Wester set a new Golden Sun 100% WR today of 3:57:42, old record was 4:02:29 by Plexa.
OoT Challenge Race going to be streamed here in 20ish minutes.
Be there or be square!
Edit: 80 people so far confirmed to be in the race. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD.
okay so I read what speed running is and you have to be blind to know it doesnt exist, but what is the point in the speed run, personal bests, competition amongst friends/online dudes?
Only time I have ever done it, is Resident evil 1 and that was to get the rocket launcher.. Personaly dont think I could enjoy a game just blindly running through it.
okay so I read what speed running is and you have to be blind to know it doesnt exist, but what is the point in the speed run, personal bests, competition amongst friends/online dudes?
Only time I have ever done it, is Resident evil 1 and that was to get the rocket launcher.. Personaly dont think I could enjoy a game just blindly running through it.
NerdWell, I personally speedrun games for a weird reason, i like playing a game that "stresses me out", i used to play 1v1 sc2 which can get extremely stressful at highish level (master league~) but i quit that game cause i think i got to my cap and the game just went into a direction i didn't like. I also enjoy dota2 which i play at a high level aswell but getting a good team that is dedicated to get better at dota2 is just hard to find. So instead i just chose to do speedruns, its hard, challenging, and I also get to play games that i played as a kid that i loved.
There is that special feel that when you break a game that you knew before that you didn't know you could break.
I personally like the idea of just doing glitches and the fact that doing the glitches are hard, that's why i chose rather hard games to speedrun (twilight princess, wind waker)
But my goal mainly is to get a WR, but even more somebody to beat that WR in order to get it back. Many speedrunners lose a lot of interest in the game once they get WR so they are usually very happy when somebody takes it back.
But some people speedrun for different reasons;
Won't be a speed run, but cosmo's going to play WWHD tonight!
also he retweeted me omg omg omg
too bad I typed to wrong day out in the tweet![]()
I really hope Cosmo and other WW runners are not discouraged with WWHD with no Wind Waker dive. I feel like they should go on full-on glitch finding/testing mode. I feel like there is still chance storage is in the game in some capacity.
To Mirrored (and to a lesser extent, the speedrun community):
January 2013, the night of my Wind Waker run for charity, a lot went wrong. What went wrong resulted in you disappearing from the community for a long time. You showed up briefly, but you probably didn't feel welcome or enthusiastic to continue participating with speedrunning.
This could have been avoided if I had communicated with you before the event on how we should handle the commentary. I feel awful about it. After my run I went back to my room in tears thinking about the ramifications about what just happened. I was also angry and wrote some things that I regret. I should have taken the time to cool down. That week in general was really bad for me (some people were harassing me via the phone as they had gotten my cellphone #) and that night pushed me over the edge.
I'm sorry I never talked to you about what happened as I think we both suffered from it. Unfortunately due to my popularity at the time a number of people rushed to defend my actions while vilifying yours. This must have been extremely shitty for you, much worse than it was on me. It must have been especially awful after you had spent so much effort preparing for AGDQ, making the triforce prize, etc.
In the past, some people were hating on you because of your streams making mistake logs out of my runs (which were very helpful and interesting), or other parts of your stream personality (wearing a suit, whistling, etc). These are stupid reasons to hate somebody and I never saw negativity in having a personality. Sadly this community definitely has people who will jump on people in a negative way due to things like this (I remember MC Gamer had a rocky start as people were trying to hate on him at first). Sadly this attitude is still around today and I'm not really sure what I can do against it.
I am not a perfect person and what happened in January hugely reflects that. I feel like I am extremely polarizing in fact. People pick sides. People will either hate me or mindlessly defend me. It is a stressful existence to be in sometimes. I've learned to deal with this over the last 9 months, but it has been hard. One of my best friends ended up feeling a large amount of animosity towards me partially due to the amount of people mindlessly defending me. A lot has happened.
I realize this is perhaps way too late and you are simply gone from the community, though I think I've seen your IRC bot around a bit. If you are still out there I hope you read this and even if you don't want to come back I hope you understand that I mishandled the situation and you shouldn't feel guilt about it. A lack of communication was the true issue at hand, and I had been off hanging out with other people during the week and so we never properly organized anything.
I still absolutely love what I do and I want to continue to stream and run games. I've been trying to just forget this entire mishap ever happened but I felt the need to address it both publicly and directly to you. Maybe now we can forgive and forget.
- Cosmo Wright
gymnast86 has beaten it in 5:06 already. Dunhamcw is also going to do some runs. Cosmo beat it in under 5 hours without dry storage, the differences between that and HD is only the DRC zombiehover, DRC boss key skip, soup glitch, Helmaroc skip(long hover), wind temple boss key skip and cabana skip. But you save a lot of time due to fast sail and 8 less charts to collect.Has anyone tried to do a super fast run in HD yet? earning the super sail seems to be out of the way more then a bought item which sucks, i'd say the runs would be something like an hour longer then cube until more stuff is found.
gymnast86 has beaten it in 5:06 already. Dunhamcw is also going to do some runs. Cosmo beat it in under 5 hours without dry storage, the differences between that and HD is only the DRC zombiehover, DRC boss key skip, soup glitch, Helmaroc skip(long hover), wind temple boss key skip and cabana skip. But you save a lot of time due to fast sail and 8 less charts to collect.
Super Metroid? Niiiiiiice!Zoast beat the 100% WR by over 20 seconds.
Zoast beat the 100% WR by over 20 seconds.
Werster sounded like he was going to have an asthma attack or go into cardiac arrest or something as he got 1:55 in Pokemon Yellow.
Damn, very nice. Did anything about the run change in particular?
Werster was blowing his load constantly at the end of it. Good times. That other dude who had the record was super annoying I watched the VOD of his run.