Glitched achievements are the worst.
Along with missable collectables that you can't go back for at any point.
Really enjoyed the game though.
Glitched achievements are the worst.
Isthe only optional bosses in the game?Al Gore and ManBearPig
I never saw that, if it's there. I'm pretty sure at this point there's only one thing I've missed.The Yates mission.
So he does have a mission? I was beginning to think that was cut content for DLC. How do you trigger it? I've finished the game but he still says come back later.
Wish they had some sort of sort button for the friends list. I havefriends, and I'm missing120. I just don't know who. The last person I got was1.Mrs. Prissy Pants
Guess I'm going to have to find some guide to see who I don't remember picking up. I know for sure that I got all the optional friends from the story missions.
EDIT: I just found out, thatI remember in my first save, that I120 friends is the maximum. The reason I didn't get the trophy is because I didn't talk to Craig before talking to Cartman at the first 5mins of the game. Which after talking to him, he defriends you in the next few minutes. You just need to have him friended for those few minutes for it to count. ....They can't be fuckin serious with that.... I can't believe that shit.... Ffs.friended Craig (for some strange reason), but I didn't friend Big Gay Al at the end of the game
I hate letting Metacritic disturrb me especially when I haven't finished the game...
But there is no way this is an under 85 game. That is absurd. Maybe I've been lucky since I haven't run into any bugs yet. I've been looking forward to this game and I never anticipated it being this good. -Box Quote.
The love for the property oozes through everything. Couldn't be happier with the game so far.
It's a 9.5 for me. One of the best games I've played in a long while.
By the way, guys. EVERYONE I know is playing this game. Even my non-gamer friends are just loving the hell out of this.
I think is going to sell a hell lot of units. People I know is talking about this game like they did when Call of Duty was actually good! (no hyperbole)
Why should I not ever fart on another man's balls?
Am I the only one having trouble with QTE's? I'm loving the game but fuck me,i really cant get past that alien dildo ass QTE...
The tutorials for the farts have got to be deliberately bad, right?
It's got to be some kind of joke about terrible turorials.
Just made it to. Man the button mash QTE's are a pain in the ass. They are easy enough to beat, just rub your knuckles across the buttons but that fucking hurts. That's what I used to do as a kid to beat the Tests of strength in Mortal Kombat. I'd do it until I bled back then, don't know if I'm that hardcore anymore ha ha.The Aliens
Fight or go with the elves? Does it make a huge difference?
What did everyone thing ofyour character speaking at the end?
The part where they hump YOUR FACE actually grossed me out irl.The wild dogs are so obnoxious, holy hell. My last fight with them I think they called in about 15 backup dogs.
Easy answer is yes, if you feel like you are at the place to finish a quest and it isn't working then you will unlock something later to do it.
Outselling Dark Souls II on steam, that's impressive.
Just finished it... As someone who has stuck with the show and watched every episode... Holy shit, job well done. That entire final battle end game sequence was just amazing. I couldn't be happier with how crazy and over the top this game turned out to be. Man, what a great fucking game.
I'm enjoying this game, but man the glitches are getting out of control, had 3 big ones within an hour that had me restarting the game.
Just finished it.
Multiple scene ruining bugs. Several involving Professor Chaos and the game just hanging there.
Also towards the end (don't read if you're not near the end)inside Clyde's castle right before going into Mr. Slave's butt ... the game screen just kinda flashed and then went to the end game credits. I was like WTF? Reloaded and then went into his butt ... so weird some of the bugs.
Still enjoyed it though.
Just finished it.
Multiple scene ruining bugs. Several involving Professor Chaos and the game just hanging there.
Also towards the end (don't read if you're not near the end)inside Clyde's castle right before going into Mr. Slave's butt ... the game screen just kinda flashed and then went to the end game credits. I was like WTF? Reloaded and then went into his butt ... so weird some of the bugs.
Still enjoyed it though.
Really? At the end,when you're in the room with Mr. Slave, if you try and leave through either exit a nuke goes off and the credits roll.
PC, I even took pics as well, sometimes you don't see the characters.What platform?
So, theboss fight.Al Gore
Playtesting muthafucka do you speak it?
PC, I even took pics as well, sometimes you don't see the characters.
If some of you guys are having problems with the boss fights, maybe you're not taking advantage of the stacking effects of status ailments. At the start of a fight, use a throwing objects that hits multiple times and multiple targets, imbued with gross, fire and especially bleeding. Half of the work is already done.
You can get the broken bottle early on, use that.
So, theboss fight.Al Gore
Playtesting muthafucka do you speak it?
I had super cereal problems on my first run, then it was one of the easiest fights when I played it again.
I use Jimmy. On the first round, have Douchebag set bleeding/burning on Gore and have Jimmy buff the party. When Gore calls in his allies, apply bleeding/burning to the two riflemen (use a speed potion!) as their headshot ability deals massive damage and causes screwed. When it gets to Jimmy, you can restore some PP with his ability and put your enemies to sleep. Place a status effect on the melee fighter and have Jimmy put the guys to sleep whenever they wake up until you get rid of them. I prefer to bring out Kenny after the first sleep just so I can stack bleeding on everyone. Use Stan or Butters instead if you've weakened his armor enough. If you have an ability to remove debuffs, then you it to get rid of his regeneration. Piece of cake.
Speed potions and status effects break this game.
Thanks. the guards can easily "break" the fight the other way with a stun grenade while switching over my buddy. Does the fight end if I only take out?Al Gore
Point remains though, this fight is hilariously more difficult than anything else in the game.
So he does have a mission? I was beginning to think that was cut content for DLC. How do you trigger it? I've finished the game but he still says come back later.
damn, now I'm annoyed I missed this mission. just my luck to miss the only missable side quest.
You're probably fighting him too early, if your weapons aren't strong enough to break through their high armor you're gonna have a bad time.