Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Pardon me sir but this is a bubble free zone
Hehe your too quick for me to spring it on you anyways!
Pardon me sir but this is a bubble free zone
Oh I know exactly what your talking about I was going for the kill on Ragnarok, didn't know you wanted me to paint the ground, that's just a miscommunication. I did get the kill but he killed me as well.
I honestly think I would have killed you first if Azure didn't jump in front it's kinda hard to hit someone with a charger when a teammate is standing between you and them.Guys guys. What's important is that I killed both of you ;D
Probably would have taken out Walkman without dying if Azure J's meat shield hadn't happened to to pop up out of nowhere, lol.
Ah no more tower control :/
I hate when the carbon and kraken are together. I can't tell which is which and they both require a different approach.
3 chargers in turf wars ain't a good time
We had a 5 charger gaf room a while back.
You are a few hours late, on the other hand, splatzones is back so yay!I just logged on, where on earth is Tower Control? This isn't a good strategy, Nintendo.
We had a 5 charger gaf room a while back.Replyied to the wrong post. :
I wanna play with yaprobably the wrong room, Zero
Could I please for the love of gawd get a team that understands that Saltspray Rig Turf War is basically SplatZones. It's not exactly the same thing, obviously, but it would be nice if they at least noticed that big area at the top of the map.
Getting repeatedly 1v2'd or 1v3 by Dynamo Rollers and bunnyhopping blasters is a special circle of hell.
Yeah me too.huh, comm error in the lobby
I just logged on, where on earth is Tower Control? This isn't a good strategy, Nintendo.
thats what i'm saying. I realized when i was lvl 6 that north plus mid vs the entire rest of the map still wins. Like literally all the other pathways dont matter.