New reveal tomorrow, this means new lore!
New reveal tomorrow, this means new lore!
New reveal tomorrow, this means new lore!
So anything came out of this?
The update also includes the Gravity Rush Kat raiment, the White Cat(?) raiment, and the Slave raiment.
oh snap free gravity rush KAT dlc
New archfiend
People on GameFAQ are saying we are getting the following raiments too
update coming 8/7
OK, that Kat raiment is sweet.
At first sight I thougth "So Odin is a third Centaur/Unicorn clone?" but upon closer inspection it appears his horse is a "normal" one and he's simply riding it. That's an entirely new model, right? SS games are truly the games that keep on giving.![]()
It looks like entirely a new model. I don't think they have made more 2 clones so safe to bet it will play differently. He has a spear also so I'm looking forward to that also!
OK, so we have Odin, Bahamut, Leviathan, Phoenix, Cat Sith, Unicorn, Siren, Minotaur and Cerberus. Shiva and Ifrit to come next?![]()
Other small bug fixes... I haven't really seen any bugs.. Still look forward to the new stuff, I'm happier with SS developers than almost all others (equal to CD Projekt Red). Wish SCEA didn't fucking suck in everything with it, though.
New opening screen when you start the game now, not that it affects the game itself.
I don't see the lore, soul sacrifice 2 confirmed...
Wha? Care to elaborate.
The odin doesn't have a lore in the book and we can't sacrifice/save him.... it is also the 10th pact (like the Gods in vanilla original - this probably also means last monster dlc).
Oh ok! Well they did say SS2 is 2015 game. TGS reveal? Well a bit sad they are done with DLC and cool updated. Well atleast we wont be getting no more reskins just to pimp up the numbers.
No not officially announced but that + this trailer
Saw the trailer. What am I missing that nods towards SS2?
Also SS2 was announced onstage along with SSD by Keiji Inafune at TGS last year.
Alice (in Japanese update)Why would Odin be the last DLC archfiend? Vanilla got no less than 12 DLC archfiends, right? How many have we got in Delta so far, four?
While there could be more additional pacts, doesn't necessarily mean they will be new archfiend like most of the dlc pact but I guess not out of question....I am sure we will see some more dlc pacts, maybe New archfiends too.
There is an entry of Additional pacts XIV in my journal. All are high level archfiends already in the game. Don't know how it appeared. Is it visible in yours too? . And as odin is in pact X there will be atleast 3 more.
So when I played the first game I did the opening quests with the chick and then I think (could be wrong) that you went right into another set of quests. In this version I seem to be able to chose between the 3 factions? How does the order you do them effect your character? Does it lock out the other quests if you chose one? Also can anyone explain the game play benefit to the Grim faction? Is it basically just a middle ground with no true benefit?
No the game wasn't announced at TGS, just mistranslation SSD is like the second game (1.7). We only know Odin as the 1st persapius, they didn't include the lore of his archfiend.
Alice (in Japanese update)
Succubus (Japanese update)
(Abyssal Fiend)
While there could be more additional pacts, doesn't necessarily mean they will be new archfiend like most of the dlc pact but I guess not out of question....
XIV pact is the demo pact (at least in japan) , where demo owners could play these with someone who owns game.
I think starting the game out as grim is the best to go and later you can pick with other fractions. Grim is balance fraction, if you leave to fate and gives experience on both sides. Though you'll want to pick the fraction based on what kind of magic you'll want as main since those sigils in right arm will significantly boosts magic. So for the Grim it will stuff like Weapon, Special Magic, Bomb etc. or Sanctuarium with spear, blood etc. If you will Grim, you'll want to keep level on both sides same or for sanctuarium more saving.
fractions will not lock you out of quests, any magic, sigils and you can always switch.
English Odin trailer
The patch was really big, I wonder now if they actually added odin story in it...
but stay tuned because were not quite done yet
Okay dudes, I just bought this on Vita. Planning to play entirely solo. What do I need to know? Any DLC worth getting?
I bought this too. Now, how do I do the save transfer? Do I need to have both of the games on the memory card?
Also I need some friends to do some online, people that can get me some easy exp.
I need another member to join us.
What are you trying to achieve by going to floor 15?
Mushrooms renew each floor by the number of players in game.
(1 player - 1 renew)
(4 players - 4 renew)
Instead of saving you each time, I'm sacrificing Fluffy Andy everytime it falls.
By going to 15 floors isn't going to get you any raiment/accessory I think. SP aren't going skyrocket also. Divide the total score by 10 is how much you'll get or think 10 points per SP.I need the slayer points and the costumes. And I'm going to snitch to Flandy.
Did Flandy actually buy this?
Did Flandy actually buy this?
These combos can be used by a single sorcerer.
Arboreal + Arboreal
Fruits can be combined with themselves and others to give more powerful or different effects by using "Arboreal Fusion" near a tree with fruit on it; see Arboreal Combo for possible combinations.
Arboreal + Area Healing
Any tree missing fruit will restore back to full if hit with area or ranged healing.
Arboreal + Rising
Creating a pillar in the vicinity of any arboreal offering (not including any combo trees) will wrap it in roots, giving the pillar the fruit's effect while standing on it.
Armor + Blitz
Comboable Blitz of the same element as the currently active armor can be charged into a powerful attack, "Magic Wing". Consumes the armor in the process, so it's recommended to use at the 5th hit. Everyoung Hardwing (Bahamut) can combo with ANY armor, including Tyrant Bindings (Dullahan)
Armor + Roar
Roar of the same element as the currently active armor can be charged 3 stages instead of 2. Consumes the armor in the process.
Armor + Shield
A summoned shield the same element as the currently active armor will be much larger with a more powerful and larger "Epic Shockwave". Boss offerings will not combo.
Bomb + Mine
Bulbs will absorb mines of the same element, transforming them into mortar raining cannons. They no longer explode. Boss offerings will not combo.
Evasive (Dash) + Arm, Beast, Spear or Weapon
With a dash evasive offering active, using any of the melee attack offerings will allow the player to quickly summon them (summoning animation is skipped) and use a dashing attack.
Evasive (Ground) + Arm, Beast, Spear or Weapon
With a ground evasive offering active, using any of the melee attack offerings will allow the player to quickly summon them (summoning animation is skipped) and use an underground uppercut. Weapons, Fists and Spears can follow up with air combos to more easily hit cursed parts.
Mine + Weapon
Summoned mines will be absorbed into a summoned weapon, infusing it with more power. Non-elemental Axe can infuse with all mines (including Iron Virgin's) while elemental weapons require the same element. Boss weapon offerings will not infuse
Parasitic + Area Healing
As its description says, using area (or ranged) healing will make a parasitic seed on an enemy to grow and eventually bloom into a tree, damaging the enemy and knocking it down.
Summon + Homing
Immobile golems will be powered up and attack much faster when hit with multiple root offerings consecutively. Rank 2 (Bronze) golems require 150 damage (apparently unaffected by sigils) to activate; higher rank golems were not tested and might differ. [1]
Summon + Roar
Immobile golems will shatter into several smaller, mobile imps with the use of any Roar offering, functioning like the Snow White and Succubus offerings.
Terrain + Bomb
Bulbs will absorb terrain of the same element, transforming them into large venus fly traps that work as turrets, firing projectiles at enemies. Bulbs will combo with boss terrains but terrains will not combo with boss bombs.
Terrain + Explosive
While eggs are 'prepped', they will charge while standing in terrain. Non-elemental will become elemental while elemental requires the same type.
Terrain + Homing
Roots of the same element will charge faster than normal.
Terrain + Throwing
While projectiles are active, they will charge while standing in terrain. Like explosive, non-elemental will work with any element, while elemental requires the same type. Throwing offerings will 'eat' the terrain and it will not last as long as one would think.
Healing + Healing
Lifefruit: Huge health restore.
Healing + Levibloom
Adeptfruit: Effects with timers will last longer.
Healing + Vimblossom
Animafruit: Restores a broken offering back to one use.
Healing + Wallblossom
Phoenixfruit: No effect on the living. Restores spirits back to life in a new body. However if health drops back to 0, the character dies again without an option to save or sacrifice. Does NOT restore offerings or black rites after use.
Levibloom + Levibloom
Galefruit: Incredibly fast speed boost.
Levibloom + Vimblossom
Aegisfruit: You cannot be killed for the duration, but you can still take damage.
Levibloom + Wallblossom
Wardingfruit: Nullifies status ailments.
Starveling + Healing, Vimblossom or Wallblossom
Cythonian: Kills the player, turning them into a spirit temporarily (if everyone consumes this, the pact is failed). They cannot interact like a normal spirit would but can spread fruits.
Starveling + Starveling
Fiendfruit: Larger health restore and attack boost.
Vimblossom + Vimblossom
Demonfruit: Stronger attack boost.
Vimblossom + Wallblossom
Bastionfruit: Nullifies a single attack.
Wallblossom + Wallblossom
Etherfruit: Stronger elemental defense boost.
Benefits of each faction:These combos either require two sorcerers to perform or only affect other sorcerers.
Arboreal + Roar
While under the effects of a fruit, using any Roar spell will remove the effect from the player and transfer it to allies nearby. An uncharged roar is enough for this effect, with the advantage that it won't knock allies down. This will work on both normal and combo fruits.
Morph + Armt
As one player uses a morph offering, another player will have to use an Arm offering to punch the other player into an enemy.
Morph + Beastt
As one player uses a morph offering, another player will have to use a beast offering's breath attack on it, transforming the morph into a larger ball.
Regenesis Seed + Roar
While under the healing over time effects of Regenesis seed, if the player uses any Roar spell, they can spread the effect to other players in range.
Shield + Beast
As one player summons a shield, another player will have to use the same element beast offering's breath attack on it, increasing the size of the shield. Has the same result as Armor + Shield combo.
Monster Weakness
Monsters Part Weakness
None Iron Virgin Heat (Head)
Incubus -
Hansel and Gretel
Minotaur Volt (Axe)
Slime (Carnivorous)
Slime (Avaricious)
Cat Sith
Illecebra * Volt, Stone, Frost (varies)
Alice *
Ghost/ Wraith
[SPOILER]Dragon[/SPOILER] Highlight to view
[SPOILER] God Dragon
Romulus (God of Order)
Cert (God of Chaos)
Heat Troll
Three-Little Pigs Venom(Hammer)
Snow White
Elven Queen
Venom Gargoyle
Tortoise and the Hare
Stone Ouroboros
Naked Emperor
Abyssal Fiend
Volt Frog Prince
Jack Frost
Frost Ogre Volt (Sickle)
Chimera Stone (Spear), Heat (Shield)
Pied Piper
Chthonian Fiend
So is multiplayer something you unlock later? And if so, do you have to join specific lobbies, or can you just jump right into someone else's via a menu?
Will likely stick with singleplayer, but online seems like a fun thing to dabble with.