy and unclear.
As OP stated, the Premium tier was marketed as PS1, 2 and 3 titles and demos but this is not the case. The whole tier system is terrible and just proves that MS have it right with Gamepass. It doesn't lock people out with bullshit rules that seem to change depending on how Sony feels.
For some weird ass reason, the Mafia1 Def.Ed had a PS3 label on it when I checked yesterdayMafia Definitive Edition being tied to premium despite being a Ps4 remake
I mean, the thing has been ported around more than original pacman, it certainly isn't a 'new' game.So should RE4 in March be considered a GameCube game?
Ps1/psp titles are labelled as ps4/5 downloads, so what exactly is the difference here?They could probably get away with shifting over the PS2 games
Technically most ppl will say somewhere in there line is drawn when it stops being the 'classic' game, but it's arbitrary.