Blue Ninja

Those bastards.
20+ hours isn't long enough?
I mean I guess they could pad it with another 20 hours of grinding like all the other RPGs but does anyone really want that?
I only plan on buying the game because it looks fucking hilarious, and fun.
When does the embargo end? I'm really on the fence about this game and a gmg coupon is burning in my pocket.
A few of those artificially extend their length through the amount of grinding one needs to do. I'd rather have a 10-15 hour focused RPG, than one stretching your engagement with it in a bullshit way.
honestly 15 hours or so is perfect for me. with school/work/social sit i just don't have tie or massive RPGs but I REALLY want to play this and finish it and now it's looking like I'll be able to.
I'm talking about wrpg mostly. Also, if you take all fluff/filler grind out , most JRPG have 10-15 hours of non-filler gameplay and story. I'd rather play 15 hour rpg than crappy 60 hour jrpg, where only thing you do is grind.
I'll never understand this. Wouldn't it be better to play a game that is paced well instead of one that's rushed to shit, even if it takes you longer to beat?
Also for what its worth. Steam says 8 hours while the game only claims 6. Not sure why.
JRPGs are the worst when it comes to extending their gameplay and narrative. Gave up Bravely Default after 25 hours because of that. Nothing was happening at that point. The gameplay no longer evolved and the story was just "Get those chrystals!"
So yeah I ma all for shorter RPG experiences. I am up for anything that goes to up to 30 hours but after that it's really hard to creating something that stays engaging for so long.
I'm talking about wrpg mostly. Also, if you take all fluff/filler grind out , most JRPG have 10-15 hours of non-filler gameplay and story. I'd rather play 15 hour rpg than crappy 60 hour jrpg, where only thing you do is grind.
Pretty sure it was in south park long before the whole GAF stuffThey put that love doll in just for gaffers. Is it PS3 exclusive too?
Obsidian obviously cut a lot of content out so they could release it as DLC down the line. Those bastards.
Is this suppose to be sarcasm? Because I can't tell.Obsidian obviously cut a lot of content out so they could release it as DLC down the line. Those bastards.
I think the right way to do it, is like Fallout or Skyrim, where you just have a ton of side missions and quests to tackle. But that requires a lot of characters and writing, so I get why that's not the norm. But I agree, the grinding aspect in JRPGs (especially when it's used to extend the end), is too much. At the point where you are just grinding and there is no plot to go between that grinding, the game has lost me.
Obsidian obviously cut a lot of content out so they could release it as DLC down the line. Those bastards.
Parker said they were urged to "cut it down, cut it down, cut it down," and "that everyone kept saying to us [make that extra content] DLC" drawing jeers from the crowd "and I agree... fuck that."
"Somehow or another," Parker said of what was ultimately trimmed from The Stick of Truth, "this shit will get out there," perhaps in the form of a TV episode or multiple episodes.
They did cut stuff, but...
20 hours or so is around the length of the Paper Mario games. That's great, and a fine length for an RPG with a simple battle system.
15 hours or lower rings alarm bells because the game could possibly be ending before it has the chance to explore all of the possibilities of the concept. That is very bad.
I remember people saying dishonored was 5-6 hours and I played the shit outta that for close to 50. People who rush through games and then expect the rest of us to play the same way they play piss me off.
Most people rush games, I've noticed, both from comparing my own times and watching people play on twitch.I remember people saying dishonored was 5-6 hours and I played the shit outta that for close to 50. People who rush through games and then expect the rest of us to play the same way they play piss me off.
People are obsessed with the length of this more than ground zeroes
If its not at least 15 hours, then why even make an RPG? Should have been a point & click adventure or platformer instead.
No kidding, yeesh. The entire like last 4 pages is almost entirely length discussion.
12 hours for a main story is unacceptable in an RPG. And honestly, if the game is even that short, then I highly doubt any extra hours of gameplay will be fleshed out side missions (like in Fallout). It will probably just be collecting things etc.
Very disappointing. I hope I'm wrong though. I would be okay with even a 12 hour main story, if it had like 10 hours of side missions. But hell, even that sounds kind of low for a $60 game. Especially for an RPG.
so the game isnt over 100 hours? preorder cancelled then...what is this? a baby's toy?
Super Mario RPG was around that length and it's one of the best games I have ever played.
so the game isnt over 100 hours? preorder cancelled then...what is this? a baby's toy?
Yup, personally I plan on playing the fuck outta the game.
me too. I will never understand arguments for length, especially in this case. The game obviously has other stuff to do, and you can play as a different class. Someone also mentioned something about a choice in the game that changes it. There is plenty of playtime here.
Nobody said this.
Or came close, outside of one person.
As stated, its very easy to understand why some people are approaching this game differently.
To some people, RPG means long game, thats not hard to understand.
Very few people in this thread feel this way and it really doesn't warrant this long, drawn out back and forth of summed up, misquoted statements.
it was a joke dood...lighten up. I didnt even quote or sum up anything lol
I assumed you were referring to my response, as i mentioned i finished a game in 100 hours, which is much more than said games estimated time to completion -.-
oh lol...i just skimmed through several pages when i woke up this morning because its just been people complaining about time
Not sure if posted already but found a live stream up on twitch for anyone who cares:
Bailed out because I already saw some slight spoilers.
Wow though. The stay true to the TV show animation is just fantastic. Getting me pretty hyped.
oh lol...i just skimmed through several pages when i woke up this morning because its just been people complaining about time
Yeah, its pretty drawn out for no reason.
If people the people who are concerned about the time are on the fence, they should wait for the reviews and impressions.
I dot know of any physical midnight openings to pick up the game, and reviews are coming at midnight on the 4th.
Gives people on the fence an entire day to decide if they want the game or not. (Even longer if were being rational about it, someone could technically buy the game whenever)
If someone is on the fence and is a PC user its a different story, as there is obviously an option to get the game at midnight (may be for the console versions as well, i very well may be wrong about there not being any midnight openings, however i have checked and see nothing), in which case, I'm sure we will be getting more impressions and leaked reviews leading up to launch, so just wait it out, or pickup the game later on in the day, after the reviews and impressions are released.
Im personally in for the console version on launch day, as early as possible preferably.
Still unsure about PS3 vs. 360 though... Would much prefer the game on PS3.
Need to see how they compare, hopefully we get something on that soon and before launch, if we don't...ill just pickup the PS3 version.