Siglemic hacked the stream.
Stream went down again when he was showing the replay at the same point. He said he's fairly positive he's being DDoS'd now and knows who's doing it.
Sig is kill
and cosmo is currently announcing moving on to bigger and better things on his stream.
I'm getting a real "end of an era" feeling from the scene right now. had a great time watching speed runs and learning more than I thought I wanted to know about gaming for the past few years.
The speedrunning scene doesn't only consist of cosmo and siglemic, you know? It's never been as healthy and thriving as it is now.
Well, AGDQ always has been about the money, so obviously they want to have as many people as possible that will bring in viewers/money. I don't see this development as "unfortunate", either. You might not enjoy the direction GDQ is going as a viewer/runner for whatever reason, but you can't call it "unfortunate".
The event still is a celebration of the speedrunning community, but obviously time is limited, and with submissions being in the hundreds at this point, they can't bring in every obscure game, and rather would maximize the donations they can get for Prevent Cancer Foundation respectively Doctors Without Borders. If you had the choice of 1h of Zelda or 1h of some Ethiopian-developed indie flash game, what would you pick?![]()
and cosmo is currently announcing moving on to bigger and better things on his stream.
I'm getting a real "end of an era" feeling from the scene right now. had a great time watching speed runs and learning more than I thought I wanted to know about gaming for the past few years.
Has Cosmo ever said what he's going to do specifically? He mentioned that he's moving away from streaming to do more "fascinating" stuff because of new interests he found but nothing ultra specific.yeah, I know it's more than just them. I don't even watch cosmo or sig all that much, but after a couple of years watching it grow, I get the feeling that it won't be like before. I realize there are more people into it and it's bigger. But that also means more people trying to get a piece of it. Less intimacy, more vying to be "a hit" at GDQs. A lot of people I watched before don't stream as much and when they do, their chats are shittier and they themselves seem different. It's a crossed a line of sorts. Like seeing a band grow from being a bar band to playing larger venues + arenas. There are way more indicators than just sig not streaming and cosmo's stream tonight, but I don't really feel like going into it. Something about cosmo moving on highlights the rest of it to me.
Nowadays of the old guard remain only zfg and werster that streams regularly... kinda sad.
Has Cosmo ever said what he's going to do specifically? He mentioned that he's moving away from streaming to do more "fascinating" stuff because of new interests he found but nothing ultra specific.
Though i too feel like that the initial era of speedrunning is over, lots of people is nowhere to be found anymore and most of the new people are just greedy bastards... earlier this year i cut my following list to less of half because of people not streaming anymore.
Just yesterday i asked romscout why he wasn't streaming anymore, if it was for work/school stuff or just because he's tired.
I'm ok with people moving on with their lives and to a certain point it's almost expected that people in their late teens/early twenties move on after 3 or so years of doing only speedruns but selfishly i thought that this thing of the speedrun community was going to last.
Nowadays of the old guard remain only zfg and werster that streams regularly... kinda sad.
Fake Edit: Ok i'm watching yesterday's stream of Cosmo, essentially he's studying math, physics and i think computer science because he see similarities with speedrunning problems so he can move on from just entertaining people on the internet and doing more important stuff. He will now only focus on Goldeneye Individual Levels and OoT All Dungeons.
What can i say... can't blame him for trying more stuff but it's extremely sad and i don't think i'll follow him anymore as he'll do two extremely boring games to watch (for me at least).
unfollowed a bunch of people who gained followers by latching on to the speed run scene and now only do variety streams with memes and other patronizing crap with "cool layouts"
So I broke the mystical sub 1 hour mark in Zero Mission 100%
Had a great run all the way up to the escape, when the workbot decided to troll me and wouldn't get out of the way at all. Then as I was going for spark I got hit by a pirate. Even so, I finished with about -40s (after Iron Ted I was -1:15). What annoys me is if I'd have got a good escape, it could even have been a 58!
Twitch highlight of the run is here:
So, romscout just got a new PB/WR - 17:15 in SotN. And he says there's still time to be shaved off.
And this is a downside how?
Yea, smaller streams usually have good chats.Honestly it depends on the chat. Most of the time it's pretty bad, but sometimes there's some really chill chats (especially in smaller streams).
My chat's pretty good, but then again I only get about ten viewers on average![]()
i had 500 once and it was just people spamming dongs
i had 500 once and it was just people spamming dongs
It's funny, cause I've seen chats of that volume also be super civil. Romscout's chat often has 500+ viewers but there's sometimes phases where nobody says anything for like 30 minutes still lol.
easy explanation
i was speed running sm64
Did you get raided or something?i had 500 once and it was just people spamming dongs
Yeah, I'm definitely not a huge streamer. I used to average 30-50 earlier this year doing SM64 because I streamed at odd enough hours to capture a European following.Did you get raided or something?
AGDQ 2015 schedule is up right here.
AGDQ 2015 schedule is up right here.